Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

124 34"Baren-Steelen"

I approached Baren, narrowly avoiding a crimson barrage.

"...... Hey, hey, hey.

In the beginning, Baren's face was smug and relaxed, but gradually he began to show signs of frustration.

You can't predict when, where or what kind of magic the wearer will use. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

You're probably about the same level of proficiency in body-enhancing magic. But I seem to have the upper hand in close combat skills.

He took a half-step back and forced himself to move out of the way, then unleashed the Flame Cannon from his palm.

However, it was easy to read the line of fire for a desperate shot. With a minimum of movement, he evades the bombardment and swings out the dagger he created with Materialization.

I can't believe it!

With a flip of his body, Baren evaded the blade.

It was supposed to hit him in the shoulder, but it only lightly slashed his cheek.

As Baren retreated, I also retreated lightly.

Both of us kept our distance and caught our breath.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. ......

"...... Ha!

Baren laughs.

Then he raised his hand above his head...

"Don't you dare!

The next moment, gunfire came from all sides.

The power and speed of the gunfire was an order of magnitude greater than before. I didn't know he was still hiding this much power. ...... I quickly jumped backwards diagonally to avoid it.

The gunfire hit my left ankle and I felt a burning pain.

It's not just the magic, but the trajectory of it as well.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out after just one look.

It's an extraordinary skill.

It's rare to find a wearer of the belt, but this may be the first time I've seen someone who knows how to use it so well.

I'm sure you'll be able to tell me more about .......

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.

I don't know why I'm doing this ...... thing.

With his hands on his hips, Baren muttered.

I'm not sure what you mean.

I'm not sure what you mean by that," he continued.

Do you know that three students from the Builders Academy took part in the last war?

"...... Yeah. You're one of them.

There were three students who participated in the war.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea.

It's not public knowledge,......, but that was just the beginning. The kingdom was also preparing for the next round of the war, starting with our participation.

The next invasion.

When I heard those disturbing words from Balen, I thought of a possibility.

"The draft?

Yes. Yes, and only at our school.

I'd never heard of that.

But it's possible.

Originally, the students at Builders Academy were selected and trained to be the best. But at that time, there was only the Heroic Course, and students had to pass the fierce examinations that Elysia and I had to go through to even become students.

If this country were to consider a draft, the first to be expected as a fighting force would be the students of the Builders Academy. They would certainly be more effective than any adults.

Fortunately, the war ended earlier than planned and the draft was not issued. Fortunately, the war ended ahead of schedule and no draft was issued, but those of us who were in the war before ...... saw hell.

Baren said in a voice that sounded as if he was stifling his anger.

"We killed a lot of people, and we were almost killed a lot of times. But Ix and I barely survived. But ...... Frau is dead. ...... We weren't ready. I'm not sure what to make of that.

You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

I can't help but understand how you feel. I, too, have been through that hell and lost countless friends. However, I was raised to be a tool of war from the beginning, so I was prepared. I never regretted it like Balen did.

......, but the war is over now.

How can you be so sure?

Baren said sharply.

You never know when the fifth war of heroes and demons is going to happen.

That was the only thing he said that was unquestionably true.

There are many theories about when the War of Valor will begin. But none of them have been confirmed. So, in the end, the human side is always forced to take a backward step.

It's too late to start a war. In fact, the world today is still unstable. You never know what will happen. You never know what's going to happen. ...... The bigwigs in the country may have gotten their heads out of their asses, but the wrinkles of such carelessness will come back to haunt us!

I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not sure what to do. It's a good idea to take a look at the latest news on the web.

So I'm going to burn a clear sense of urgency into this country once and for all. ...... before the incompetents sit on their laurels in a tentative peace.

While Baren's ideas were radical, they could not be dismissed outright.

In fact, there are many who plan to use this tentative peace to gain new profits. In fact, there are many people who are planning to take advantage of this tentative peace to gain new profits, including the management of the school who supported the establishment of the regular course. More than half of them are probably turning a blind eye to the current unstable situation.

I understand the logic behind .......

At least Baren isn't acting without thinking.

But it's going to cost us too much.

He says, remembering last night's battle.

What's the sense of urgency after causing so much damage to the city, after causing so much suffering to innocent people? The hypocrisy has grown to such an extent that it is extremely annoying.

If possible, I'd like him to cool down in a peaceful way, but ...... seems harsh.

You know what? You know exactly what I'm talking about!

"You know exactly what I mean!" laughs Balen in a good mood.

It's a good idea to take a look at your own personal life.

With a wry smile on his face, Balen asked.

It's not a technology for shooting out magic, but a technology for wearing ...... all kinds of magic (・・・・). The more advanced the magic, and the more of it you wear at the same time, the more powerful the belt becomes.

With a bang, Baren's palm became electrified.

The lightning quickly surged through Baren's body. It was as if the power was pouring out of the vessel of his body.

My maximum number of belts is eight. --I'm not proud of it, but I've never seen anyone with more than me.