Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

171 Episode 165: Celia's Daily

The location was the consulate of Rodania, a room in an establishment that existed away from its premises, where Celia had lectured children in their early to mid teens.

In relation to what is now the stronghold of the nobles who have rebelled from the kingdom of Beltram itself, many of their descendants have stayed in the Royal College until a short while ago. Celia was promoted as a lecturer in the name of Royal College-like education in Rodania.

"Yes, then, so far for this lecture. Thank you all for listening today....... haha"

The response from the students was more than expected. As Celia announces the end of her lecture that day, the students begin to applaud her grandiose. Some of them stood up.

Hundreds of people are filled with huge indoors to let in, so the sight is just a roll. Celia was dangling because she was applauded for finishing the lecture.

Celia's popularity so far will be due to the fact that Celia is the youngest in history and has also become a lecturer at the Royal College of Beltram, while the biggest reason is that the content of the lectures given is actually very easy to understand and, above all, Celia's appearance is very cute. There is a verse in which the students also applaud Celia for wanting to see her shy. Some of the boys gazed feverishly at Celia.

But in the mean time...

"It's as popular as ever. That guy was really amazing..."

Saiki Saiki, a Japanese boy who was to live in Rodania the other day, stares at Celia on the stage with an impressed face. Then...

"Naturally. Speaking of Celia of the Earl of Clare, she is one of the most gifted sorcerers in the Kingdom of Beltram."

Rosa, the courtier of the Dundee family sitting next to pity, spoke in pity.

"Was I traveling with such an amazing person?"

Pity squeaks smudgingly.

"Hehe, I'm a little interested in how Lady Ray was looking at Lady Celia."

Rosa chuckled and said.

"No, I don't know, did I just look like a cute younger girl? No, he's older than me."

"Oh, it's a violation of manners to say age to a woman."

"Ha, this is tough"

And so on, pity slaps a light mouth on My Pace. Originally a pity that flew out of the castle of the Kingdom of Bertram with Hauta, but now he has acted separately from Hauta and begun to act with Rosa as to whether she should replace it.

(But I'm totally adapting to Rodanian life, too. I didn't even know you were dating Rosa, assuming you were married, and you were even studying to be a magician...)

Pity looks back on how he got to the status quo and wonders something. Thus, when staying in Rodania, Kouta and I decided to have a little bit of it, but I have no regrets. Rather, I am even satisfied with my current life.

(Well, if we're going to live in this world, we're going to have to get some kind of job)

If it had not remained in Rodania, it would probably have been the mountain of Sekiyama to become an adventurer. This world is not gentle enough for a man without any connections to find himself in some position in a strange land. Now Kota chose the path to becoming an adventurer and left Rodania.

(This is how I thought it would be better to belong to the organization. That's all, yeah. Well, we just have to go down each believed path. Kota also said that one of these days he will show his face)

and pity to think so in the native dry thought circuit. He has a more flushable personality than his ex. I left the castle of the Kingdom of Beltram because I was accompanied by Kota, and I decided to stay in Rodania because Rosa and I seemed to have a good relationship - rather than actually being.

(Whether you lived in Japan or were an adventurer, you would never have been able to date such a cute, dedicated kid.)

So I wondered if it would be okay. Pity nodded yeah, watching Rosa. Then...

"What is it, Master Ray?

Rosa sitting next to me peeked back into her pity face wondering.

"No, I just thought I was a happy man. This is how you get along with a pretty girl like Rosa who assumes marriage."

Pity reveals his honest feelings now. Yes, most importantly, Rosa was cute. I guess Celia and Christina, who have traveled together in terms of objective beauty, are better up there, but even Rosa is cute for a preferred direct ball if you try to pity her. And big breasts, too. This was important. If you look only at the size of your chest, Rosa wins more than Celia or Christina. Besides, Celia and Christina have a little too much of a tall ridge flower to be realistic as such opponents.

"The happy ones are mine. Because this is how I can go out with such fine lords as Master Ray."

Rosa says so, leaning on perfection and pity.

"Though the bones of these horses may be ordinary bones."

Pity shrugged his shoulders small, as he despised himself. Then...

"Oh, Ray is brilliant, and most importantly, you have a great magical talent."

Rosa lifts pity.

"Ha, I'm just saying that the amount of magic is more than people in this world. The immense power of magic is also a treasure rot if you don't acquire magic skills. That's why I encourage you to study."

Said pity, laughing at Eagle Deep Friends. In fact, pity today has more magic power than the genius sorcerer Celia, but based on technical aspects, her power as a comprehensive sorcerer would not even reach Celia's feet.

"I believe you. When Master Ray becomes the greatest great magician in this country."

"Then I have to live up to that expectation."

Thus, pity and Rosa stared at each other often. Without realizing that at some point we're the only people left in the classroom, I thought...

"Hey, it's time to go"

I say with a smile, did you also notice that the boulder pity was quiet back in the classroom?

"Yeah, I'll give you that."

Rosa replied softly.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, around that time, Celia visited Christina when she finished her lecture for the day. A maid with Christina spoke to me as I was about to return home after the lecture.

"Excuse me, sir."

Celia bows respectfully when she is led into Christina's private room by a samurai. Christina was sitting back in her seat and drinking tea. There's a woman sitting in the seat across the street, but from Celia's position, I can only see her back.

"I apologize for calling you so suddenly. I wanted Roana to meet with my teacher, too, and I let her have a seat."

Christina stood up quietly and welcomed Celia. Almost at the same time, Christina's tea counterpart, Roana, rises up and turns back to Celia.

"Oh, Mr. Roana. Long time no see."

Celia glanced small and smiled at Roana.

"... Long time no see, Dr. Celia. I didn't expect to see you again like this."

Roana has an impressive face and bows her head deeply.

"I can't even have a very relaxing cup of tea, come on in"

That's what Cristina said and recommended that Celia sit down as well.

"... thank you. It's an honor to meet you. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Celia smiled and thanked her, gazing at Christina's complexion, lowering her back to the recommended seat. Christina's face looks calm at first glance.

This is how Celia faces Christina for the first time since the news of Flora's disappearance arrived in Rodania -

(It should be hard for Master Flora to disappear... Yeah, that's why, as a representative of Restoration, you have to perform your duties perfectly. You're strong.)

Celia perceived Christina's current mood and hurt her chest. But I won't cloud your face. Only these private moments can be healing times for Christina today. It's not Celia who doesn't know how Christina feels about using that precious time to set up a tea party with herself.

Therefore, to distract Christina at all, Celia made an immediate decision to behave as usual.

Then, as soon as Celia's share of tea and sweets is ready -,

"So let's get started"

Christina's heads-up led to the tea party.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time you've ever surrounded your tea with Dr. Celia. It's kind of weird."

And Roana smiles happily.

"I thought too...... you had that time over and over during your journey. Sir Amakawa's tea was brilliant."

Christina said somewhere she seemed to miss it.

"You were. Hart is a multitude of tricks."

Celia smiles and says. Then...

"Sir Amakawa, is it? Uh, Sir Amakawa, who is an honorary knight of that Galark kingdom... is that right?

Roana tilted her little neck wonderfully.

"Yeah, that's right. You didn't get an explanation until the process around here. It was Sir Amakawa who sent me and Dr. Celia to Rodania. You showed up as a chaser, and you left Alfred?

That's what Cristina says, and puts a slight smile on her mouth.

"Dear Alfred? Um, of the king's sword, Master Alfred...?

Roana glanced wide and asked twice. The fact that Alfred came as a chaser is also surprising, but the story of leaving that Alfred is even more surprising.

"Yeah, take that Alfred. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen you fight with these eyes, too."

And, Christina smiles bitterly. Then...

"Still, Mr. Roana knew about Hart, too, didn't she?

Celia asked intrigued.

"That, of course. Not only has Sir Amakawa been greatly promoted to an unusual knight of honor in the body of a civilian, but he also has personal interaction with the Duke of Cretier, Master Lieselotte, and is close to the brave Satsuki, because he is a prominent figure in the Kingdom of Galark...... But how the hell did Sir Amakawa escort you both to Rodania?

Roana spoke of how famous a person named Hart-Amakawa was while still leaving a surprising aftertaste, and he spoke of the question that came to mind.

"... Sir Amakawa originally had a personal interaction with the Count Claire family. There was also interaction with Dr. Celia in that relationship. As I fled from King's Capital to Rodania with the help of Count Claire, I was forced to rely on Lord Amakawa on that edge."

Christina talks to Celia about the scenario she was preparing externally.

"Was it true..."

Roana turned her eyes round looking perfectly believable. Better than her ex, she has no reason to doubt what Christina, the royal family, said. Then...

"So Sir Amakawa is also a prominent figure here in Rodania. For once, we have awarded him a Rodanian mansion in the name of gratuity, but based on one incident at the night club, we owe him a great deal. And as part of that repayment, there are voices coming up claiming that we should have a marital relationship with him."

Christina says with a somewhat pioneering face. It sounds good when it comes to giving back, because it is visible that its substance is a stepping stone to physically incorporating the power of Hurt into the Restoration.

Nevertheless, it is also not impossible for the voices of those aristocrats to be louder. Anyway, Hart is someone who has left Alfred, the king's sword. Let's just say that that combat capability has a tactical value.


Celia saw through the thoughts of the nobles belonging to the Restoration, and she accidentally laughed bitterly. Because I didn't think it was possible for Rio to marry the Restoration ladies.

"I do just want to keep close ties with someone like Sir Amakawa...... but is there no option to give him the title?

Roana asks with a thought face.

"I guess you can't. He turned down the knight's gift once in the Kingdom of Galark, didn't he? But as a result, the Knight of Honor has awarded me a medal..."

Christina asked back, as she knew from the beginning she couldn't.

"… so, under the authority of Master Christina, can we not appoint Sir Amakawa as the Knight of Honor?

Roana asks, as one option, another possibility. It is also possible to reciprocate unilaterally if the title is an honorary knight who cannot be given without the agreement of both parties, but does not entail any obligation, than it entails an obligation. But...

"... there's nothing he can't do, but I don't even think he wants it. Right?

Christina showed difficulty and asked Celia.

Yeah, I thought you were right.

Celia nods slightly badly.

"As far as I'm concerned, I don't want to force him to do what he doesn't want. If it bothers you to reject it with the intention of paying back your debt, it's the end of the line, isn't it?

Kristina told the whole truth and watched Roana.

"... Yep. So you're talking about marriage."

If you can't afford a position or money, it's a woman. What a noble way to negotiate. Nor does the boulder Christina seem to be able to restrict the movements of the nobles to that point. However, Roana glanced at Christina's face a little unexpectedly, even as she took the lead.

Because if Christina as a royalty still seemed to choose the option of reasonably assuming Hart as the Knight of Honor.

In fact, if Christina has the status of First Princess, she must not be able to push that status even if she is somewhat forceful. Nevertheless, I immediately reconsider that's all I want to be with through my muscles.

"You will. Honestly, a few nobles would definitely claim our daughter. A lot of kids seem to care about it."

Christina nodded, sighing at him.

"... Sir Amakawa has a beautiful appearance. There were a few kids floating among the ladies who attended the night club."

Roana is also caught and sighs at him.

(Haha, I can't believe Rio's getting so much credit for these two)

Celia was kind of weirdly awkward. But then he smiles, looking at Christina and Roana's conversation. Then...

"To be honest, what does the teacher think of Sir Amakawa? Assuming you try to figure out such a candidate from a noble lady belonging to Restoration, it is my opinion that Dr. Celia deserves to be the first to be chosen..."

Christina said that.


Celia eats face to face unexpectedly. And -,

(I'm with Rio......, married?

Imagine myself as a silver bride and with Rio, and I flushed my cheeks.

"Well, I see you still don't hate Lord Amakawa."

Christina chuckles.

"Well, is it!?

Roana ate with such faces as intrigue. Even if she is usually an aristocratic woman, she is still one maiden in these seats. The esteemed mentor's romantic circumstances seem to be of concern.

"Ugh, yeah, Hart and I, in that relationship..."

Celia shakes her wear in embarrassment.

"Well, you may not be free to marry in your current position, but if you're willing to, I'll tell the other nobles."

Tell me anytime, Christina told me out of the blue.

"This is what Master Christina says. If you admire it, it's a good time, Doctor!

And, Roana makes a breakthrough on Celia.

"So, that's what Hart and I have to do…, he's not staying in one place in the first place."

Celia elucidated in vain. But...

"Isn't it natural for a nobleman to show his face everywhere, not just in one place? Besides, are you close enough to call me by your name?

Roana asks Guru.

"Well, that's a lot of dating..."

And when Celia answers -,

"Quite a few friends, that's also the problem. Now that the teacher lives in Sir Amakawa's mansion, the nobles of Restoration were unable to measure their friendship."

Says Christina with a troubled face somewhere.

"Well, in Sir Amakawa's mansion, sort of"

Roana showed a strong interest as she hand-covered her licence with elegance.


Celia, yes. Stuck in words without hesitation.

"Now that's a restraint, but if you two really don't seem to have anything in common, there should also appear a nobleman who cuts the paralysis and moves. Please know that."

Christina said with a slightly troubled face as she grinned furiously.

"... Yes"

Celia agrees to be ashamed. Then, often the topic about Hurt continues, and instantly time passes.

Then, at one point, a knock sounded indoors, and the samurai came into the room with a shitty.

"Princess, the brave are here. I thought Roana was supposed to be having tea with the princess."

The samurai speaks solemnly of her usefulness. It's an impeccable extreme, such as entering the ladies' tea party without even calling you...

"... yes, I don't mind if you let me through"

Christina told them neatly.

"Well, then it's time for you to excuse me because I'm going to be disturbed"

Celia reads the air and suggests so.

"Yeah, I guess you'd better be. Thank you for a great time today, Doctor."

Cristina sighed with sorrow, meeting Celia small.

"This is where we had a wonderful time. Thank you, Dear Christina, Roana."

Celia folds right and bows back.

"I really enjoyed it. If you don't mind, come with me again, Dr. Celia."

Roana also lowered her mouth and spoke to Celia.

"Yeah, happy. Well, good afternoon."

"Yes, good afternoon"

After such a sober farewell, Celia was led out of the room by a samurai. When the samurai opens the door, Hiroaki enters the room in the wrong place. Celia bowed to Hiroaki without fail and walked away as she did.

Hiroaki was staring at Celia's back as she walked away with a frightened face, but after a while, she approached Christina and the others...

"Uh, who's that now?

and ask Celia's qualities at the aperture most.

"It's Master Celia-Clair. A genius sorcerer proud of the Kingdom of Beltram for making her a courtesy of the Count Claire family, widely known as the prestige of witchcraft. Christina and my mentor."

Roana looked somewhat troubled and told him about Celia.

"A mentor? Is that Roana and the others? How old are you?

Hiroaki glances wide and asks questions.

"I am twenty-one years older than Hiroaki."

And when Roana answers -,

"Ha ha, is he a legal loli? So, with a genius magician. All right, I'll call you back and have some tea with me."

Apparently, it came true for Hiroaki's glasses...

"I'm sorry. The teacher is busy, so forgive me. After this, I would like to welcome you back to Sir Amakawa's mansion to study magic."

Christina explains the situation, and I hope you don't mind.

"Sir Amakawa's mansion?

Hiroaki leaned his neck in surprise. Then...

"I'm talking about Master Hart. You must have met me at the Night Club in the Kingdom of Galark.

Roana will explain everything to you.

"Oh......, is that him? Why is his house here in Rodania, and Celia's going back there?

Hiroaki seemed to have reached an immediate point, but again questioned it. Then, now...

"In fact, as I and Dr. Celia came to Rodania, Master Hart bought me an escort and gave me a Rodanian mansion as a thank you. Dr. Celia is intimate with Sir Amakawa, so we're letting him live in Sir Amakawa's mansion."

Christina will explain the situation to you.

"Uh, you know what, okay. I mean, that woman says she likes him. I see, I see. Bye, no."

Hiroaki says somewhere grumpy that he lost interest at once.

(Oh, I thought I'd do it to my eyes because of it, but I don't know what a bump is. I guess I shrivel all at once thinking about other guys or just having a past like that. I don't need any information, I'm disappointed)

And, badly disappointed, thinking about that. But...

"Oh, is it possible that we're not happy with the tea?

And when Christina smiles and says...

"Uh, no, that's not true. I wanted to talk to Christina very carefully."

Hiroaki shrugs his shoulders, seemingly less than full. Even Christina is no less superior than Celia... Hiroaki quickly changed her mind.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, Celia was on her way home by then. Walking down the hallway by myself...

(Celia, do you want to marry a Spring Man?

Suddenly, Isiah's voice echoes in her brain.


Celia trembled with fright. And -,

(Hey, what are you talking about!?

In my heart, I rush to protest Isiah. Celia now always has a spiritualized Isiah as her escort. I'm also getting used to my voice sounding in my head a little bit all of a sudden, but what I'm saying now was totally unintentional.

(because it was such an atmosphere at the tea party earlier)

(Oh, no!

Celia denied it while making sure there were no people around her or softly. Then...


Isiah's somewhere surprised voice echoes in her brain.

(Really! Li......, you can't tell Hart!

Celia complained with a bright red face.


Isiah unexpectedly agrees.


Celia was a little unexpected or clapped out, but Isiah originally has a pale sleepover personality. Outreach Maybe it's something like this. I thought so, stroking my chest down small.