Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

178 Episode 172: Arrival in Rodania

The time is before lunch and the weather is clear. The location is northeast of the Kingdom of Beltram, the territory of the Marquis of Rodin and the territorial capital of Rodania. Rio and Flora had finally reached their current streets.


And as Rio leaps out onto the streets stretching to Rodania, he unloads the flora he was holding and says looking at the city's appearance, which soars in the direction of progress. Since Rodania is built as a fortified city, its capacity is heavy even from a distance.


Flora stood next to Rio and nodded emotionally.

"Shall we go? You're gonna make a scene."

Rio chuckles and urges Flora.

"Hopefully, I don't want to make too much noise..."

Flora smiled bitterly with a troubled face.

"I thought that might be difficult. However, I know how you feel, so let's make a move so that Christina can catch you inside."

And, Rio tells, looking out at Rodania.

If everyone knew the fact of Flora's return, it would definitely be a fuss. Nevertheless, not much noise from the beginning would also allow us to settle down and reunite with Christina.

If we want to have a family reunion without water, the first to know about Flora's return needs to be confined to the most trustworthy person possible. As Rio, it's a hassle to explain things, so Christina, the first person to report the situation, is desirable. If it's possible, of course, but...

What it's actually going to carry is a total out-of-the-box fight. However, as a Rio, I sometimes think it's best to have a credible Celia catch up with me.

"Yes, thank you"

Flora bows with a pepper and nods.

"... By the way, is Master Flora disrespectful to the boulders for me to meet Master Christina in this outfit?

Rio pointed the water at Flora, as he had noticed. Since Rio is now a travel costume bundle, it cannot be said that his position in flattery is the outfit to meet the noble man above. You may think it's fine in this situation, but it's the creature called nobility who cares about fine manners.

By analogy, would it be like trying to enter the store in a rough outfit for a meeting at a restaurant with a dress code? I told him how much I was meeting him inside, and it's self-evident that he would refuse to enter the store. That's the way it works.

Nevertheless, it is just a pretext, stopping by the house in a natural stream and asking for Celia's cooperation can be the purpose of changing the subject.

"Oh, no, that's not true! With me, I'll be fine!

Flora looked at him like he might be a little unsavory, but he immediately shook his wear.

"Thank you. But in any case, I think this outfit will stand out badly at the consulate, so once you let me stop by my mansion, would you mind? Perhaps Master Celia will be there, so we might be able to ask her to take over. Well, if we can get that far..."

Rio honestly revealed his intentions when he was able to flatter his licence in a strange way. In some cases, Flora's presence has been found before reaching her home in the aristocratic district, and she may have to head straight to the consulate, but the area has to be left to the flow, on an ad hoc basis.

"Oh, right. Yes!"

Did Flora get so convinced with that, she snorts cheerfully?

"So let's just go for that kind of flow"

And, Rio sums up the story. That's why it was decided to head to Rio's mansion first before heading to the consulate. And apart from that...

(We need to let Dr. Isiah and Dr. Celia know we're back before we head home.)

And, Rio thinks about that. If Isiah has a pass through it, I'm pretty sure she's noticed Rio's proximity if she gets this close, but I wanted to keep her informed of her return from herself.

Though the content to be spoken is well thought out in advance, it will soon be possible to speak remotely. Until then, Rio decided to put together his thoughts again on what to tell him.

◇ ◇ ◇

Upon entering the city of Rodania, Rio and Flora went first for an aristocratic town with a straight mansion. I don't know if Celia is in the mansion, but the spiritualized Isiah should always be right beside her.

Flora, on the other hand, looks around the city uncommonly as she walks. On a daily basis, even in Rodania, I guess I never went outside the aristocratic city. The life of the people who live in the land they live in seems fresh.

"There are a lot of people here, so please be careful not to get lost"

Rio smiled and drew Flora's attention.

"Yes. It's okay."

Flora realizes she was getting distracted, blushing her cheeks and accepting. I walked over to Feelings Rio and firmly secured the position next door.

So, to some extent, I approached the aristocratic district...

(Isiah, can you hear me?

Rio tried to talk remotely, aware of his path connection to Isiah. The current location would almost certainly house the entire aristocratic neighborhood within the reading area.

(Welcome home, Spring Man)

I get a reply right back from Isiah. Maybe I've been waiting a long time to hear from Rio.

(I'm home now.... thanks to which I was able to serve and fulfill)

When Rio greeted him on his return, he informed him that he had accomplished the purpose of his journey only marginally in between. You know what's going on, and you can't just not tell Isiah who stayed to protect Celia. I wonder what Isiah's reply would be, and Rio set himself up a little on the boulder -

(Good, then)

Isiah replied in an unchanged and unchallenged manner from before departure.

(... thanks. Didn't that make any particular difference?

Rio is soothed by such Isiah's voice and asks slightly down his mouth. I felt the feeling that I was back was kind of sudden.

(Yeah. Nothing happened around Celia)

And Isiah answers briefly. Around Celia, I wondered if anything had happened around a human being other than Celia, but immediately I think that Flora might have disappeared. Either way, I could see from Isiah's mouth that it was not particularly problematic.

(Then I'm glad too. Is Dr. Celia there?

(Yes. It's home now, but they'll have a lecture at the consulate later)

(Oh well.... I'm heading home for the next time, but I want to go to the consulate too. I'd like to see Princess Christina, but I'm wondering if I could ask my teacher to take over if that's possible. I'll take one of you to the mansion. 'Cause I think you'll see what's going on)

Rio asked Isiah to contact Celia while Flora's presence remained on the ground. If I tell them in advance that Flora is there to put them in shape, they may actually become an unnatural add-on when I see them.

Then you should be surprised when you actually meet him and have him react as vegan. Imagine Celia, who would probably be greatly surprised, not having a slight but inevitable feeling of sorry sprout.

(Okay. Tell Celia)

(Thanks, I'll be in touch again soon as I get to the aristocratic district)


And Isiah nods. So once the remote reading was over.

◇ ◇ ◇

And Rio and the others reach the entrance to the aristocratic city. The aristocratic city is covered by sturdy walls, and there is no route except through the gates to get inside under the positive law. Of course there are more than one watch in front of the gate, and the gate is closed, so no one can enter without permission to cross.

Nevertheless, Rio is now a splendid resident with a mansion inside the aristocratic district. Plus, there's Christina's personal effects (brooch) given in lieu of a pass, so she should be eligible to go inside.

(You'll be fine,... I guess. What makes you somewhat anxious, because I'm a small citizen?

Rio walks to the gate with that in mind. By the way, Rio is taking off his hood and exposing his face, but Flora is wearing a hood and standing softly behind Rio.

When the gatekeeper soldiers realized the presence of the approaching Rio...


Naturally, I stopped Rio and Flora. The Rio's are dressed differently today than noble clothes - wearing travel outfits and carrying backpacks if you're in Rio - so you probably weren't considered a resident of the noble city.

Even if you are a visitor to an aristocratic neighborhood as a guest, it is usually common to be in a carriage. It is also impossible to rule out being a key figure from preconceived notions.

"My name is Hart-Amakawa and I own a mansion in this aristocratic neighborhood. This is a brooch from Her Royal Highness Princess Christina instead of a pass…"

That's what Rio says, presents Christina's brooch. Then, the gatekeepers changed their complexion haha. And seriously, I stare at the brooch. Then...

"Ko, this is very rude! It was something I didn't know about your face, and Christina has given me a circular, so please come through! Hey, open the gate!

The gatekeeper soldiers were suddenly in awe and saluted, giving permission to get started.

"Hi......, this lady is with me, may I come inside with you?

Rio asks, looking at the flora behind him, though he faces lightly at the effect of the brooch.


The soldiers nodded instantly. While doing so, the soldiers are still carrying out mundane opening tasks, and the gates are soon opened.

"Come here, then"

Rio lured (various) Flora behind him into the open gate.

"... thank you for your hard work"

Flora labors the gatekeeper soldiers as she walks through the gate.

"... Hi? I'm afraid so."

The soldiers meet with a strange face, but if they had known who Flora was, they would have been drained.

"I think you'd all be happy to know that the person you spoke to is Master Flora, wouldn't you?

Rio says strangely, glimpsing the soldiers.

"Yes, is it?

Flora tilted her little neck wonderfully.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Rio smiles uncommonly with certainty.

"... thank you"

Flora thanked her lightly.

In so doing, the two step into the noble city of Rodania. The aristocratic neighborhood was truly quiet and had a one-of-a-kind atmosphere from outside the bustling walls.

Nevertheless, it is not that there are few people, but the female aristocrats of the inhabitants, their servants and thinkers are visible. Do the male nobles work for the consulate? Also, security looks a lot better as the soldiers on patrol are walking around.

"It still looks like this outfit stands out. Shall we hurry?"

From time to time, Rio called on Flora with a bitter smile when he could turn a rare gaze from the wrong people. If you wander around too much, you might be able to call me off as a suspicious person.


I nodded a little uncomfortably, noticing the curious gaze that Flora could also be directed at. Then, in less than a few minutes, they reach Rio's mansion.

"This is Sir Amakawa's mansion..., what can I do for you?

There were two female soldiers on watch at the gate of the mansion, one of whom stopped Rio and the others. The language is confusing, but I can see that I am just a little wary of whether my identity is the cause.

(Is there even a guard soldier in the mansion...)

Rio ate slightly, for a moment, stood up. Isn't this like a noble mansion? Then...

"Oh, hey!

Another female soldier rushes to poke a soldier with one broken elbow.

"Mm, what is it?

The soldier of the woman who was poked slightly whispered, tilting her neck in wonder -

"Oh, aren't you Lord Amakawa? Would you say it matches what you were asking beforehand, the…"

The female soldier ignores the other soldier and looks at Rio's complexion and asks.

"Yes, but..., what about you guys?

Rio nodded, for once, and decided to check his opponent's identity.

"Excuse me. We are sent by the life of Christina to guard the mansion."

The female soldier corrected her crisp posture, placing her right hand on her chest to reveal her identity. Did you take into account that the gatekeeper soldiers are both women because the lord of the house is the woman Celia?

"And I beg your pardon!

The other female soldier also rushes to correct her posture.

"Was I? Thank you for your time. I returned from my journey, and I wanted to say hello to Master Celia, may I come inside? This is me."

Rio looks at the flora behind him and asks for permission.

"Whatever! Please, come in!

The two responded instantly with their voices together. For once, I suppose we should report and confirm with the Lord Celia if there are any visitors, but it's mostly a facial pass condition.

"... Hi. By the way, is Master Celia inside?

I know you're here, but for once, Rio will make sure.

"Yes, I hear you have a lecture at the consulate this afternoon."

"Okay. Bye. Go ahead, Lady Laura."

When Rio says so, he escorts Flora behind him as he enters the mansion. The two of us go straight through the gate and walk down the aisle that leads to the mansion.

"Thank you. This is Hart's mansion."

Flora looked around the mansion and garden with interest as she entered the premises of Rio's mansion.

"I've never actually lived there myself. Two days after we gave him the mansion, he left Rodania, and the mansion was rented to Celia, so we stayed at the Rodanian hotel."

And Rio also says as he looks around the mansion uncommonly.

"... yes, is it?

Flora tilted her little neck wonderfully.

"Whatever the reason, I thought it was bad for the boulder to have a man sleeping in an unmarried female nobleman's house."

And, Rio smiles bitterly and explains why he didn't live in this house. If we could live separately, it would be easier to keep our distance open, he said.

"Yes, that's well, indeed..."

Although Flora was only convinced, she floats a face that has not been interpreted somewhere. I don't even know why...

While doing so, we get a lot closer to the mansion. Then...


Celia came out of the mansion. You must have heard from Isiah that Rio had returned beforehand, so you were probably looking at the timing of the reunion.

"It's been a while. I'm home now."

To Celia, who runs on a small run, Rio greets her return in a flamboyant manner.

"Yeah, welcome home! So, uh, what about you?

Celia was slightly disturbed in her breath, but welcomed Rio with joy. I tried to hold him unintentionally, but in front of Flora right beside me, I turn my gaze to weigh myself and peep.

"... I hope you're not too surprised, Master Flora. Actually, by chance, I protected it.... Dear Flora, would you please remove the hood? You can keep your hair's magic props."

Rio asked Flora to remove the hood when the bat revealed Flora's identity slightly badly.

"Um, it's been a while, Dr. Celia..."

Flora takes off her dreaded hood and says hello to Celia.


Celia was stiff and staring at Flora's face.