Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 765

The latest chapter of the world of mortals!

It seems to make sense to insist that But how did it happen? From the bed?

Qin Qin wants to make complaints about himself.

However, this is really the power that he has bonded together. As long as he says that he will give up Xuanyin, Xuanyin sect may fall apart immediately. Without the support of Wandao immortal palace and demon city, Xuanyin sect, whose foundation was weak, could not become a leader of a gang nature. When is Xuanyin sect in charge?

Yu Piao deliberately set up his authority of Qin game, which is not only a statement to Xiangong and Cheng Cheng, but also a fact that must be so.

Qin Yi recalled that when Qing Jun was discussing the situation, he thought that he should master a power here, so he sowed some seeds. He didn't expect to ask about it for two or three years. When he looked back, he would grow into a towering tree.

"So..." Qin Yi hesitated and asked, "have you ever been to the demon city since you practiced so fast?"

"Yes, the demon king said that it was very difficult for me to stand in front of the stage before, so he gave me the cultivation of the earth veins for three months." Feather float smile: "fortunately, I did not let people down."

"You are strong." Qin Yi said sincerely.

No wonder it was said that how could this product be gifted to this place? As expected, it was still nature that helped.

The terrain of the demon city is based on the flesh and blood energy of Kunpeng, which is the foundation of the sky. Under the demon city, a stone pier is pressed as the core, which condenses the Demon power, so it can nourish and strengthen the demons. In addition to the fact that it is not suitable for human beings, in terms of utility level, it is similar to Qin Yi's own hidden cultivation cave and Jianmu, which is more beneficial to demons.

The strength of this feather float can be understood, of course, it is also very talented, for a mediocre person will not have so fast. Feather float is a person who knows what he needs and doesn't care what others think. This clarity and firmness are the important qualities of the road.

But the most talented person is Cheng Cheng himself.

What's the concept of "the realm of the demon emperor is perfect" Since Qin Yi's practice, there have been so many changes and overtakes, but now it's so terrible that he doesn't get close to Cheng Cheng.

Kunpeng terrain and purple mansion are top-level creatures for demons. It's true that several ancestral saints were born by this alone in those years, but people need time! Qin Yi dares to say that there are almost no such efficiency as Cheng Cheng.

Although the yellow blood is better than the fox, it may not be better than the Nine Tailed Fox, nor can it be better than the dragon and phoenix or the snake With the blood of the snake and the blood given by the dragon, she can understand how fast she can understand. Even if she becomes a saint, Qin can accept the reality, but Cheng Cheng does not have such a congenital condition, she is really not easy.

Maybe it's good to practice together After the combination, it can be used for fusion.

That is like the woman who came out of the misty and rainy picture scroll in the south of the Yangtze River. Cheng Cheng herself is a double body of human and demon. She has always been committed to the coexistence of human beings and demons, but she finally returns in the sharp reality.

Qin Yi doesn't know what Cheng Cheng thinks of human beings It doesn't seem strange that she does something very villainous behind the scenes.

Seeing Qin Yi showing tenderness and sadness, Yu float was surprised and flashed by and said with a smile, "why did brother Qin come back this time?"

"Oh..." Qin Yi took back his thoughts and asked, "there are some strange things in the South China Sea recently. Have you ever paid attention to them?"

"South China Sea..." Plume float shows a trace of smile: "brother Qin is for the mussel bead, or for the clam girl?"

An'an's heart leaped, and Qin Yi quietly asked, "isn't the Pearl produced by a clam girl? What is the meaning of coming for the Pearl and for the girl? "

"If you come for mussel beads, you want to have a share of the profits of the South China Sea Even if you want to catch a clam girl to warm her bed, it's mainly for mussel beads. " Feather float smile: "to tell you the truth, brother Qin, in order to compete for the clam girl and the Pearl recently, some people have been fighting. They can't make friends."

An an angry way: "clam girl is not goods, how to fight for it?"

Feather float looked at her, light way: "in people's eyes, what is not cargo? For generations, the sea people not only want pearls, but also eat them. Because Chengjing can't touch it? No, no, it's better to be fine. The pearl is a treasure, and the clam girl can still play. "

"You An an pinched her delicate hand and finally realized why Qin Yi had so carefully hidden her evil spirit.

The conflict between human and demon here is really beyond her expectation.

Qin Yi waved his hand to stop An'an and asked, "brother Dao, is it the protector's intention to come for the clam girl? Is there anyone else in the world who protects monsters? "

"Yes." Plume float light way: "Qin elder brother behind the excited ugly girl is not a?"

Ann was angry: "who is the ugly girl! What's wrong with my sympathy for the mussel girl

"Not so..." Feather float said with a smile: "there are some young friars who can't look down and help the clam girl Now it's what you mean, too? "

Qin Yi said with a smile: "yes, it's not good to bully people too much, right? In other words, in the South China Sea, those who fight for each other to protect the clam girl are in a mess? ""Yes."

"It doesn't make sense. For the benefit of bengzhu, it should be a strong organization. Even if the monk Qianyuan didn't personally do such a thing, the leader of the team would at least have Huiyang Ordinary young chivalrous men, what are they fighting for? "

"Well There are teachers behind these people, and they can't be dismissed casually Of course, they also have backing to organize them, otherwise it will only be a loose sand

Ann can't help but ask: "there are still people who organize Who is so good? "

The feather float pointed to himself: "Xuanyin sect."

Qin Yi was shocked.

Feather float smile: "we and demon city secretly bound for so long, this kind of thing, where can the demon city endure? Now some people in the demon city lead a team to do this in the name of Xuanyin sect elder. We Xuanyin sect secretly received the clam girl and sent it to the bottom of the rift valley. We have already sent many batches of them... "

Qin Yi's heart moved: "who is leading the team?"

Finally, the first fear appeared on the feather float's face, even when the demon king was mentioned.

He slowly opened his mouth and spoke cautiously: "the little Lord of demon city, the night Ling of snake."


Qin Yi didn't expect that the Rift Valley demon city had been so involved in the chaotic place with the help of xuanyinzong as a springboard.

Ye Ling led the team to work in the name of Xuanyin sect elder

Ye Ling and Han men, the spirits of these monsters, know too much about human beings. As long as we try to restrain the evil spirit and act like human beings, as long as we don't offend the monks who are much higher than them, it's really hard to be seen through.

Qin Yi originally intended to deal with this matter with the help of Xuanyin sect. Finally, he found that Xuanyin sect was a shell from the beginning to the end. The essence of the matter has become a battle between human beings and demons, which was ignited by Beng women in the South China Sea.

Yu Piao's attitude didn't seem to want to be a traitor. He didn't want to be a traitor. After a long time of rambling around, he tried to find out that Qin Yi had indeed come to help the mussel girl, and then reluctantly revealed the situation.

It's like he's scared

Afraid of night feathers?

Afraid of the night feather

On his way to the South China Sea, Qin Yi lay on the airship deck and looked at the sky. There was also a kind of bewilderment like falling into a dream.

Is there something wrong

If you are afraid of Cheng Cheng, you are afraid of Yeling

Big move: hold your head and squat?

Terror: Rua?

Qin Yi shakes his head. He can't imagine what kind of scene it is. However, in his heart, he passes by the monster in Yeling's eyes when he went to the demon city to say goodbye.

Whether she's fierce or not, she's really grown up, right?

It's been nearly 20 years since I met. He has changed from a young boy to a monk of Qianyuan. He works as an emperor and decides on the western regions. How many things does he do along the way? How can Yeling be the original snake?

She is not like green tea as congenital lack of tendons, even if the body does not grow up, the mentality is always long.

As if she said she didn't want to grow up, how could it be transferred by her own will

Ann sits aside and looks at a pearl the size of an egg in her hand.

This is the sample that the feather float gave her just now. The friars in the South have caught mussels and made pearls. This kind of beads of water has spread to the north and become a very profitable industrial chain.

If only one or two organizations do this, it may be finished if it is destroyed. However, this is what all southern friars, including overseas monks, are doing. How can we prevent it?

The South China Sea is also large, full of newborn sea monsters, and not just Bengal. The whole situation is a mess.

Even if that terrible little Lord of demon city, I'm afraid I can only save a few. I can't help the whole situation, right?

She turned her head and looked at Qin Yi, who was in a daze.

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