Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 859

After all, Li Qingjun's "punishment" is not endless.

On the fifth day, they finally came out.

Li Qingjun, who was originally weak in Qi and blood and overdrawn in spirit, was in high spirits at this time. He was vigorous and vigorous, and his ponytail was jumping with his walking.

It's like an aunt. It's clear that she is an invincible young girl.

She not only recovered, she broke through.

Kendo Qianyuan, of course, is refreshing.

This is not surprising, but it is strange that it takes a long time for such a breakthrough to be stable, but Li Qingjun seems to be able to stabilize it directly.

Li Wuxian looks a little dull. This pill Oh, no, is this double practice so good? Is there something wrong?

Li Qingjun walked to his niece and patted her on the shoulder kindly: "it's been hard for two years."

Li Wuxian:

Then I saw the master who was the best in the world to support the wall, his face was white.

Li Wuxian:

Qin Yi raised his head and looked at his apprentice's face, which was similar to his wife's seven or eight points.

Others thought that they had practiced both for a few days, but it was a pity that he had been practicing both for two or three years.

In the first two days, Li Qingjun suddenly broke through. The breakthrough must always try to be stable. Qin Yi then sacrificed himself to Shihuan space and hid with Li Qingjun.

This hiding in the eyes of outsiders for two or three days, in their place is more than two years Therefore, Li Qingjun seems to have stabilized the realm all of a sudden, and the actual time spent is longer than that of ordinary people.

As we all know, the time fantasy space is just a little bit of territory. It can only be used in one posture for two years Do you know how master has been through the past two years?

Qingjun has broken through the realm. It's so cool. I haven't

Qin Yi thought that he might not want to do that for a long time

"That, aunt..." Li Wuxian led an alpaca: "congratulations from Penglai sword Pavilion. The courtiers say this is the legendary unicorn

Qin Yi almost spurted blood: "God special Kirin."

"Ah? Isn't it? " Li Wuxian held his cheek: "it doesn't matter. Anyway, the public heard that the overseas offering of a qilin is a great auspicious omen."

“…… You call a deer a horse. Even alpacas dare to refer to Kirin! Wait Congratulations? What gift? "

Li Wuxian wrung: "I, our wedding gift."

Qin Yi took a puff on his face, hung his head and stopped talking.

Although the marriage was a bit unexpected, I didn't brush my teeth But for two years, of course, everything has been explained to Qingjun, and I know that this can only be done in this way.

"Weddings, weddings, I didn't want to do anything big." Li Wuxian clung to the corner of his coat and muttered: "I think, I think it's a little fast."

Well, do you think it's fast when it comes to it? Why don't you talk about it when you're hooking up with master

In fact, Qin Yi and Li Qingjun can guess this kind of girl's mind. Who is not a person from the past.

Qin Yi himself didn't want to be a great master. Most of his fellow practitioners knew that this was a pair of masters and apprentices That's enough. Many of Nanli's old friends are still alive. There are many people who have experienced Qin's chess game and Li Qingjun's discussion on relatives. Now It's really embarrassing to have a grand wedding ceremony. It's just like public execution in front of the whole world.

With peach blossom essence's face can't stand, it's no wonder that before Qing Jun was very resistant.

It's just a small arrangement.

The title is just an account to the outside world. It can be done without ceremony. The most important essence is that we can do the treatment without those knots. We should treat how to treat it. Before this matter was solved, Qin Yi had no mind to think about anything else.

To tell you the truth, Qin Yi is more entangled than anyone else in this matter.

He was not greedy for his apprentice's body. He was really not greedy. If it wasn't for Yaoguang's problem to be solved, if only the apprentice showed the intention of collusion, he would have run like a few years ago.

But he could not tell clearly that he thought so in his heart, but why did he have a kind of consciousness that she didn't want her to follow others, which led to refusal and incompetence, and things went out of control to this point.

Don't say that when things come to an end, no immortal thinks it's fast. Why isn't Qin Yi?

I'm afraid both of them will sit there awkwardly, even unable to speak.

For example, right now Li Qingjun went out to see his roommate who gave gifts in Penglai sword Pavilion. Li Wuxian, a chess player of Qin Dynasty, sat in his bedroom without saying a word for a long time.

Li Wuxian looked down at the floor, and his fingers were still clinging to the corner of his clothes. Obviously, his brain was empty.

In theory, master is the emperor's husband now, and he should do anything, but Li Wuxian doesn't know whether he will run away if the master comes over. The night in the palace was like water that night. It seemed that I had forgotten how I felt.

Qin Yi was the same over there. He sat at the table and looked at the texture on the table. It seemed that there was some law of the road. He didn't know what he had developed. Anyway, he couldn't look up at his apprentice's expression for a long time.A little ghost floated in.

Qin Yi finally had a reaction, as if his expression was a little fresh.

"Hiss." Tassel sat on the table, picked up the teapot and gulped.

"Stick, immortality is not over Now that foreign affairs have subsided, we need to solve it thoroughly. "

"Well." Tassel put down the teapot: "so why are you two stupid birds sitting here? You don't do anything when you've got all your credit? "

Li Wuxian shuddered and looked at Qin Yi for help.

"We're not here to do that." Qin Yi opened the conversation box to the tassel, which was very fluent: "I smoothed this matter through several stages..."

"Say it."

"At first, we wanted to stimulate that person and find a chance to seal it. Later, he found that he couldn't catch hold of it, so he gave up the stimulus plan and switched to the scheme of Wu Xian's own consciousness separation, right? "

"Well." Tassel said: "no matter what kind of plan, it is meaningful to face the soul directly, which is of little significance outside. So what you should do now is to go to bed and dream instead of sitting here like a fool. "

Qin Yi said: "I'm thinking, if the matter ultimately depends on the separation of Wuxian's own consciousness, then should I look for something to assist Wuxian in calming his soul? If there is such a thing, what is appropriate? "

The tassel was stunned and pondered: "if you say so, I think of something This object is used to separate and store the soul of a person who practices the method of dividing souls. It can establish a complete consciousness of separation. If used here, it may help to separate If the other party is aware of the existence of this thing, maybe he or she will separate his soul. After all, Wu Xian doesn't agree with her. She may also seek to separate her soul. "

Qin Yi Yi Xi: "what is that thing?"

Tassel face no expression: "Dark Jade Crystal. If it is used to shape the body, it is the evolution platform. "

Qin Yi's mouth was half open, just like swallowing a duck's egg.

Minghua jade crystal, one of the last two things that stick remoulds itself is one of the last two things that we lack. After so many years of searching, we have no clue. Now we need more. Where can we find it?

Li Wuxian suddenly called out, "Duke Wang."

The answer came from outside: "the old slave is here."

"Give me a list of the world, looking for clues to the bright jade, as long as there is a useful clue, enjoy a fairy mountain, forever private property. Those who clearly provided the place to go were granted the Marquis of wanhu and vice National Master of Jin. Those who directly provide jade crystal will split the soil to seal the king and inherit it from generation to generation. "

The appearance of the tassels in the game of Qin Dynasty is moving.

Yes This kind of good thing, we always think that only high-end monks have clues, but in fact, it may not.

In this huge Shenzhou, how many people and how many inherits, among which there are so many monks who are hard to practice and greedy for worldly desires. If the whole Shenzhou moves, the clue of what they want is really not difficult.

When 600 million Chinese media are exhausted

Are some of the high-end friars more informative, or are the whole world's creatures more widely informed?

We didn't pay much attention to the significance of the emperor of Shenzhou for resources. Maybe this is the first time to show the extraordinary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!