Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 893

Both Minghe and mengqingying are spiritually self-sufficient, with great wisdom and aura. They are different in temperament, but they are not good at hiding and coaxing.

Maybe in front of Qin's game, he was in a strange aura? uncertain.

At any other time, they are as intuitive as the law of heaven attached to the body, such as the moon reflected in the clear water, slightly ripples, they feel restless.

At almost the same time, both of them, who had been trapped in the practice of enlightenment, unconsciously frowned slightly, and both realized that something was wrong.

Meng Qingying was a little addicted, because this kind of practice is surprisingly cool

Yes, it was. The sense of peace, gentleness and warmth of the warm sunshine and warm spring breeze seems to have disappeared all the worries and troubles in the world, the anger and evil spirit, the hatred, the resentment, the obsession and bitterness that can't be asked for.

This is the warmest sun.

Can only experience joy, and want to help others are also happy, to help others process is also a kind of happiness.

This is the best heart.

It's the pure land of bliss, without filth, without calculation, without all the darkness of the camp.

Is it uncomfortable to be in it?

That is the expectation from the heart, the most beautiful vision in the heart.

For Meng Qingying, a person who is habitually walking and dark, he has more vision and understanding, which is a kind of neutralization and quite beneficial.

A kind of meaning, which is opposite to the usual shadow of practice, penetrates the soul like a flood of water.

She was reflecting that many things she had done before were really wrong. For example, a long time ago, Qin Yi wanted to kill himself. The reason was that he was wrong Even if I just said to sad wish, it's not right to ignore the details for the sake of more important things. If you have good intentions towards others, any life is precious.

If only to reflect on this step, Meng Qingying does not think there is anything wrong. This is her own daily reflection, especially after getting on well with Qin Yi, she often thinks about whether Qin Yi will be angry with what she has done So they are all restrained.

What's more, due to the long-term wandering in the nether world, there is no time to do bad things. Is killing the original creatures of the nether world counted?

In the past ten or twenty years, the whole wanxiangsen luozong hasn't done anything magical. It's not that the main idea of the sect has improved. It's really a different place to mix.

But it's all like this. Standing in front of Qin Yi, Meng Qingying still feels that he is not good enough. He has to go out to help others, to leave this evil sect, to dissuade his master, and even the nether creatures are very poor and can't be killed casually, and so on.

The whole mind is like the Virgin Mary.

It is not to say that there is anything wrong with the Virgin Mary. The problem is that Meng Qingying thinks that it is impossible for him to think about it.

People like them have a very firm understanding of themselves. Otherwise, they would have been swept away by the terrible will of the previous life. How can those who have been baptized by the meaning of the pseudo Qing Dynasty be influenced by ordinary foreign objects?

The discovery of self-awareness wavered, which immediately made Meng Qingying wake-up eight points, that kind of intoxicated practice slightly separated from some.

Once it was no longer sinking and alert, she soon found a strange sense of separation.

It's like The darkest part of my heart is being stripped, exiled and suppressed below Below is the shadow of the tree, just like to exclude their own shadow, into the shadow of the same.

No one else can feel this clearly, but who is Meng Qingying? What does Vientiane Senluo play is puppet art, which focuses on everything. Among them, Meng Qingying specializes in shadow technique and takes shadow as puppet.

Her understanding of shadow is only inferior to jade immortal in this world. It may not be better for crane to mourn Xiyue and imprison cattle, and those who have no sense to stand in front of her and discuss the shadow with her.

"The shadow of the tree is fake..." Meng Qingying suddenly alerted: "this is not the shadow reflected by the real sunlight, but the shadow projected by the dark side of the tree. What actually connects is the abyss of magic Is it the nether world? Forget the river

Meng light shadow suddenly stood up, but found his knees as if absorbed in general, can not stand up.

Deep in the soul, there is still the feeling that the dark side is being absorbed, as if the abyss under the earth is constantly absorbing her negative will and forming her negative projection in the abyss.

If she goes on like this, she will be "transited".

Become a completely bright Meng light shadow.

And her dark projection, will appear in the depths of the abyss, become another person?

"This is your Buddhist transition?" Meng light shadow in the heart of the urgent search for countermeasures, but the mouth has made a voice, she knows sad wish in listening.

"Amitabha." I don't know where the voice came from: "I didn't intend to use this projection method to divide the benefactor. The benefactor wants to see the bodhi tree, but I still think that it can't be seen by the benefactor, because the benefactor may be the only one in the world who can detect the abnormality of the tree. "

It could be the only one.

This is the two generations intertwined, very sensitive to this division. In addition to the baptism of the meaning of the past life, this life is based on the shadow of all things, but also very familiar with the nether world, looking for is forgetting the river.If there is only one person in the world who can find the problem of this tree, it is only Meng Qingying.

If there are two people, then add Minghe.

"Maybe only the benefactor can break things, and the benefactor has come." Sad wish sighed: "this is the cause and effect, and it must be ended. If the benefactor is forced not to see it, maybe he will peek at it? "

"That's right. The more you don't let me see it, the more I think there's something else, and I think that maybe forget Chuan might hide here Er, ha ha, in fact, forget Chuan really hid this. What method did you use to distort the overlapping space? "

No answer.

"Forget it." Meng Qingying said with a smile: "so you chose to cross me, as the end?"

"I really don't want to kill the benefactor But it is also the result of both sides to transform the donor's demonic nature into a good man. "

"Poof Ha ha, ha ha... " Meng Qingying looks up to the sky and laughs: "is this the ferry? Ha ha ha

Sad wish to look at her quietly.

Meng light shadow laughs to gasp for breath, took out a relic from the bosom: "know this is what?"

Sad wish to gaze for a moment, slowly said: "is an eminent monk relic, strong Buddha nature."

"This" eminent monk. " What do you think he did with the light smile

"Amitabha." "I can probably think of what he wants to do, but it is not the same as me. He wants to erase the magic nature. On the one hand, he can't erase it. On the other hand, he will hurt the wisdom of the benefactor. But this method is to cut off the three corpses, but the true way of Taiqing is not only harmless to the benefactor, but also helpful. "

"Maybe you don't even have the same intention as him. Maybe you think it's a good thing to do But in my opinion, there is no difference between you. " Meng Qingying said with a smile, "because your" ferry "has never asked the other party whether he or she would like to When good and evil are separated into extremes like yours, you say this is the most good, but I say you are the devil

With the voice, Meng Qingying's long hair is windless automatically, raised high and suddenly opened.

It's like the phoenix of Hades, flapping its wings.

A star dragon appeared from behind her, covering the sky and sky in the twinkling of an eye.

"Why? This This is... " Sad wish some surprise: "dragon of Qi?"

"Yes, it's luck." Meng Qingying, who was clearly absorbed in the shadow and couldn't move, seemed to break away and slowly stood up: "this is my shadow substitution technique, and the star dragon has withstood the magic yuan adsorption."

Sad wish looks moved.

Meng Qingying said faintly: "even the bodhi tree seems to have been taken away by you. The shadow at present is fake, and the real shadow is unknown You say that everything has two sides, so you can divide them into two parts. It seems very reasonable. "

Sad wish to say slowly: "is it not?"

Meng Qingying, with long hair and dark fire, walked out of the shadow pool step by step, with a sneer on his face: "Qi Yun is Qi Yun, which is the purest thing. If there are two sides, the absorbed side is called Bad luck? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!