Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

182 Episode 176: Alone

Hiroaki narrowed his eyes softly and looked at Flora with a slightly safer face. Roana, who stood up next to Hiroaki, soon realized that -

"... Come on, Master Flora. Please go outside."

He took the initiative and walked out to the door, inviting Flora out of the room again. Vanessa, who was waiting indoors, walks out almost simultaneously and opens the door to the room.


Flora walked out to the door unaware of Hiroaki's gaze when she removed the gaze she was facing at Rio. Meanwhile -,


Hiroaki stands at the top of the Buddha, looking at Flora's back as she walks away.

"Dear Hiroaki, how have you been?

Roana spoke even strangely to Hiroaki as Flora reached the door.

"... oh"

Hiroaki replies with a lower voice than usual, sighing and walking out of anger.

"So long, Master Christina, Lord Amakawa. I beg your pardon. See you later."

Roana bows her head to Christina and Rio in front of the door when Hongming and Flora leave the room.

"Yeah, nice to meet you."

"I'm in awe"

Christina glanced at him and said, Roana bowed deeply and walked away. Only three people will be left indoors: Rio, Christina and Vanessa -

"Vanessa, you need to watch outside the room. Don't let anyone come in the room until we're done talking."

Christina also issued an exit order to Vanessa. Let Flora wait even if she shows up when she hears about her return.


Vanessa responds agile and leaves the room immediately. Thus, only two people were left inside the office: Rio and Christina.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, Roana and the others who left the room were walking down the aisle in the building.

"Dear Hiroaki, would you mind returning to your room first, if I may? I'll pick you up when Flora's dressed."

Roana talks to Hiroshi behind her as she leads the two of them in walking.

"... uh, no, fine. I'm a little tired. I'll sleep in my room."

Hiroaki had a white face and responded without hesitation.


It was Hiroaki who originally suggested we leave the room to talk. That changed my opinion a hundred and eighty degrees as soon as I left the room, so Flora doesn't know what it means and eats face to face.

"But......, no, I was awed. If you change your mood, come to Flora's room. Anyway, I only ask Hiroaki to come through."

Roana had guessed why Hiroaki was in a bad mood, but stopped going in deep. Because Christina asks me to take care of Flora right now.

(You'll need to follow up later)

Roana thought so and exhaled troubled.

"Bye. I'm going first."

That's what Hiroaki says, he just walks away on his own. Then...

"Um, is Master Hiroaki in a bad mood? Me, have I done something I shouldn't?

Flora the boulder also anxiously asked Roana if she felt a difference from her usual Hiroaki.

"... no. Master Flora is back and must have been relieved. Mental fatigue cleared up, and now physical fatigue may have pushed in all at once"

Roana answers with a grin and says, "Sa, come here" to encourage Flora to move. I couldn't tell Flora the real reason it probably seemed true.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, when Flora and Vanessa left the office, and Rio and Christina were alone -

"I'm sorry. I know that what you think is spoken of is the credo of the brave man, and that there has been disrespect."

Christina, in her position, could also go through Hiroaki's words and actions earlier and resume the conversation, but she dared to apologize to Rio first.

"No, nothing like that. The strength of problem awareness should be the necessary qualities for leaders, beginning with the royal nobility. Isn't that a great creed?"

Rio answers lovingly, in a fearful tone.

I knew Hart had no choice but to answer that in his position, but because it is something that I am saying so out of the genuineness - which may actually be true, of course - Christina thought that Hart had a qualities so aristocratic that he was more aristocratic than those native nobles there.

"... isn't Sir Amakawa a nobleman either"

"Speaking of which, you were. I was less conscious as a nobleman in the first place, as long as I was ashamed."

When Christina laughs and says, Rio responds flamboyantly.

"That's what I don't think will ever happen. In my personal view, Sir Amakawa sees that you possess enough qualities to be brought together as a nobleman."

and Christina to compliment Rio.

"... I'm afraid"

Rio drowned this solemnly. Up to this point, it's roughly a planned harmonisation process -

"Still, it's been a long time since you two talked about this alone. A few times during the journey as far as I can remember, it's only a very short time, too. You might say it's essentially the first time."

Christina says that inadvertently.

"Yes, I see."

Rio couldn't get to the bottom of it, nodding and gazing at Christina's complexion. Then...

"As a matter of fact, I was thinly expecting that if we called the brave men to this occasion, we might be able to have a flow of oh and make time for us to talk to Sir Amakawa. Regardless, I intended to report the situation to the brave before the others..."

And, Christina reveals.

"... that's it, you want to talk to me?

"Of course we have something to talk about. But it might be more accurate to say that you wanted a chance to talk calmly with just the two of us. The brave man visits this room on a whim, so he also wanted to control his own timing rather than come along poorly, and this time he let me use it to set up this seat. Please keep this to yourself."

When Rio asked in wonder, Christina replied laughing prankily.


Rio is good at it, chuckles and nods.

"There's nothing else to talk about. First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you for saving Flora. Thank you very much for saving my sister's predicament as well as mine."

Christina bowed her head deeply to Rio as she floated her changed face.

"Dear Christina, please raise your head"

Rio blinds himself and calls on Christina.

"No, I was in a position where I couldn't keep my head down casually in public while I was in business, and I've actually been educated since childhood to the extent that I was. But I wanted to take this opportunity for you and me to keep our heads down."

Christina spoke solemnly, keeping her head down to Rio.

"... I understand your feelings and thoughts. So please, keep your head up."

Once now, Rio calls on Christina.


Christina honestly raised her head because she didn't want to put Rio in too much trouble or because she could also express her will to Rio.

"It's bad for the heart, so I hope you won't be able to refrain from doing so after"

And Rio says with a troubled face.

"Okay.... By the way, I would like to thank you again for this matter, do you have any requests?

Cristina grins with a crease and asks Rio to change the subject.

"Well, if it's possible, I'd like to resign."

"... that's not why I'm here. Because there's going to be some push-ups from the perimeter."

When Rio laughed bitterly, now Christina looked in trouble.

"Push it up, is it?

And, Rio.

"Actually, there was a story among the nobles of Restoration about wanting to keep their own daughter with Sir Amakawa..."

Christina spoke troubled.

"What an honorable story..."

Rio chooses words and tries to reject them.

"As things stand, such stories are under water, but it is expected that the situation will change if this feat is known. Regardless, Sir Amakawa is under the influence of His Majesty King François, even though he is an honorary knight, so entering into a marital relationship with a nobleman of another country will require certain consideration. But you will raise your voice claiming to be just talking. Whether or not that would be a thank you to Sir Amakawa..."

That's what Cristina said, making her peek at herself at the end.

"... I mean, if you don't get any thanks, you're gonna get an invitation to talk to me?

Rio confirms that the bat looks a little bad.

"No, assuming you get a thank you, the conversation will come in. But I got the gratuity, so it can be a pretext that I can't even get it to the friendship. If so, it is easy to follow, even for me. I'm sorry, I'm afraid."

And Christina admits to being a eulogy from herself and says: Follow-up is also an act of thought for Rio, but in fact I want an excuse for the nobles who are going to get annoyed as Christina.

"Nevertheless, is it going to be that easy?

Either way, I feel like it's going to stink, and Rio asks.

"If you can accept something worthy as a thank you...... Or will you be publicly declared that you have someone you've decided to go along with? If you're actually here, of course, I think it's going to have a certain effect."

The aristocracy is polygamous, but at least the wife-targeters will lurk. Christina looked softly at Rio's reaction.

"... unfortunately, there are no such people. But it does seem to work to some extent."

Rio leaves only a few moments apart and replies so.

"Yes, please think before the problem surfaces if you don't mind. If you're Sir Amakawa, you may have already accepted those invitations, because you'll have a chance to shake those stories at the party tonight."


"The matrimonial relationship of the royal matrimonial nobility is troublesome and inconvenient"

That's what Christina said, peeking at her tired face.

"I'm afraid in moonlight terms, but I'm sorry for your hard work"

And, Rio tells her softly to flatter her mouth.

"Thank you. As a matter of fact, I was discarding Flora's engagement with the brave man during her disappearance, and I'm very concerned about that, considering that it's going to be a problem."

Christina made only a slight weak noise.

"Yes, was it..."

Rio blinds himself to the information in his first ear. I thought I should simply re-establish my engagement relationship, but maybe it's not even that simple. Alternatively, will the airworthiness between the parties be a problem? It's an issue that Rio can't be aware of in any case.

"I'm sorry. I'll tell you how stupid I am."

When Christina breathed small, she changed her mind and took up the grin.

"No. If you don't mind if I do, please do"

And Rio makes me say it pleasantly.

"... it's a very attractive invitation, but I'm going to run out of kiri, so I'll talk to you later. We're running out of time now."

Christina smiled a little happily as she glanced at her little eyes.

"I'm in awe. Sit down when you do."

That's what Rio says, respectfully hands on his chest.

"Yep.... that's right, we also need to inform the Kingdom of Galark about this one"

Needless to say, this case concerns the return of Flora and the suspicion of treachery on the part of the Kingdom of Rubia.

"I will soon be on my way to the Kingdom of Galark..."

"If so, could you accompany me? Since the subdragon-like lifeform raided the Magic Ship, the navigation of the Magic Ship has been significantly restricted, but this time it fits. I also need to head to the Kingdom of Galark once, so I'm going to take a test flight and see if I can get there."


"Thank you. If you can accompany Sir Amakawa, you can rest assured of the journey on the road"

Christina smiles and says thank you.

"It's an honor."

Rio also responded with a smile. Then...

"... by the way, we got the story together faster than we thought, and if no one seems to be out there yet, why don't you take a peek at Dr. Celia's lecture? I'll show you."

Christina suddenly made such a suggestion.

"Of course, there's no reason to refuse, are you sure? Explain to executives…"

Rio asks unexpectedly.

"Yeah, a little today or so, because I feel like removing my wings. Stay with us."

Christina laughs like a prank.

In fact, aside from explaining to the executive nobility, it may be desirable to provide aftercare to Hiroaki, who would be in an oblique mood.

But I don't want to feel like a billionaire even though it's the day of the celebrated event. If Hiroaki had heard the current words, he would have complained bitterly that the royal consciousness was faint.

Later, when he checked with Vanessa outside, he was fortunate that no one had shown up yet, so Rio, with Christina, was to tour Celia's lecture.