See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 321

"20 points"

"20 points"

"20 points"

"20 points"

"20 points"

Without any hesitation, all the judges gave full marks of 20 points, and there was an uproar in the audience, both teachers and students.

“o(゚ Д ゚) っ! Nani, it's a full score! How is this possible! There have been few such scores since the founding of Yuanyue school! "

"Is this world-class strength? It's terrible!"


Looking at the crowd, senro clenched his right hand and raised it high, posing as a winner.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field had reached the peak, Kawashima Li took advantage of the hot iron to continue the game.

"Oh, oh! I didn't expect that there would be full marks. This is an unprecedented event. There are few players left in group B who haven't played yet. What's next

Just as Kawashima Li looked around for the next contestant, a delicate voice sounded behind her.

"Hi ~ everyone, please take your time."

Kawashima Li turned and looked. She didn't know when to shave. Alice had brought her food to the judges. Suddenly, an unknown fire rushed to her heart: "I ran up without authorization before I finished. Don't ignore my host, asshole!"

After shaving, Alice stretched her waist and said in a charming voice, "it's all because senro's cooking took the judges too long. I'm impatient."

The judges were surprised when they looked at the food glittering with strange luster in front of them.

"This... What is this!"

"It's a lie. Is this really curry?"

Seeing that the judges had not started yet, Alice shaved her hands and said with a lovely face, "I've worked very hard to make this. Please try it."

At this time, the audience in the audience also talked about it one after another.

"Is that circular slice an ornament?"

"Why can't you see the curry soup for her cuisine?"

"Is that weird green sauce curry?"

"I don't understand. What kind of food is this?"

Hearing the audience's comments, Alice shaved her small face and became a steamed stuffed bun:“ Ծ‸Ծ Hum, what nonsense are you talking about? Everything I put on the plate is undoubtedly curry. "

As soon as the five judges listened, they picked up knives and forks and sent the dishes to the entrance. But the next moment, they stared at each other and froze in place. Only their mouth chewed symbolically and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing their reaction, the audience immediately became angry: "Nani! What's going on? The judges who are still talking until just now are frozen!"

In this regard, Kawashima Li, the host, came forward and asked, "ah, here? Judges, what's the taste of this cuisine?"

"This is... How to describe it? Warm things and cold things crisscross each other... Ah... How to say?"

Anton Shenwu kept holding his glasses with his hand to hide his embarrassment.

On the other side, Yoshida Shuji was red and cheek and said, "this curry sauce." it's frothing and slightly warm. It's a taste of entrance. "And the mousse made of this tomato. This is Bing Bing's cool."

In the end, Hideki Yoshida had no confidence to go on.

Seeing the experienced gourmets stop talking, some people with strength understand that it is because the cooking of shaving Alice has exceeded the understanding ability of the judges.

Seeing the judges like this, Alice couldn't hold her breath, so she directly opened her mouth and said, "that mousse is something made by adding spices to tomato juice and solidifying it with sodium alginate."

Shaving Alice's words successfully turned the judges' attention from cooking to her, so she continued proudly: "Brown cubes are mousse made by mixing frozen crushed foie gras powder and turmeric. The white object in the middle is mashed potatoes made of six kinds of cheese and potatoes. Of course, this has also been frozen rapidly, so it will melt in the mouth. When the temperature in your mouth cools down, please enjoy the crisp green pie! I have used coriander When the spices are seasoned, the tongue can rest temporarily. "

At this point, Alice pointed her hand at the judges: "thermalsense, this is a way of thinking of molecular cuisine using all kinds of [temperature difference], and this dish is a product that fully condenses this concept."

After listening to Alice's explanation, Kawashima Li still knew a little, so she asked the judges in some doubt: "well... In the final analysis... Is this dish delicious?"

Anton Shenwu patted the table and replied without hesitation: "there is no doubt that it is delicious!"

But the next moment, his face showed an unwilling expression: "but... I have no words to express 100% of the delicacy of this cuisine."

Hearing Anton Shenwu's own admission, the audience was very surprised: "Nani! Can't even the top writers describe the delicious food?"

The Qianbiao Zhijiang on the judges' table was flushed with praise: "With spices as the center, the freely changing temperature and taste make this cuisine shine and make the field of cuisine take on a new look! If chef senro's cuisine is extremely poor now and looks forward to the future, then this cuisine comes from the curry in the distant future. Yes, if you insist, you are the innovator of the taste world." !”

With the praise of Qianbiao Zhijiang, a score of 95 points jumped out on the big screen on the jury.

Kawashima Li exclaimed, "all the five judges gave 19 points! The Alice shaver rushed to the second place with high scores!"

Alice seemed dissatisfied with the result. She leaned her hand on her chin and said with a slight sense of surprise, "ah, isn't it the same full score as senro? It's a little unexpected."

Then, shaving Alice looked at the new household Fei sand: "look, secretary, senro and I will surpass you."

Facing the ridicule of shaving Alice, the new family Fei sand didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. She could only blush and shout, "who... Who is the secretary?"

At this time, Kawashima Li looked at the score ranking of current players on Da's screen and said: "In this way, your scores will be determined. The first is Wu Senluo, the second is cutting Alice, the third is xinhufei sand, and the fourth is takmi. All the above four players have obtained high scores of more than 90 points. Now they will have the right to enter the formal competition. Please applaud them!"

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in venue B, filled with an atmosphere of tension and encouragement, and the perfect end of the game in the grand occasion.

Just then, a very weak voice sounded under the stage: "ah, here... I haven't tried my food yet..."