Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

30 30 stories "The First Team of Hyakuso Renma"

After parting ways with Elysia, I headed towards the royal castle that stands in the center of the capital.

On the way, I met up with someone I knew.

"What's with the 'job'? No one gave you such an order, though.

Chris, a woman with light red hair wearing a black military uniform, said in a dumbfounded manner.

Apparently, she had been eavesdropping on me and Elysia's conversation.

I don't think she was wearing a wire, but ...... well, that's what people in the Bureau do. There's a million ways they could have done this. Maybe one of his men was lurking near us, and he told Chris what we were saying.

If I don't do it, someone else will. It's called caring for your ex-dog.

"...... acting on your own is asking for an accident.

That's why I'm talking to Chris.

Chris let out a sigh as he said that.

Then he gave me a black bag that he had left on the ground.

"Here's what you want. Please check it.

I took the bag from Chris and opened the lid.

What was in the bag was a black bracelet.

"How's the maintenance?

Well maintained. I've recreated some of your old habits.

That's good to know. ...... Incidentally, has anyone used it recently?

"A few people tried it out six months ago, but that was it. As I said before, no one could use it as well as you, so it had to go into storage.

...... I have mixed feelings about this. So the buddy you used to carry around with you is now gathering dust in a dimly lit warehouse?

"It's not our intention either. It's very powerful, and I'd like to make use of it somehow, but since there's no successor, it can't be helped.

I nodded at Chris's explanation.

As I looked at the black bracelet, I felt nostalgic.

With a familiar motion, I put the bracelet on my left wrist. It felt exactly the same as it had back then.

As I felt the nostalgic weight of the ring on my arm, I suddenly said something that made me think.

But after all this time, I'm surprised you're still willing to help me. I'm sure you had a tough night last night.

If that's what you think, you should feel sorry for me. I did a lot of work to get Elysia to fall for the fake Roberto, you know? The dummy was also quite expensive.

I don't have any ...... on me. Put it on my tab.

Don't worry, the Bureau will pay for it.

I had my doubts about that answer.

...... Does that mean the Bureau approves of this operation?

I can't explain it in detail, but you can take it that way. I can't explain it in detail, but you can take it that way. Of course, you can't bring it up otherwise.

Chris pointed at the black bracelet I was holding.

"By the way, you know that if ...... the mission fails, we'll cut you loose. You'll have to act accordingly. ...... Well, I'm sure that won't be a problem for you.

I shook my head at Chris's words.



This is my first battle.

Not for my country.

So it's for Elysia? --That's not it either.

From here on out, it's all about my ego.

Today. For the first time in my life, I'm killing an enemy for me.