Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

165 Lesson 159: Why Your Clothes Have Been Beautiful

We decided to deliver Flora to Rodania, and when we finished serving breakfast...

Please wait a moment.


Rio went back to the kitchen to make tea after meals. Flora drops off Rio's hindsight like that, somewhat nervously -

(... That was delicious, Sir Amakawa's hand cooking)

Take a small breath and pull out your shoulder strength. And for the first time in a long time, I let down my mouth and began to immerse myself in the aftermath of bliss.

He was temporarily eroded by poison and was dying, wild bastard. You can't be unhappy because that's what makes you eat warm and delicious rice and relax in a warm and comfortable room.

Plus, he's been nice to someone who might be Rio, and he's been able to chat a lot. If it's really Rio, it's something I couldn't imagine in college.

I'm so glad that...


Flora smiled uncontrollably.

Sometimes I wonder why all I've ever thought of myself like this, but now I'm so happy, I'm so full of heart.

Of course, there are a lot of things to think about about about Rio and the future, but only at this time when you're at least letting me take care of you can be immersed in this happiness...... it should be.

(I really want to dream, I've seen it so bad...)

Flora looks back at recent events here. Wearing himself, he wandered through the woods in a good wilderness, and became highly feverish, and Lucius and the others targeted him. Then...

- Ku, ha. Well, then you wouldn't have taken a bath in days, so hey. You're so sweaty, and you'll smell so bad. Whoa, princess. Are you conscious? It's going to stink.

I laugh wildly and high, Lucius's voice echoed behind my brain.


Flora remembers the shame and fear of that time, trembling and shaking her body. It was such an unpleasant event that just remembering it now could be traumatic. But...

(No. I got help because of this, I need to think about something fun)

Flora waved hard or not, as she waved away her unpleasant thoughts. You should think about something brighter, take a big, deep breath and calm your mind.

That's how I felt like I was overlooking something important, though I repeatedly took a deep breath to get my breath done, driving my unpleasant memory to the corner of my head. Yes, like it involves the dignity of a maiden...... Then...

(............... that?

Flora moved her nose softly, as she realized.

It doesn't smell weird. But Flora still keeps moving her nose. Then, after a while, I was very stiff...


Flora's face turned red at once.

Shortly afterwards, Flora rushes to hand over the clothes she is wearing - just the dough to her stomach - and starts to smell the shin and smell.

(The odd smell..., doesn't, right?

And, make sure of that, and breathe ho relief first. Imagine if it smelled weird and Rio would have smelled it, I couldn't wait to embarrass myself.

But I doubt it will boil soon enough. Lucius and the others said they smelled about Flora. I remember that because Flora herself had heard it.

Yet now I can't feel the odor that particularly irritates my nose. At least it feels like Flora can smell it, though.

(My nose isn't going crazy, is it?

Flora moves her nose again, holding onto the fabric of her clothes. But it still doesn't mean it smells weird. Rather than -,

"Good, smell?

Yes, it smells slightly better. And...

"Your clothes are beautiful?

Flora tilted her little neck and stared at the clothes she was wearing. The clothes I wear are no different from when I was in the village. But somehow I feel pretty.

When that happens, the facts to be derived are -,

"... Sir Amakawa washed you, didn't he?"

That's all I have.

Did you wash your clothes as well? To wash your body, you would normally need to take off your clothes, which means exposing yourself to the appearance of none.

I mean, maybe Rio saw me. My own nudity. Naked, or half-naked, he says he has never even shown his father since he grew up......


Flora blushed her cheeks as she guessed the fact.

But it doesn't feel strange and unpleasant. Yes, at least not physiological disgust. Is the thought paralyzed? And that's what I thought...

"............ eh, to Sir Amakawa, I!

That didn't happen.

If that's the case, your whole body can't be so on fire with shame. Yes, Flora's face is all red at once. I was so embarrassed that fire was going to come out of my face and my whole body. Sometimes my chest keeps ringing high.

(Duh, duh, duh, duh, what shall we do!?

Flora instantly panics.

I might still have had a weird smell if this were the case - and grabbing the dough around my stomach and moving my nose again with a shin, but it still only smells slightly better.

But maybe I should still get a good smell of it, rather than get a weird smell of it. But, but... and Flora's thoughts go two or three turns. I was no longer on the verge of overheating.

(Did they see you? They saw me, I guess. Ugh, what to do......)

Flora keeps a grip on the rolled up belly fabric, making it fit and stiff. My stomach skin is trying to smell the clothes while exposed, so I'm dressed a little dangerous.

Then tonnes and the sound of knocking on the door sound. But Flora never seemed to realize if she was immersed in thought. The door to the room is left open all the time, so I can see the whole inside from the outside.

Outside the door, there was no Rio.

(... Should I knock harder?

And, with a troubled face, he's got a drawn grin. If you make some tea and go back, you won't be able to go in grandiose because Flora is rolling up your own clothes.

Yes, Rio has already witnessed all the sights indoors. The only person I don't know is Flora. Rio still makes his face bright red and he keeps smelling Flora, looking softly out the door...

"... Dear Flora, I made you some tea. May I come inside?

I asked for permission to enter the room with a slightly louder voice.

"... to?

When Flora notices Rio's voice on the boulder and returns to me, she also realizes that the door to the room is left open.

"I made you some tea, may I come inside?

When Rio observed that Flora had noticed her voice, she spoke again toward the room.

"Hi-ha, hi-ha!

Flora trembles and concurs.

Rio breathes so small...

"Excuse me."

Say no properly, then enter the room. In the meantime, I thought you'd be getting your clothes messed up.


Flora still kept her clothes rolled up. With his cheeks slightly red, he looks at Rio in embarrassment.

"... What, were you dressed?

Rio slips away from his gaze. I'm not prepared to change, so I can't be dressing, but I couldn't find any other good dialogue.

But so finally...

"Huh? Ah......!?

Flora perceives what she is doing and how Rio sees her. Maybe even if I didn't think of myself as a very weird kid. That's what I thought, when I turned my face bright red...

"Ko, this is, it's not!

Flora began the illustration with an up-and-coming voice as she hurried back the rolled fabric.

"... Yes, I understand"

Rio doesn't know what to respond to and admits Flora's valve for now.

"Wow, you know what I mean?

Flora opens her eyes, as she was struck by the impression.

Then Rio worries about his troubles. I know you care about the smell somehow because you were watching some of Flora's behavior. So...

"No, the..., would you like to change?

And I answer without hesitation. I asked the boulder, "Do you care about the smell of clothes?" I couldn't ask frankly.

"Yes, no, that's not what I'm saying, wah, my clothes..., A, Sir Amakawa washed them for you?

When Flora waves a flurry or something, she asks moulded and embarrassed.

"... Yes. Unfortunately, I was foolish that we needed to pay attention to hygiene in our treatment."

Rio inevitably shook his head vertically.

"Oh, thank you...... Well, didn't you smell weird?

When Flora thanked him by turning her face bright red, she asked him a nasty question to gaze at Rio's complexion.

"... yes, that never happened"

Whatever the truth is, Rio shakes his head in the guise of a poker face. I also thought I should be concerned about the fact that my body was washed without consciousness before my body odor, but I don't go in there because I'm a snake.

"... ho, really?

Flora stared at Rio's face as she looked embarrassed.


Rio takes care of the grin and takes the lead. I don't know what else to look like.

"Oh, good... oh, but..."

Flora breathes ho relief. But you immediately noticed something, blushing your cheeks again. And peek at Rio's face. So it's because Flora's panicking...

(You're a surprisingly expressive kid)

Rio dismissed and calmly analyzed Flora. He had the impression that he was a quiet, modest kid, but was out of the picture. When that didn't seem to happen, he changed his perception with a slightly bad-looking face. Then...

"Um, that, with my clothes, my body, that..."

Flora shrugged in a voice that seemed to disappear. Rio listens firmly to the voice.

If they were pursued, they wouldn't even be able to cut white.

"Even though it's part of nursing, if you steal the royalty's nakedness while you're unconscious, it's a problem, we let you wash it with your clothes on. I swear, I'm not imitating you..."

It's up to Flora to trust you.

"Oh, did... Thank you."

Flora bowed in terrible embarrassment and thanked her. Apparently, you convinced me. No, maybe they just don't ask me to ask in depth.

"No, you can't take a bath because you're not feeling well yet, but bring some hot water and towels later. I don't have any clothes for women, so changing will be my clothes..."

Rio dared not make any further clarifications and suggested that the story be streamed. Then...

"Yes! Absolutely, please!

Flora shrugs and bows her head. Can't you look straight at Rio's face, he was softening his gaze?