Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

191 Episode 184: Visit to the Kingdom of Galark

A few days after Hiroaki made a commotion in his rendezvous with Rio. It's about that night. Rio was in the cafeteria of the Rodanian mansion, having dinner with Celia, who came home after her lecture. By the way, I tell my maids Angela and Sophie that no service is necessary during the meal, so it's just Rio and Celia now.

"That's why I'm supposed to be able to go with you to the Kingdom of Galark. Nice to meet you."

Celia smiles happily and reports to Rio.

"Is the lecture in Rodania okay?

Rio glanced small and asked Celia. Yes, finally, tomorrow, Rio will head to Galluk, the king's capital of the Kingdom of Gallurk. The main purpose of the visit is to meet with Shark Moon, but greetings to François before the building, the honorary knight of the Kingdom of Galark, are also included among the aims.

The move was a magic ship owned by Restoracion and it had been decided to accompany Christina and Flora, but Celia expected Rio to be well away because of her lectures in Rodania.

By the way, Christina is headed to Galtuk to greet King Francois on his newly appointed representative of Restoration, so Flora is headed to Galtuk to provide survival reports and briefings in the wake of the missing disturbances.

"Yeah, because after my return from the Kingdom of Galark, I took the form of tweaking by giving intensive lectures. Christina and Flora asked me to come in the form of an escort."

And Celia tells you in a good mood.

"I see. With those two invitations, you can't even say no."

Rio was good at keeping his mouth shut.

"Yeah.... oh, so. Looks like we're supposed to stop by Amand tomorrow before we head to Gartuk."

"Can I help you?

"It seems that the magic ship I flew to make sure it was safe has extended its legs to Amando, but Master Lieselotte has decided to accompany me."

"Master Lieselotte..."

"Yeah. It turns out that Master Flora is still alive, and he'd love to be accompanied by a greeting.... and then when I heard that Rio would accompany you, he said he wanted to see you because he needed to talk to you?

Celia says so and peeks softly at Rio's expression.

"I see...... Okay."

And Rio answers with a slight idea. It was not until Rio sent Christina to Rodania that she met her. At that time, it was impressive that...

- I beg your pardon, does Sir Amakawa believe in something called a previous life?

and is a dialogue inadvertently spoken by Lieselotte. Eventually, at that time, the conversation ended with Leezelotte, and the topic flowed in the form of another opportunity, but maybe there is some action during this visit to Galtuk. Rio had a hunch so. And -,

"That's right, after heading to the Kingdom of Galark, I'm going to go around greeting acquaintances, as I told you beforehand, but before I do, I'm going to make a bath in this house."

Rio changes the subject.


Celia opened her eyes and expressed interest.

"Yeah, because Isiah told me that Celia wanted to come in while I was away"

Rio laughs and says.

"Also, already. Even Isiah wanted to come in."

Celia blushed her cheeks shyly.

"Haha, of course Isiah said she wanted in."

(Yeah, I want in)

When Rio laughs strangely, Isiah's voice sounds.

"So, but, okay? Isn't Rio in trouble?

and Celia asked, staring at Rio's face sitting across the street.

"No. I'll have all the ingredients I need while I'm on my way to the Kingdom of Galark, so I think I can make them in a week or two. I want to take a bath while I live in this house, too. Not in the Rock House facility, but look forward to it.

Rio tells Eagle Deep Fried. Each magic item provided in the Rock House is powered by a high-purity spiritual stone, so it is always supplied with luxurious magic. For this reason, a living environment is constructed that completely ignores the water situation in the Strahl region, where water can be served all you want and hot water can be used all you want, but if a similar living environment is built in this house, various technical circumstances may be explored. Therefore, we need to dare to drop the specs and make it a facility to the extent that we can manage to reproduce it even at the level of magic in the Strahl region.

"... yeah, thanks!

Celia broke her face happily.

◇ ◇ ◇

And the next morning. When Rio boarded the Restoration-owned Magic Ship with Celia, the Magic Ship with the two of them went for the Kingdom of Galark and left Rodania with the convoy of escorts.

The first one on the way is Amando, who collects the Lieselotte. When he arrived at Amando before lunch, Rieselotte, who had been ready to board, was immediately on board and was set to leave at noon for the king's capital, Galtuk.

The ship Rizelotte boarded also boarded Rio and Celia and Flora in Cristina, and as soon as they left, they would be invited by the princess and sisters and would be welcomed by the five in the salon on board.

Four people indoors, Celia, Christina, Flora and Liezelotte, sit back on the couch, with only Vanessa, the other nearby side, holding back on the wall.

Meanwhile, as requested by Flora, "Master Hart wants to have another cup of tea brewed," Rio decided to prepare a five-person cup of tea to come to the celebration in a hot water space provided for the salon.

"Thank you for waiting"

When Rio prepares tea for the number of people, he heads to the couch where the four of them sit. Then pour the steamed tea in the pot into the cup with a familiar hand.

"... boulder, that smells good"

Christina sucks the aroma of standing up swooshly, softly breaking up with each other.

"Yes, I'm happy"

Flora nodded and smiled happily at her face. Rio then offers the cups in the order of high ranking Christina, Flora and Lieselotte.

"Go ahead."

"Thank you, Sir Amakawa"

"Thank you, Master Hart"

And so on, Christina and Flora, who say thank you.

"And Master Lieselotte."

"I'm afraid, Master Hart"

Lieselotte also thanked him by meeting carefully.

"Go ahead, Celia"

"Thank you, Hart"

Celia also thanked herself with a smile when tea was offered before her. And Rio sat down with his tea on his desk at the end. That's how the five-man tea party starts.

First I enjoy the smell and flavour of tea while it's hot, and I tell my mouth what I think -,

"... By the way, do you not need a brave man for this visit to Galtuk?

Leezelotte asked if he wondered that there was no Hiroaki on this occasion. Then, Christina smiles bitterly and opens her mouth a little badly.

"I am truly ashamed to ask the brave to be cautious in Rodania"


Leezelotte blinked her eyes in a flash.

"Yes, because there was more disrespectful behavior toward Sir Amakawa than no more, and the power of the Divine Costume was rampant and about to become catastrophic."

Christina snorts. Yes, during this visit to Gartuk, Hiroaki, a brave man, had been ordered to be away by Christina. The reason is part of the prudential disposition in the wake of the disturbance caused by the arrangement with Rio.

The day after Rio also made the arrangements, Christina had received an immediate official apology, explaining how Christina was taking Hiroaki's delinquency seriously.

"... that's, what..."

Lieselotte doesn't know what to say, he just glances.

"When we held a party about saving Flora, the brave man applied to Lord Amakawa for a dueling-stained arrangement. The brave man was defeated once during that match. But you can't lose if you use the power of the Divine Costume after that, and you lose after using the power of the Divine Costume. As a result, Sir Amakawa used the Devil's Sword to prevent damage to the audience as it was about to be caused by an attack by a divine costume that lost control. I apologize to Lord Amakawa for the burden he has placed on me."

And, Christina did not cover up the situation and explained it scratchy. And take a big sigh of sigh and meet Rio small.

"It doesn't mean there was any real harm as far as I'm concerned, and I can't ask His Highness to apologize so many times, so please don't worry"

Rio smiled bitterly and responded to Christina.

"It's the thought of losing my head. Nevertheless, it has been a good opportunity for you to know how brave you are not allowed to do whatever you want. In that sense, I would like to thank Lord Amakawa."

And, Christina says.

"That's enough."

Rio drowned this solemnly. Meanwhile -,

(I thought I'd do it one day, but you seem to have committed another brilliant lapse. Well, are you still better off just because you manage to take it back? It must be a headache for Christina...)

Liezelotte thinks about it as he listens. From the standpoint, as a Lieselotte, I can't do Hiroaki, or say that it was a disaster for Rio, etc., which can mean indirect Hiroaki, so I can no longer talk about this topic. So...

"Anyway, if you would like to hear about Lord Hart's work, His Majesty King François would be delighted. Because he saved Christina, who ran away from the Kingdom of Beltram, and also saved the missing Flora. I thought Satsuki might be looking forward to seeing Hart."

and Liezelotte changed the subject in the bright direction.

"If so, it's an honor. I look forward to seeing you, too."

Rio smiles and responds to Lieselotte.

"I am not particularly excited to see Master Satsuki even as I am. Because I am strongly interested in seeing what a brave man summoned to the Kingdom of Galark looks like."

Christina suggested she was interested in Shark Moon. In addition to being the first person to meet Sharon, I guess I still care about the brave men who belong to other countries.

"I didn't really enjoy the opportunity to talk to you when I was staying in the Kingdom of Galark at the night club either, so I'd like to take the time to talk to you this time, if possible"

And, Flora also speaks. In her case, Sharon and Hiroaki's horses didn't fit in very well and only had the minimal facade needed because they weren't trying to get close to each other.

"He's polite, approachable, and intelligent, so I was wondering if the two of you would be willing to get involved right away"

Rio thought of the person portrait of Sharon and said so. In fact, Shark Moon does not have the personality to look down or offend the person he treats with due gratitude, so Christina or Flora would be able to get close as soon as they wanted to. If only Hiroaki hadn't...

"If that's what Sir Amakawa says, I'm looking forward to seeing you more and more."

Christina flashed her mouth.

◇ ◇ ◇

Then, a few hours later, the demon ship carrying the Rio's finally arrived in the Wang capital, Galtuk. When the Magic Ship is moored in the harbor, the arrival of Christina is promptly conveyed to the Royal Castle within reach.

When Christina and the others took a short delay to the Royal Castle, they were smoothly led to the reception room in the castle without any stopping.

Now Christina, Flora, Celia, Rio and Liezelotte sit back on the couch and await the arrival of King François and the others. In a few minutes, the door to the reception room opens.

From there he emerged to King François of Galarc, Michelle the First Prince and Charlotte the Second Princess. And it is Sharon, a brave man belonging to the Kingdom of Galark.

When the Rio and the others stood together, they welcomed François and the others. Then...

"No, it's good to see you, Princess Christina, and Princess Flora."

Francois first welcomes Christina and Flora, the princesses.

"I'm afraid His Majesty will welcome you himself, despite the sudden push"

Christina represented the group and politely greeted them.

"What, there was also the noise of the subdragon, and guests from other countries have been interrupted for some time now. It's been a long time since I've had a king-like diplomacy, and I'm out of profits."

François responds to Eagle Deep Friends.

"We make a lot of noise about the subdragon. My late greeting to the Restoration, of course, about Flora."

That's what Christina said and saw about Flora standing next door.

"We have heard of Princess Christina's appointment as the representative of Restoration, as well as of Princess Flora. It was a disaster, but it is a shame that we could see it this way. Something tells me Hart's active."

Francois says so, joyfully carving a grin and turning his gaze to Rio.

"Yes, I owe Lord Amakawa and Flora an unrequited debt of gratitude."

Cristina solemnly drowns this against Rio.

"It's a waste of your time"

Rio also drowned this way deeply.

"I think I can hear all kinds of interesting souvenir stories, and it depends on my rush. Lord Satsuki's been waiting a long time to see Hart again."

François looses his licence with a nigga and looks at Sharon.

"I wasn't waiting for anything else, but it's been a long time, Mr. Hart. Sounds like a lot of work."

Sharon pointed her lips a little embarrassed, pretending to have a rude tone and speaking to Rio.