She transmigrated and started different life

Chapter 233 - 233.The egg cultivates

Kendra stepped inside the cocoon and saw the Thing floating quietly. ''Asleep maybe?''

''Maybe. Should we feed him? Or should we wait until others arrive as well?'' Isaa had deep feelings for this creature. Of course, its well being was first on the list.

''I will pick up the first batch of people and you stay here. Cultivate straight away after you feed the baby. I will be right back.'' Kendra sent a couple of whisps towards the strangely shaped egg and left.

The whisps slowly came closer and as they touched the shell it started to vibrate slightly and then stopped. Isaa chuckled. ''Now you are awake as it seems. Come, let me feed you.''

She slowly gathered a bunch of whisps and started spraying them all over the place. Kendra told her it was safer that way and it seems that the Thing didn't mind.

As she slowly emptied her energy her pearl of power started turning more and more. Isaa closed her eyes and slowly entered the pure state of cultivation. In this stated most cultivators are extremely vulnerable to attack as they could only concentrate completely for their inner life.

As the powers pearl turned it excluded faint light that covered the whole body of the cultivator. The egg slowly rolled towards her and stopped just a few inches away from her body. Slowly it started vibrating in the same way as the light excluded by Isaa had the frequency or pattern.

While he did that it seemed like they breathed at the same time. But nothing of that was seen by Isaa. By the time Kendra came back, the Thing was again floating in the same place and Isaa was sitting and cultivating.

The first that she brought was sain animal Siu. She had no idea when the Thing will change the shape or come out of the egg, so she wanted to give this animal the chance to see something rarely seen.

Siu just stood there in awe. Completely flabbergasted when suddenly the egg flew in extreme speed towards him. It slowly floated around him and after he made couple circles it slumped down and rolled towards Isaa. There it's just planted itself between her legs as she sat with crossed legs and it looked as it cuddled.

Unconsciously Isaa put the hands on the egg and just continued to cultivate while Kendra just sighed. ''Isaa likes the egg and eggs like her. No wonder that Fluffy liked her. I understand now. Now many things are clearer.''

Siu rubbed his head on her body. ''Thank you for bringing me here. Unfortunately, I can't have a human form in this world, yet. I would love to touch it and hug it as well. Strange feeling. At least for me who lived so long.''

''The feelings have no age...'' Kendra smiled at him and patted his head as they stared at spoiled Thing's antics.

As it could not feel any real response the Thing slowly started floating and was about to leave when Kendra released whisp of power. It suddenly flew towards her and cuddled inside her arms while summing. Kendra chuckled. ''Good child. I need to go and will come back. I promise. You need to cultivate like mom Isaa as well. Look what she is doing and do the same. It is good for you. Understood?''

The egg summed one more time and then literally jumped out her hands and rolled back to Isaa. But this time it didn't cuddle with her then rolled next to her and started doing the same thing, or at least it tried. As they had no idea what was going on inside egg they could only assume.

Sui was surprised. ''Is it so intelligent already? I never knew...''

On Kendra's face, a huge smile appeared and she proudly stated. ''Our baby is a smart baby. We are truly proud of it. When it comes out we will teach it so many things. I am sure that the egg will turn out to be an amazing baby. Look how fats it learns. Good baby.''

She slowly strode there and hugged the baby sending straight into it few whisps and then stepped back. ''Baby, be good to mama Isaa. She is a good person and loves you very, very much. I love you as well. Hm?''

The egg slightly bounced and then became still again. San animal went closer and in stillness watched the egg and then inhaled deeply. ''It understood what she is doing?! It is really cultivating!''

Kendra chuckled. ''Yes. It is really cultivating. I need to get others. Do you want to say here for a while or do you wanna come back?''

Sain animal shook with his head. ''I will stay here. I can't miss even a minute from now.''

''Should I bring you some food or something?'' But seeing him shake his head she chuckled. Saint animal is nothing else than an animal that cultivated as well. It will get a human form after cultivating for a long time. For him, eating is just secondary. He can live for years even if not for centuries just from cultivating. There shouldn't be any problem for him to stay here for a longer time.

When she went back and picked more people among them was Sirius and Cynthia. She rose her eyebrow when he chuckled. ''The sooner I go the sooner I will be back. I want to be here when the baby arrives.''

Cynthia had the same idea. ''Yes, he is right. We need to come back first. I will just stay there to stabilize my sea of power. Lately, it is strangely vibrating. Maybe I overdid t?''

Kendra shook her head. ''No. It seems that you are about to form your basic pearl of power. I will explain to you how I did it and you can use the knowledge of your own and choose what is the easiest way. You need to concentrate. I think the presence of the egg will help you quite a bit.''

Happiness appeared on her face. Among them, all only Isaa and Kendra have formed the real pearl of power. If she could do the same, wouldn't that be great?

When they got close to the mountain the pressure form the formation made them almost lose breath. Kendra made strange movements while whisperings strange spells and then the pressure lessened and they flew higher. The darkness and strange fog enveloped them making them feel scared deep in their soul but as they flew out of it all they could see is a humongous cloud stuck straight on the mountain.

Sirius gasped. ''How much energy did you need to make this ?'' Last time even the Cloudy was formed with the help of everyone for so long, how did she od this?

''I actually didn't produce this. It is the array. I used some of my energy and made a new kind of formation that can do this. But it is unmovable. Like a stone to a mountain. This is nothing else than real clouds and inside is the real deal.

As they entered the inside of cocoon they all gasped one more time by the comfortable feeling inside. Of course, they could see Isaa sitting in the center and cultivating while the egg was right next to her.

''Now everyone please make a circle and I will ask the baby to go in mid so all of you can help it grow and grow yourself. Trust me on this.'' She made them sit next to each other including Isaa in a circle and as soon they did that Egg just rolled to middle itself like it new her intention and started rolling and jumping. Making everyone frightened.

''What if it brakes?'' Cynthia was worried but as soon she sat down she couldn't stop herself from cuddling on the floor as well. ''What is this. So comfortable. This is amazing.''

Everyone couldn't help to start playing around. Rolling and slithering just like Isa and Kendra for the first time, making Kendra laugh out loud. ''Ok, all of you now it is time to cultivate, you can play later on.''

Most of them had huge pout while Sirius touche floor and smile brightly. ''I think we can bring our babies here. It is safe and it seems that egg knows about our presence and how much energy he can take o not take. Maybe we can bring Anita just for a bit inside? I would love her to be here inside.''

Kendra nodded. ''After you go back speak to her. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to do that. For baby is maybe not bad as well.''

She had a strange feeling that if she brought the two pregnant women here many surprises would await all of them. What if egg could help them to safely deliver or make babies smarter? Mae the babies would be born with good base for cultivation and understanding as well?

So many if's. But for now, it is important to explain to them. Everything...