Shameless Ghost King Is My Husband!

Chapter 223 - Alt. Epilogue: 7 Of 10- I Want To Kiss You

There were congratulations given to his friend and small talks, but Ying Yue was too busy with understanding that the son was Wang Li, who had the same birthday as him, and was to be arranged into marriage.

\'Wait! Marriage?! Is he not too young?\'

He felt a tug and he stumbled, following Wang Li through a room to the gardens, to the end of the street.

"Are you alright, Ah Yue?"


A squeeze to his hand had him sputtering out.

"Today is your birthday too? Why didn\'t you tell me? And, and you are going to be married?! Aren\'t you too young? What is happening?!"

"It is," Wang Li turned back to the mansion, "Ah Yue, I will meet you at your place. Where are you staying?"

"Um…" he searched his phone and showed his friend.

"Wait for me, Ah Yue."


Ying Yue was about to call for a ride, but Wang Li did it for him. The man who picked his friend up at his house brought the car around. He glanced at Wang Li and the man smiled at him. So, getting into the car, he was dropped off at the motel. Entering his room, he took off his mask and stripped into his red pajamas with white bunnies his mother bought for him.

His stomach growled and he realized he hadn\'t eaten the entire time.

He wondered if he could call for food to be delivered, since the motel did not provide meal services. As he contemplated, he then realized Wang Li was going to meet him in his room. Quickly sitting up, he cleaned the area and made sure it was spotless. He brushed his teeth and made sure to place his gifted mask on the table.

He smiled staring at how intricate and beautiful it was. He knew it was costly and a part of him felt bad Wang Li spent that much money on him, but the other part was extremely pleased and grateful. He heard a knock at his door and he looked through the peephole. His lips stretched into a grin and he opened his door.

"Ah Li, that was really fast."

"I missed you."

Wang Li stated it like it was simple, and that did things to his insides. Clearing his throat, he stepped to the side for his friend to enter. He saw the suitcase rolled by and a pink box in Wang Li\'s hand. Locking the door, Ying Yue followed to sit on the bed. He watched as Wang Li rolled his suitcase to a stop by his duffle bag and brought the pink box over.

"Close your eyes, Ah Yue."

"Eh? Why?"


Ying Yue smiled into a giggle and nodded. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and relaxed. He could hear shuffling and noises, before the bed dipped. He felt fingers pushed his strands away from his face to tuck behind his ears.

"Okay, Ah Yue. Open them."

When Ying Yue opened his eyes, the gold in them sparkled seeing what was before him.

In the pink box was a cake, on that cake was decorations of plum blossom frostings and his name written in blue. It read, \'Happy Birthday to my gracious host and friend, Ying Yue.\'

"If I had piping, I would add, \'and my respectful guest and friend, Wang Li.\'"

His friend grinned and a spoon was held out to him. They ate the cake silently, with their eyes glancing at one another from time to time. When their eyes caught, they would smile and looked back at the cake. Not wanting to eat anymore, Ying Yue rubbed his stomach and grinned.

"Thank you, Ah Li. If I had known, I would have given you a gift too."

Wang Li smiled and his silver eyes softened. Fingers reached out to wipe a frosting at the corner of his lips, before dragging over them. He parted it subconsciously and he felt the frosting at his lips. Licking it, he smiled at his friend who was just staring at him pensively.

"Is something wrong?"

"I want to kiss you."



"Wh… What?" He asked quietly as his face flushed deeply.

"Ah, I… I apologize, Ah Yue. You just look very beautiful, is all."


Ying Yue watched Wang Li put the leftover cake into the small fridge at the corner of the room and throw the plastic silverware away. He watched his friend enter the restroom and was in there for a while. He laid down on the bed rolling over what Wang Li said and he found his heart racing quickly.

\'He… He wants to kiss me?! What… I…\'

He covered his face by pulling his top to cover up his nose. His golden eyes moved to see Wang Li exit the bathroom with his face and hair damp.

"I\'ll sleep on the floor, Ah Yue."

"You… You are spending the night with me?"

"Is that alright? I could return if-"

"No, no. I… the bed is nice and comfy, Ah Li," he spoke softly with a smile.

"The floor still is a contender," Wang Li smiled back just as soft.

They stared at one another for a moment and Ying Yue knew since the first time his heart was acting strange when he met Wang Li to now, he knew there was no way his heart would ever stop. He felt his face warming up and he looked away covering his lips.

"Please, Ah Li. Join me."

He looked at his friend from under his lashes and the silver eyed male stood hesitantly. Turning off the lights, he slipped under the cover and Ying Yue did the same. They stared at one another, just like in his room on the floor. Fingers touched his face and he sighed with a smile, moving closer to Wang Li. Their faces were close and Ying Yue bit his lips, watching soft silver eyes observing him.

"Ah Li, I… I didn\'t bring a gift with me so… if you… if you want a kiss… we, we can," he stuttered out as his freckles hid behind his flush.

"You are my gift, Ah Yue."

Ah, Wang Li and his flowery words… They always made his heart bursts in beautiful colors.

"Then… I want a kiss."

Silver eyes widened before they crinkled. He felt the puffs against his face from the chuckle before his lips were covered. Closing his golden eyes, he pressed his lips against Wang Li\'s. He never kissed anyone before, so he hoped he was doing it right. Wang Li leaned closer, bring his back flat on the mattress. His mouth parted when he felt lips suckling his own like little massages that vibrated down his bones.

Tip of a tongue pushed in slowly, tasting his mouth and his fingers clenched onto his friend\'s shirt.

"Mmph," He sounded trembling lightly.

Wang Li pulled back and Ying Yue panted for breath. His chest was heaving, and his face was warm, no, his entire body was burning. His lips felt tingly and swollen, like he had eaten spicy peppers. He felt fingers pushed his hair out of his face and he blinked away the haze.

"Did you enjoy your gift?"

Nodding his head, he sighed and smiled.