Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

153 Episode 147: Flora's Distress, Part 2

Flora headed in a cursory foothold to the village, which stretched over the hills. That takes about twenty minutes to finally reach the village realm.

The village is really quiet, and the figure of the villagers working lightly enters their sight. There is not much vibrancy in the face of the villagers, and it may be more accurate to describe them as lonely than as long idle (idyllic).

As Flora proceeded along the village thoroughfare and approached the residential area, she was gradually gazed at by the villagers who were farming.

(voice...... hard to call)

Flora feels an exclusive village atmosphere and gets stuck scared of things. But I couldn't turn back here. Bravely approaching from myself to the villagers.

"Oh, um, excuse me"

and Flora speaking to a villager man about twenty years old with a nervous voice color.

"............... oh, no. Who is it?"

The villagers looked around suspiciously in their behavior, and then, looking closely at Flora's appearance, they continued to take their gaze off and squirm.

"Huh...? Oh, uh, actually, I'm separated from my squire, and can you tell me where this is?

Flora gets a decent face for a moment because she couldn't hear the man well. But when he immediately changed his face, he revealed his usefulness with his best social behavior. And slightly pack the distance to listen to the man's little voice.

"... ju, squire? Could it be a nobleman?

When the man squeals in a small voice the same as he does, he looks at the look of Flora in surprise. Totally thin and dirty, but what Flora is wearing is a dress that looks expensive. Besides, Flora was so beautiful and adorable the man had never seen before. The man secretly thinks it's very different from the gutted women who live in the village.

"Ah......, yes. Well, that's what it is."

Royalty to be exact, but Flora nodded obscurely.

"Oh, I see..."

The villager man takes Flora seriously again.

"So, um, could you tell me where this is?

Although Flora noticed the man's inexplicable gaze, she fixed her smile and asked again.

"Somewhere in the Kingdom of Palladia......, they say the King's Capital is to the east. I don't really know what's out there."

"The Kingdom of Palladia...... is it? Uh, sure..."

When the man tells him his vague current location, Flora openly circles her eyes. When it comes to the Kingdom of Palladia, it is a small country far northeast from the Kingdom of Beltram. Flora has heard about the country name as well, but doesn't know much about it. Although -,

(I don't know how to get home...)

Just knowing the vague distance from the Kingdom of Beltram, Flora falls on her way. At least not the distance she can walk home by herself dressed.

"............... what's wrong with you?

The man called in a small, low voice, wondering if he was surprised by Flora, who was suddenly self-defeated.

"Oh, no, the... I was wondering how to get home"

"Where do you want to go?

"... it's the Kingdom of Beltram"

"Kingdom of Beltram...... I don't know"

A young man about twenty years old in front of him doesn't even seem to know the name of the country. I guess the leading power in the Strahl region is also outside the mosquito nets for farmers living in small rural countries. That means that Flora's influence in the Kingdom of Beltram in the status of Second Princess is also of no use in this context.

"The village chief might know something. I'll show you."

When the man said so, he walked away with a tweezer.

"Oh, the... please"

When Flora is slightly distracted, she takes a peppered bow toward the man's back and follows him early enough. And a few minutes later, Flora was led to the village chief's house in the deepest part of the village.

"Explain the situation to the village chief. Wait a minute. No."

That's what the villager man says, he just walks into the house on his own. Flora decided to wait on the spot as she was told.

The village chief's house is a wooden two-story house, the most splendid building in the village, but from Flora, who grew up in the castle as a princess, it probably doesn't look much different from the rest of the house. Nevertheless, Flora looked unusual at the first peasant life she saw.

That's how Flora waits with an intriguing view of the village house...

"The village chief says he'll see you. Inside."

The man who led Flora out comes out and invites her in. Flora nodded "Yes," and went inside the fearful house. Then, shortly after entering the living room, the village chief and a middle-aged man greet him with a low back.

"This is... Welcome. I am serving as the village chief of this village. He said he was a nobleman, and Donner told me the rough story."

The village chief caught his eye slightly stiff as he put Flora in a thin, dirty dress in his sight. Nevertheless, you're not the village chief to Dade, and I immediately take care of the grin and welcome Flora.

A donner would be a young man who guided Flora. I still remain here, having guided Flora to the village chief. Then...

"Hey, Donner. I'll take care of it later. You can go back to work now."

The elder spoke to the donner.

"No, I..."

Donner shrugs and tries to say something. The gaze was directed at Flora as she peered.

"What, you have something to say to the nobles?

The elder asks the donor. But when Donner slipped his gaze slightly, he left the house in silence.

"I'm sorry. With an oligarchy man. Because of their size, the young women in the village are creepy and not very close. That was a hell of a story to tell the nobleman. So, as soon as possible, may I ask you a detailed story? Thank you, Donner. I didn't get the guidelines."

That said, the village chief laughs bitterly.

"Um, I'm called Flora. I'd like to head to the Kingdom of Beltram..."

Flora didn't know what to explain, and when she told her own name, she vaguely revealed her purpose.

"... is it the Kingdom of Beltram? I've heard the name, which country was it in?

"I do remember it being southwest of here."

"I see. Is it southwest, southwest? There was definitely a Rubian kingdom over there...... but they're in a chronic state of war with my country. There's a chance the streets are closed, right? Well, maybe the aristocrats can get through."

And the village chief, who turns his gaze to Flora to peek. Incidentally, the Kingdom of Rubia is more of a small country supported jointly by the Kingdom of Beltram and the Kingdom of Galark.

"War......, is this country at war with the Kingdom of Rubia?

Flora didn't take care of things with her knowledgeable face, but gave her a peek at the neglected side of the public opinion. Then...

"... Yep. It seems that even when it comes to war, it's just a skirmish. They're at a big war with other neighboring countries now. Well, it's normal in my country."

The village chief explains looking at Flora as he observes.

"Oh, well, I'm not a nobleman in this country..."

Flora clarified as she was in a hurry when she perceived herself suspicious of the boulder.

"I see... by reason. With all due respect, I looked a little suspicious. Sometimes I wonder, may I ask you something?

When the village chief shows some convincing appearance, he looks at Flora and asks.

"... what is it?

"Why are you not a nobleman in our country because you are alone in such a country in our country?

"It's, uh, shipwrecked on my journey..."

When Flora floated her nervous face, she answered looking backwards. Because honestly explaining it is going to make it easier for me to talk to you, rather than for you to believe me, and I'm distracted. And most importantly...

(The Kingdom of Rubia should have been a friend of Beltram. What about being known in this country that is engaged with that Rubian kingdom that I am the princess of the Kingdom of Beltram? I've already talked about being on my way to the Kingdom of Beltram...)

And Flora had such a fear. If I were to explain everything honestly, I would have to explain that Flora belongs to the nasty identity of the Kingdom of Beltram. Flora couldn't make an accurate decision as to whether it would be okay.

"Shipwreck..., so you're dressed like that? So, aren't we making a scene by now that you're gone?

"... yes, probably"

"Since your squire is not nearby?

etc., the village chief puts an exploration into Flora's situation. Do you totally believe Flora's story or something like half-heartedness?

"... I don't know"

Flora waved weakly.

"Ha ha, I see. Oh, my God."

The village chief lets him snort in swallowing and sympathize with Flora's current situation.

"... Yes"

Flora drowned her neck (Kobe) in disgust. I was optimistic that I might be able to handle it if I went where people were, but this just made me more accurately recognise that the situation in which I was put sucks. Then...

"Well, the easiest option would be to consult the aristocrats who rule this place. Unfortunately, he's only a village chief, and that's not where my powers extend."

The village chief advised Flora to take care of the nobility of the Kingdom of Palladia.

"……… I'll think about it"

And, Flora nods cloudly at the conclusion. That complexion is not excellent. If we ask the nobility of the Kingdom of Palladia for help, we fear that it will be used politically, we will also have anticipation for the boulder Flora.

"Well, I hope you're staying at my house today. I can't entertain you to the satisfaction of your nobility, but let me serve you a warm meal or so. In the meantime, what are we going to do?"

When the village chief sighed small, he expressed his willingness to entertain Flora for now. Though there's something about authenticity and uncertainty, at first you thought you couldn't even treat them less than if they were aristocratic. I don't know what kind of friendship I have, so I'm afraid I'll eat a painful cliche later.

"... Oh, thank you!

Flora lowered her head gladly as she looked slightly shuddered. I've been walking around eating nothing since yesterday. Now that I had experienced Nojuku for the first time in my life, I was just lucky to be able to sleep in a place with a roof.

Then, from across the front door facing the living room where Flora and the village chief are talking, there is a loud noise of things ringing with Gatan.


Flora responded to the noise and shook her body terribly. When I rushed to look at the front door, the worn doors were coming off, crowds of villagers and thoughtful young men.


And the men in the village all pull their faces together. I wondered if, even though it was thinly dirty, each glanced at "oh" when the flora and gaze in the dress overlapped.

"Hey, what are you doing, you guys! Why don't you get back to work!

The village chief yells at the men in a hurry. Then the men rushed out to work. Some of them look like donners.

The village chief takes a deep sigh...

"Also, I'm sorry. Be very rude."

I bowed my head to Flora looking slightly constricted. It is obvious that the men came to see Flora at a glance with curiosity. I guess I was afraid you might have bought Flora's unhappiness because of the current noise.

"No, I don't particularly care, but what more could they have done for you than that?

Flora didn't even think the men had come to see herself, and wondered to the village chief.

"Ha... no, I don't think so. If you don't seem to care, you're fine. We're running out of time, but would you like to eat?

A village chief baffled by Flora's reaction to his departure from the world, but he just changes the subject so he doesn't become a snake. It's only morning now, but it's only a little late for breakfast, and it's much too early for lunch.

"Um, I'm hungry, can I give you a break? I couldn't sleep very slowly, I'm still tired..."

"Sure, you seem a little pale. I'm in awe. We'll have a room in the house, so you can rest."

Then he asked his elder wife to get the bed ready and Flora went to deep sleep.