Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

186 Episode 180: Victory to Your Highness.

"Why don't you and I duel?

Hiroaki offers Rio a duel, wondering if he showed up at random. Immediately after, the air on the spot obviously changed. Rio, Celia, Cristina, Flora and everyone of them push to figure out the sincerity of Hiroaki's statement. But it's slightly...

"... oh"

"You can't admit it"

When Rio laughed and tried to answer, "Play with me," Christina assured me that she would take control of the flight ahead.

"... uh, I didn't tell Christina"

Hiroaki says it doesn't seem funny that Christina thought she had sheltered Rio.

"As a representative of Restoration, I am never another HR (per person)"

And Christina tells me clearly.

"No, no, I told you I was having a good time.

Hiroaki shrugged her shoulders and responded. Though I'm trying to pretend to be calm, I can see how it's plunging up somehow. From Kristina's point of view, I can say I'm flawed.

Do you say, "Yoshing," … I am afraid to say that the brave man really understands what seat this party is and what you are saying?

Christina inquires looking straight at Hiroaki.

"Well, have you spoken... You bet. It's a seat to celebrate Flora's return. You're finally inviting the benefactor."

Hiroaki replied with skill when he carved a hoot of ridicule. But...

"Apparently you don't understand."

And, Christina sighs mournfully.


Hiroaki turned out to be true-faced.

Christina then opens her mouth without getting her hair in between.

"Sir Amakawa is from the Kingdom of Beltram in the first place, no, he is not a Restoration person. As a benefactor, as a guest of honor, you are here. I never invited you 'at last'. In this regard, the brave man is revealed to be a symbol of the Restoration. Do you really know how rude it is for you, the host of the party, to sign up for a duel against your guest?

"............... uh, apparently Christina is getting the point of my statement wrong. Well, don't be so annoying. A little too desperate, huh?

Hiroaki thinks it's bad minutes to argue head-on, he shifts his gaze from Christina, scratches his head and talks like a bum.

"… the purpose of the statement, is it?

Christina wanted to say that it was natural for her to be desperate, but she grinned and asked.

"Oh, yeah. I thought you said it was fun. Assuming he defeated the king's sword and his sword. I thought everyone cared about his strength. That's where I thought I was going to fight."

And, Hiroaki speaks as an illustration.

"... dueling is not something to be taken lightly that way. It is a ritual that carries out the honor of the nobility, the pride it cannot give way to, sometimes with its life. Applying for a duel is nothing more than an expression of hostility. It doesn't translate to just matching, etc. Lord Brave wants to wager something he can't give way to and fight Lord Amakawa?

Christina sighed deeply, blaming Hiroaki for his careless choice of words. The truth was that Hiroaki had thinly discerned that the motive he spoke of was pre-construction, but he could not prove his inner self or anything else. It's just a conundrum for the lower house, and it's pointing out nothing.

"Uh, that's a word hunt. It's not like I'm hostile. I was just wondering if we could figure out the real price of a half-baked battle. It's a battle between me, the legendary brave man, and the hero who defeated the most powerful knight in the kingdom, right? I think that's the right word for duel."

Hiroaki said that if she was in her position, Christina would never blame her strongly. Nevertheless, Christina hasn't lost this time either.

"… in any case, it makes no difference to be rude towards Sir Amakawa. Since the brave man belongs to the organization as a symbol of the Restoration, we want you to be aware that he is now on the side of hospitality, and we want you to be cautious in your disrespect towards the benefactor of the Restoration."

Christina, with all due respect, blamed Hiroaki. At present, as a representative of Restoration, she is not well organized to be offended by the boredom of Hiroaki, a brave man, but equally well for the organization to work rude imitations on Rio, an honorary nobleman of another country and benefactor of the organization.

The reason Hiroaki is offended in the first place is that he ends up jealous of Rio. Because Flora's feelings are leaning toward Rio, not herself, and because Rio is treated like the lead, not herself, Hiroaki just doesn't care about them. That's nothing more than unfair emotion.

Regardless, in Hiroaki's case, just because he's a brave man may even justify his unfair emotions, but this time it's different. It could involve the organization's external credibility issues, such as scorning outside people who have contributed greatly to the organization. As a representative of Restoration, I couldn't possibly throw it away or anything, and it matched Christina's personal feelings.


Hiroaki still points his mouth at it as if it wasn't funny. Whatever the reason, I guess the fact that you prioritized Rio over yourself isn't funny. Or maybe he thinks he's crushed his face.

"Sir Amakawa, I am very sorry for your loss. We say, of course, that the brave do not have enemies. Would you please forgive me?

When Christina abandons Hiroaki, she bows her head solemnly to Rio on behalf of the organization. It is not a rare event, such as royalty bowing its head in front of the public. The venue was heavily bothered. Celia, Flora and Roana, right on the side, are also watching how it goes with their chilled faces.

"No, I don't care, please keep your head up"

Rio cares about his surrounding eyes and urges Christina to raise her head.

"... I'm afraid"

Christina breathed nervously and raised her face. So, things went round and round, and it seemed like we could spare the worst for once.

"............... then let me sign up for a match again? This is a personal favor."

Hiroaki offers Rio a match, not a duel this time.

"Oh, brave man!

Christina turned her face to the boulder and vandalized her voice. Celia and the others also see Hiroaki's face as a ghost in a statement that completely ignores the course of the story so far.

"Whoa, calm down. This is not a duel. I, the brave one, am asking you to make arrangements. Looks like he was reckless enough to sign up for a duel with the intention of having a good time. That's good. Hey, get upset."

Hiroaki has a grin pulled to hide his grump, and he fixes his light condition.

(Who is it that's getting mucky? Are you really going to beat Sir Amakawa in front of the public and humiliate him? How childish......)

Christina complains about Hiroaki's gorilla push and gets stuck in words with her teeth twitching. Because I thought I couldn't convince Hiroshi now that I was trying to move on with my story in a conclusive manner, just how logically I appealed to him.

I never thought I'd be so stupid. If this happens, there's no other way out than to insist that Hiroaki doesn't admit what he says later. Most importantly, that would definitely make Hiroaki and I have an evil vibe... But...

"I understand. If it's okay with you, take it."

Rio read the air, which was becoming sinister, and accepted to work with Hiroaki to do it. It's such a boring thing to shake the system of an organization called Restoration where Celia is, and it's a sticky opponent to this point. It is a judgment based on the belief that it is better to deal with them appropriately and satisfy them.

"Eh, Sir Amakawa..."

Christina peeks at her unnameable expression. There is nothing in it that would otherwise benefit Rio to accept this arrangement. I wouldn't have accepted it if I didn't. It would have disadvantages, but Christina wondered if Rio would have put up her own face and chewed her lips in all likelihood.

"You want to work with me so strongly. I can't say no."

And, Rio tells us why he accepts the invitation to match. Assuming you say no here, it is imperative that your relationship with Hiroaki deteriorate, and you may continue to touch and stick to folds.

(If Sir Amakawa resigns, he may have run away or something. This brave man...)

Christina thinks so and holds her forehead troubled.

"That's settled. Well, there's booze in there today, and it's dark. Tomorrow's a good time."

Hiroaki summed up the story satisfactorily. I guess I'm glad the conversation went as I thought it would. He doesn't even seem to imagine the consequences of losing.

"............ I understand. Okay, I'll take care of the two of you. Brave men, please refrain from any further unsolicited imitation."

Christina turned to her stomach and told her whether she had changed her mind, looking to Hiroaki and not with a pale voice.

"Uh, okay, okay. I'm just having a little fun. Yeah, don't get hot. Well, Christina sounds angry. Shall we leave around here? I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

When Hiroaki responds, he immediately tries to leave the scene.

"Oh, the..."

Roana couldn't decide whether or not to stay on the scene.

"You offer, Roana."

Christina pushes Roana's back like that.

"Yes. Excuse me."

Roana lowered her head toward Christina and Rio, chasing Hiroaki's back in a small run. Then Christina turns to Rio again.

"I am truly sorry for your loss, Sir Amakawa. If possible, I'd like to talk to you in confidence, so could you please just give me a moment after the party?

Christina apologizes again for being tired at once or sorry and asks for a personal meeting after the party with Rio. The topic will of course be about Hiroaki. I want to talk to Christina, too, as Rio.

"Yeah, sure."

Rio nodded in two replies.

◇ ◇ ◇

And after the party went on and came to an end. Rio was sitting back on the couch in the reception room, facing Christina. Celia gets dressed and says she'll be back again, and once she's home alone.

"I apologize for calling you so tired"

And, first, Christina opened her mouth. By the way, I change to everyday wear, not the dress I wore at the party.


Rio laughed lovingly and shook his head to the side.

"Quick, but talking is about tomorrow's arrangement with the brave. My power is not extended, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused to Sir Amakawa."

Cristina turns to Rio for an apology she doesn't know how many times when she cuts out for direct access.

"I really don't care. You seemed to want to work hard with me, and I can't let you make your relationship with the brave man worse because of me."

And I'm gonna laugh bitterly and put Christina up for you, Rio. The current situation is an occasion where we are allowed to present about one of the bitter comments, even on the basis of the difference in identity, but as a nobleman it was a really preferred answer.

The reason, of course, is that it's for Celia. Christina is Celia's backing shield in the Restoration, so as a Rio, it's better to actively sell your favors than to leave the roots of your relationship with Christina.

Above all, I blamed Christina here, and something doesn't change constructively. If Christina was showing her apology, she didn't feel like claiming anything more. Nevertheless, the lack of such a gap can sometimes be an unparalleled barrage.

"… please consider, it hurts"

Christina was ashamed of her own lack of strength, and she turned to her face. Rio doesn't complain because he realizes there are only reasonable reasons. I don't know what would happen if I mistook that for a Walrus, it's not Christina, and now Rio -, a nobleman from another country named Hart-Amakawa is not a royal Christina or a cheap opponent to look down on.

"Don't worry about it that way. As the brave man wishes, can we just make up our minds?

And let Rio say it without feeling anything in particular.

"... that arrangement, is Sir Amakawa intentionally going to lose to the brave?

Christina asked when she stared at Rio's face.

"... I'm afraid, deliberately, what does that mean?

Rio grins and asks back.

"Just for the record, I don't expect Sir Amakawa to lose to the brave if we make a decent move"

"That is a great honor to say…, there is absolutely no battle"

Rio looked in trouble at Christina, who I assured.

"Now with the brave men of the Kingdom of Galark, Sir Amakawa was victorious, wasn't he? And the brave boy who fought with Flora until he reached Rodania."

"... Yep"

Rio nods hesitantly. It's a fact I can't hide, and I can't help but hide it.

"I'm a brave man......, I've seen Sakata do mock warfare on a whim, but honestly, I don't think it extends to you when you were fighting Alfred. Regardless, the power of the Divine Costume makes it stronger than the knights in line, but I analyze that it does not extend to some powerful men who possess the Devil's Sword if it is limited to melee combat. How about that?

And, Christina asks after guessing.

"... If the brave man has never been trained in combat, I thought you'd see. Except for the special abilities hidden in divine costumes, it seems that the only other noticeable effect is a dramatic improvement in physical abilities and physical strength"

The degree of effectiveness is inconsistent, but the magic of strengthening physical abilities and physical strength is embedded in numerous demonic swords. If we can bring the conditions of fortified magic closer to parity with divine costumes, it is possible to overturn them with combat techniques.

"We analyze the power of the brave and the divine costume in the same way here. We have had many mock fights with the Knights of Restoration, but they are all entertainment matches. The score is unbeaten, but there must have been some battles that could have been retrieved. I guess he's not properly aware of his powers..."

"… Are you sure?"

Rio has trouble replying and strikes a close match without difficulty. Then...

"I apologize for suddenly talking about this. But this story is why I invited Sir Amakawa in this way. It's very painful to do a favor over what's bothering you, but could you please beat the brave one at tomorrow's rendezvous?

Christina accidentally cut to the point.

"... could you tell us why?

Rio asks why first, not instantly.

"I am ashamed that today's brave men are growing more than insignificant. It was also the Duke of Jugneau's policy until I came to Rodania, but it seems to have spoiled me a little too much. Regardless, if you think for the sake of the organization, I can't even make a general affirmation that the policy was completely bad..."

And Christina spoke troubled.

"I also know that there is no choice, in a way, how we cannot be strong enough to go out to the brave who can be described as the embodiment of divine prestige when it comes to the royal aristocracy..."

Rio will follow the royal nobles of Restoration.

"Yes. But it's a matter of degree. I couldn't stop thinking about the risk of a deterioration in my relationship with the brave man, but seeing what I did today, I finally made up my mind. You should break the brave man's pride once and for all."

Christina told him clearly.


Rio can't say anything more. Because I could have expected that leaving Hiroaki alone would sooner or later cause more troublesome problems.

"Spoiling it, as it has always been, can no longer only be harmful. So I want Lord Amakawa to beat the brave. I want you to know that I'm definitely not the best. It's not a role left to someone bad. I wanted to ask Sir Amakawa, who is defeating the strongest Alfred in our country and is born by martial arts."

When Christina says so, she bows her head solemnly to Rio. I'm definitely not the best. That is something everyone understands in the process of growth if they are human beings living in modern society.

But happiness or unhappiness, Hiroaki has been misled into his identity society and sacrificed as equal to the Apostle of God. Given the age of nineteen, it would not be impossible to grow either.

"It's an arrangement where the brave man was forcefully applied for in the first place. Sir Amakawa won't let you complain or anything by winning, and I promise not to let you give Sir Amakawa a stupid little bite in the future. Apologies and thanks also exist separately. So why don't you think about it?

Christina added even more so.

"……… specifically, what kind of victory would you like?

Rio asks Christina when she pushes her mouth shut for a while.

"We believe it is desirable to win a way that will make the brave man serious and let him know on top of that the difference in strength"

I don't kill instantly, but I don't struggle. The point is, we fought head-on, and we told them to screw down.

"That's a tough one to ask."

Rio accidentally smiled bitterly.

"... will it be tough on boulders?

Christina has also had combat training in escort in college, but is not a professional. Makes me peek at my anxiety wondering if I'm asking for something harder than I think. But Rio said, "No," and when I waved the veil...

"I understand. Let me promise you that I will give it to you. Victory to Your Highness."

I listened to Christina's request.