Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 918

The latest chapter of the world of mortals!

"My husband should not be brave and diligent in the space of time and illusion, following the river Styx and the Phoenix God How many times is it possible for me to have two phases Feather clothes smile way: "how to have time to run out in three days, squat in front of me to see."

"You see."

"Come on." Feather clothes smile way: "they are better than me."

"Not necessarily. Strength and identity have nothing to do with appearance Besides, even if platoon strength and identity, you are no worse than who. " Qin Yi said: "I always feel that those who are always doing beauty ranking are very magical. Can people's beauty really come out one, two, three, four?"

Feather dress thought for a while, leisurely way: "some still can, I think I am more beautiful than that clam."

Ann looked at the water ball in the distance

Qin Yi's Kung Fu of not offending both sides was superb. He opened his mouth and said, "of course, I have to be confident. I think I am the most handsome man in the world."

Feather dress slants a head to look at him for a long time, some smile in the eye: "I also feel so."

This smile obviously said that he didn't want to face. Well, if Bangbang didn't even know his mother, Yu Shang still gave face.

Sure enough, the transmission of tassel came out of nowhere: "don't be shameless, don't say anything else. Just look at some ancient days in your memory, and all of them are more handsome than you. I remember you changed one... "

"They are almost as handsome as me at most. I only know a writer surnamed Ji."

"Bah." Tassels don't talk.

Beauty is in the eyes of lovers. Qin Yi is the most handsome in their hearts, even if it is not true

Although Yu Shang is honest and reticent, she is not confident. On the contrary, she is very proud. Even if the Phoenix emperor has become a target of tearing, she does not feel that she is inferior to Meng Qingying. Don't mention the little Taoist nun. How about my posture?


Yu Shang is now holding back her strength to advance. She doesn't intend to argue with them at this time. When the matter of Beiming is done well, we will see. Can you use the time illusion space?

She is always worried that she does not have to run away from her husband. In fact, I am very good here and have a lot of experience. Do you think my practice is growing rapidly

Qin Yi nodded, and she really made rapid progress. Yu Shang had just broken through Qianyuan when she left Kunpeng purple mansion. After a period of consolidation with herself, she left the demon city. But now she is on the third floor of Qianyuan and is stuck in the fourth level.

It's like taking a rocket.

Their current situation and speed of practice can't be measured by common sense. God knows how much the land of Beiming has brought to her Once he really gets to the bottom of the devil's abyss, Qin Yi believes that Yu Shang's road to nothingness is also here, but it may take time That's after that.

But he didn't agree with Yu Shang and said, "come on, I'll practice my own." instead, he said, "one can't be anxious, and the other can't be held. It's easy to get stuck in this kind of meditation. It's better to be active and quiet."

Yu Shang thought to be crooked and blushed: "husband is tired of moving with them. Do you want a change? It's not impossible... "

Qin Yi almost didn't falter: "that's not the meaning. I mean We should go out for a walk. "

Her eyes are bright.

It can be seen that Qin Yi didn't mean to accompany or make up for it, but he really thought so.

Forget and remember, just need to make up, and he never forget.

From these two days, every few sticks of incense came out to see her

He was concerned about her state and her safety. As long as she was not practicing together in the space of time and illusion, Qin Yi might not be in a state of mind.

Yu Shang really felt that even if one day proved the vastness of Kunpeng, he could not give up this man.

"Then go out for a walk." Yu Shang stood up and held out his hand.

Qin Yi took hold of it, and they went out hand in hand.

Min Valley is not a very large valley. Compared with the vastness of the whole Beiming, it is only a corner of the East, accounting for a very small proportion.

Due to the long-term residence of the youri people, the valley is not a wild and primitive Valley as previously imagined. There are buildings everywhere, as well as man-made spiritual fields and so on. Its architectural style is very similar to that of the cities inhabited by many ethnic groups in the wilderness. Due to the influence of Bodhi temple, the style also has the meaning of Buddhist temples. They can see some forest of pagodas and steles everywhere, which is also a kind of practice setting.

The main difference with other ethnic groups is that they like the sun pattern. In the middle is black, surrounded by light outside the carving shape, is considered dark sun.

The building material is also black, which is in sharp contrast to the vast white glacier outside. Black is not a dark and complete black, but a dark color, like black crystal.

Apart from the enemy and the enemy, the place is actually quite beautiful.

As they walked slowly along the way, a feeling flashed in their hearts - they were still old-fashioned topics, they were in a hurry and missed too much.I have been here for so long. I only remember fighting and practicing. Have you ever seen what it looks like?

Even the valley, the vast northern Ming, also so startled a glance, except to see the sea water and icebergs, nothing.

It's a pity.

Yu Shang feels a little bit like a wilderness in such a place. In addition, this is the sea, and there is the meaning of ancestors. In fact, she is more comfortable here than in Shenzhou.

After walking for a long time, she sighed: "at the beginning, I told my husband to look at overseas places, look at China, look at other places Is it half done now? "

"Well, many people have never been to Beiming." Qin Yi said in a low voice: "it's just a pity that we've been here almost as if we didn't come."

"Well." This is what Yu Shang wanted to say. She said with a smile: "now that I'm slow down, I really feel much more comfortable. My husband is right. I need to adjust the movement and stillness."

Qin Yi said, "sooner or later, I will come back and have a look at the road again."

Yu Shang knows what the road of Qin Yi's coming is. It doesn't mean the scenery, but the review of the road of practice and the realization of the original heart of the world of mortals.

Because of this intention, Qin Yi has expressed it more than once.

However, she didn't want to talk more about the topic of cultivation at this time. She just said with a smile: "could min Gu be in the East China Sea? Is it time for nofjun to take it back? "

Qin Yi said with a smile, "you want to move all the good things to the sea."

"On the contrary." Yu Shang said with a smile, "it doesn't matter where the valley is. I think it's good to stay in Beiming. It also makes guangmiao's single Beiming more exotic scenery."

Qin Yi nodded: "but it is, as you said at the beginning, the vast east China Sea seems to make people broad-minded, but after a long time, they will be crazy and depressed. The East China Sea is warm only when it has the green meaning of building trees. In fact, it's very good that there is a valley in Beiming. "

Seeing Qin Yi, I still remember what she said earlier. Yu Shang was very happy with the sweetness in her smile. An'an teeth, who looked at the water ball from a distance, became sour.

It's not for nothing that Mr. A has such a woman's fate. He is really careful. He doesn't know when to say a word that he can remember in his heart.

Qin Yi suddenly said, "Yu Shang, you want to leave the sea and travel around the world, in fact, is the legacy of Kun Peng."

Feather dress way: "have this meaning, perhaps be engrave in the brand of blood place. When I received the ancestral heritage, my heart was even bigger. It's funny to think about it. "

"How big is it?" said Qin

Feather clothes embarrassed way: "I want to leap the universe, see different stars."

Qin Yi's heart moved.

In fact, it has always been the aspiration of people since the wisdom of life.

So some worlds seek, some world aviation.

There are Kunpeng hanging clouds, there are tassels tearing the sky.

When the word "Tao" goes deep, it will return to the same place as expected.

The voice of tassel came from nowhere: "look at the stars, not big enough."

Feather clothes a Leng: "if I know without mistake, this universe has no end at all, how is not big enough?"

"Because what you think is one-dimensional." Tassel said: "the wide space is not only horizontal, but also vertical. Three thousand worlds, planes overlap, in addition to you and me, the same boundless universe has unknown number. How can I know that the whole universe is not another false sky when I tear up a piece of false sky

Don't talk about Yu Shang this time. Qin Yi is a little surprised.

It seems that the world is too clear. No wonder Bangbang has seen his memory of the universe stars, but never expressed any surprise, which belongs to the basic principle?

Then we said, "no more fringes Since there was a false sky, someone must have created it. Who did it? "

This is the meaning of tassels tearing the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!