She transmigrated and started different life

Chapter 260 - 260. Illo's plans

While one side started learning secret techniques, on the other side Kendra played happily with two babies and Cyan Jade. ''Cyan Jade, young babies from our kind do not understand much like you. You already know what I speak but babies don't understand one word as they speak their own language. I assume at least. So your duty from now on is to teach them a few things. You already understand your powers, right?''

Cyan Jade nodded. Even tho this ancient is still baby, it had more knowledge than most people and creatures. She was curious. Is it inherited knowledge? But why does it not speak? Is it the same as a child? Until a certain age and then talking or is it just introvert?

''Cyan Jade, tell me, can to talk?'' Kendra softly stroke its fur on ears.

It looked deeply into her eyes and with a huge sigh shook its head.

''Oh, then it's same maybe like with Fluffy. He couldn't talk because the energy in his body was bound so it wouldn't hurt someone. You have a similar situation right?'' Kenda saw it nodding and patted its head. ''Don't worry. When your body is ready, you will be able to talk. Until then just enjoy being baby. About these kid's powers... Never mind. They have us. You need to learn many things as well. So stay nearby and listen to our words. Maybe some things you can learn while we discuss it. Ok?''

Cuan Jade just nodded and jumped into her hands. Kendra hugged him softly and felt wet thong licking her face. She started chuckling and laughing trying to escape while Cyan Jade had fun chasing her face to luck here and there.

Looking at Kendra laughing happily while small animals played with her and two babies staring at them in astonishment, Grounding Fairy sect people were standing and watching them with big smiles. Actually, a child laugh has a soothing feeling. It was the same no matter what world it is.

While the Grounding Fairy sect had fun, the sects that felt fist waves of winter and as well fist cultivators among them. Power battles started happening inside sects and guild itself. Deadly and bloody battles for power that brought many people to the city.

Illo's group had tens of cultivators that found new strength and power and they started using and abusing it. Among them, even Illo himself got his powers back. Of course not as strong as he had them at that time, but strong enough to attack many guilds and villages.

He was still wary of four places. Laura's fishing village, warrior village, Kendra's village and the city.

But seeing that there was no one from Kendra's village protecting the city, they stopped worrying. Illo was somehow reluctant to attack the city, no matter how much he resents Jason and Sirius. But as now the new head of the city was from Sect his sect resent, he chose to attack the city, no matter if they were women or not.

But the strangest thing happened. No matter how much they tried to near the city perimeter, they couldn't. No matter from what corner they tried to come in, they couldn't.

Illo stood on the border between forest and the stone field where the city was, but something stopped him and his people that had powers entering. ''What is this?''

He tried to push finger towards that spot and as a high stone wall, there was some invisible barrier standing high.

''Did they make a shield around the city. Chief, what if they have power users just like us. Think about it. So many pregnant women and children are in the city, they would probably send their power user here. Won't they?'' One of his people pointed at the guards at the city gates.

He shook his head. ''To hold such barrier they must be all on same spot as our powers work better only if we are together. Send one of our normal people inside to check what is going on. Maybe they can find the information.''

One of his guildmates that joined guild later on but had a huge experience stood by the side and chuckled. ''Illo, no matter what it is, this is not a normal barrier. Someone here knows formations.''

Everyone turned at the man and saw his face being cold but calm. He actually usually chose not to join them and made his own house ven before others did. But still, no one dared to reproach him as he lived for hundreds of years as an independent cultivator.

Few guildmates thought he was no more powerful so they tried to harm him, but in front of everyone's eyes, he ripped their throats out and smiled just like now.

''I have no intention either fighting you or joining you. Just stating the fact. This is not a common barrier like you know it. It's a barrier that was produced by someone who we thought would never exist. If you find that person, do not even try to harm him, or her. That person is most precious in any world, even on God's level. Just slight warning as ex-guildmates. I am leaving now. You are from now on free of me. After we leave this world, I will leave your guild, too dirty.'' Then he suddenly disappeared.

The other man just pointed at the spot where that person stood and then spit on the ground. ''Like we need him. I have no idea why we were whole time careful around him. We are more. He can kill few of us but not all.'' But his logic is strange. None in the guild would willingly jump to attack him and die.

Cultivators protected their lives even more than mortals. As they had reason to work hard on their cultivation. they wouldn't just go and try to die wildly. In this world even if they were not cultivators until now, they knew earlier or later they will come out that world. That means their powers would be back and they would become cultivators again.

They gave up their ordinary life as all they did was cultivating. So attacking a powerful person even knowing that you will be annihilated, no normal cultivator would do that. They would turn the other way as fast they could run as fast they could.

Illo just chuckled. ''If you think you can handle him, go. I won't stop you, but you cant take any others with you. I have no wish that more of my people die here.'' His words held such devious straight that others looked at him with idolization.

But that kind of attitude will alter on bring them a bunch of trouble.