Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 796

The prisoner's mind moved in the air.

A large jade house floating on the sea floor All the previous visions, including the time barrier and the light of the innate treasure, which affected the time of the day, are emitted from here.

At this time, although there is no vision, there is still hazy light, it looks very ethereal.

It's no use being ethereal. In Qin Yi's mind, the room is already full of bathrooms, so there's no need to force any more

It's like a building built independently in a palace. It's dug out, and the foundation is still under it

Through the barrier of time and space, we can detect that the breath of safety still does not disappear inside. It is just because time is covered, it is difficult to perceive clearly.

I don't know what happened to her inside Qin Yi looked at the prisoner and said, "here is the king's ending. You can be at ease. You may as well go in and have a look at the situation."

Qin Yi nodded: "that will trouble the king."

The prisoner said with a smile, "I want to thank you. This time, you are always taking great pains to protect the sea people. Without you, I really don't know what will happen this time. The sea people feel the same gratitude. "

"I don't have to say that. This time, Zhao Wu Huai eroded Bami. Because of his existence, all the monks in Shenzhou were alerted. I was afraid that it would be very difficult to provoke a big disaster again. I wonder if there is a chance to push back a wave... "

The prisoner cow shook his head: "don't underestimate the strength of the sky. If I guess correctly, someone else should always strive for a breakthrough in Taiqing. Under the accumulation of a large number of resources, they can prove it at any time. At that time, it will be very difficult for the world to be prepared and not to be in a mess. It will be too optimistic to extrapolate. "

"Well Talk about it again. I'll see Ann first Qin Yi put his hand on the room and suddenly disappeared.

Several Qianyuan monks surrounded the barrier that had been studied for a long time, but there was hardly any for him, so they went in directly. Even the captive cattle were stunned and frowned.

We can't blame Zhao wuhuai for not understanding Qin's chess. There are some mists on Qin's chess that people can't see clearly. This is not something that can be explained by a tassel. No matter how many things there are in the tassel society, it is impossible to let Qin Yi learn with the guidance of primary knowledge. At this level, the things of Qin chess club must be truly understood by himself.

But if we say that everyone can easily understand this, the captive cattle do not believe it.

Qin Yi doesn't feel that he is special. Of course, he is a traverser. This is the biggest special thing. Many different situations can be used inside. For example, the modern people's cognition of time and space, even if their knowledge is not professional enough, it is more profound and more understanding than the ordinary ancient people. This is normal. And then there are more than half the advantages of the body.

He would not think that he and the emperor of heaven have a relationship, really have a relationship, tassel early fried.

Entering the house, I only feel that it is distorted and ethereal everywhere. There are water mist all over the space, and there are staggered times, messy and mysterious.

Although it is not deliberately created space-time chaos, it is obviously affected by some residual breath, leading to internal chaos and intertwined.

In the mist, I don't even know where I am in the house, nor can I find the bath pool.

Qin Yi understands why An'an has been quiet for a long time. It's hard to find a real thing here and where it is. It's really difficult for an an an, a little clam girl in Huiyang, to come in.

Fortunately, there is no lethality, but it is easy to get lost. If it is really lethal, it will be planted in it.

I'm not very considerate But at that time, there was no way.

Qin Yi stretched out his hand and emptied into the mist. The halo spread from his palm. The fog converged, twisted and smoothed, and a normal space was created.

Tassels floated out, browsing around, look some distant vicissitudes of life, do not know what to think of the past.

Qin Yi had no time to ask her these questions. She could already see a pool in the deep fog. An'an was floating in the pool, as if she had fainted.

From this scene, An'an finally found the right position after a very hard combing. Finally After collecting too much water, can't hold up?

Well The Beng nationality is dizzy in the water, should not drown?

Qin Yi strode forward to hold An'an and examine it. A string of ellipsis appeared in his mind

It seems that Eat up?

"It's just eating up." The tassel said: "she just shines on the sun It's too much water here, it's not enough for her to take. "

Qin Yi frowned.

It's not like Yeling's insistence that the fusion of blood vessels should be broken. As long as the operation is appropriate, there will be no problem. It is the absorption of this innate treasure that is really possible. Just as he absorbed chaos God thunder in Qin Yi, he would not have been able to cope without the help of Miss Yue. At that time, he would have been Qianyuan

This is the same meaning as the original chaos God thunder. Judging from the situation here, it seems that the concentration is still very high. It is not "thunder seed", but a large area of water essence.

In the late stage of An'an's Huiyang period, the concentration of Taisheng water here obviously exceeded An'an's bearing capacity.But An'an is worried that if she doesn't absorb it completely, it's useless There will still be demons outside, and there will still be visions of heaven and earth attracting others So bite the teeth and force to absorb, in order to complete absorption.

At the same time, the external vision disappeared, and An'an was about to explode. This is because An'an blood is very special, and it is equivalent to a kind of innate spirit If it had been for someone else, it would have been dead.

This little clam Think she is weak and brave, but in fact she has courage.

It's not complicated. It can be seen at a glance. It's eight to nine.

But it's not easy to solve.

The water spirit has been absorbed and integrated by An'an, that is, it is inseparable from her roots. If she does not take the initiative to exercise the power to protect and cooperate with her, it may cause irreparable damage to her foundation by unilaterally forcibly pulling away the water spirit she absorbed.

This kind of behavior generally belongs to the magic skill, which can also be called "Caibu" in a broad sense, that is, to excavate others to benefit oneself

Now, like Shuangxiu, this word has been narrowed down, and its original meaning is not that much Suddenly, an idea flashed into Qin Yi's mind. Duan Yu allowed me to go. These brothers have made up a lot of people. They are very philosophical.

No matter how it is defined, it belongs to a method that causes great harm to others and cannot be used lightly.

But if she doesn't, she may die.

Tassels floating beside, holding hands, sour way: "as long as she can cooperate, protect the fundamental, and you interact with each other, it will not hurt her, and you can have both benefits. It's just that if you want to change your address, it's not about picking and toning. It's called Shuangxiu. "

Qin Yi didn't bother with the definition of what to call it. The key to the problem is: "now that she has been flooded with natural water, she has lost her aura. How can she wake up?"

The tassel sipped her mouth for a while, which was really not easy to do. At this time, any pills or techniques could aggravate her "eating support" and become the last straw that killed her.

It is necessary to "bleed".


He continued to sigh bitterly: "there is only one way She needs an acceptable energy channel to connect with her, and her survival subconscious will take the initiative to discharge the surplus water there, just like adding a blood drainage pipe to her

Qin Yi sighed: "it's good to have this method. How to operate it?"

Tassel face expressionless: "you arrange a piece of your body position empty, form a storage vortex, and then kiss her little mouth

Qin Yi said:


"Are you serious?"

"It's certainly OK, but I'm not responsible for whether she'll spit on you or not!"

Is that the problem?

Qin Yidan looks at An'an in his arms with pain. Her breath has become weaker and weaker. The purple mansion in Lingtai is about to be destroyed by the water spirit. The flood discharge is urgent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!