Secretly Loved By The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 257 - Second Breakfast


Then he saw it, she\'d been wearing his wedding ring on a chain around her neck, and it swung there, between her breasts. And for some reason that almost sent him over the edge of everything.

"Fuck. Fuck. Lila… shit."

"Such a potty mouth." She smiled without opening her eyes, then slid one of her own hands up to push one of her breasts up and forward, towards him. With another muttered curse, Dane grabbed her hips and began to rock faster, then curled up and forward to latch onto the hardened peak she offered.

She tasted like salted honey, and his body drove him on. He was so desperate for her, but so desperate to see her, he went to war with himself whether to roll her over, or keep her up there. Finally, in frustration, guttural noises broke in his throat as with each thrust, all her sighs became cries. He groaned as his intensity increased. Unwilling to let her go, he sucked and used his tongue, first on one breast, then the other as Lila clenched around him and made soft mewling noises, her hands now on his neck and in his hair, pulling him in.

He could the fingers of his orgasm trailing up his spine, and he was desperate for it. But he wanted her to come first, so he rocked them together, then sat up straight and let his hands claw into her hair as he leaned her back and took her mouth. She almost overbalanced with the shift and threw her arms around his neck with a husky laugh, but he kissed, using his tongue in rhythm with their rolling and as she relaxed again, sighing and shivering, he splayed a large hand at her back. "I\'ve got you, babe," he whispered, leaning her further and further back with every roll and thrust.

She began to relax, to sink back into his hand, her back arching. "That\'s it, beautiful," he rumbled when she relaxed and let him take her weight, her hair falling back to tickle his knees. "Oh, Lila, you\'re so gorgeous babe. You have no idea." His voice was rough with desire.

Her mouth opened when he thrust again and she gasped, her hands still on his shoulders, her fingers clawing into him.

Then, unable to resist, he dropped his face to lick her throat, "I\'ve got you," he rasped.

With her arms forward like that, it kept her breasts pressed in and up, right towards him. Dane\'s breath got shorter and harder. He didn\'t have long, but he wanted to have the world.

Praying for control, he put both hands at her lower back to brace her, then leaned his weight back. For a moment he flashed on that amazing first night they\'d had, when he\'d finally given in and taken her to the hot tub, and the marvel it had been to see her finally, to have her… to watch her give over… to him…

"…Let go, baby," he whispered, kissing her neck. The water rippled in time as he moved inside her slowly, but deep. Using his grip to lift her slightly with each roll before he plunged back in. His breath rasped in his throat. "Let go, Lila," he pleaded. "I\'ve got you." He kissed his way down her collarbones, to the space between her breasts.

With a whispered, "Dane," she let herself sink backwards into the water, arching back over his arms. His breath shuddered as she relaxed, let her hands rest on his arms, her shoulders and head floating and her breasts pressed up, out of the water, the water rippling around them with her movement. The shift in her position changed the angle of their union and they both moaned.  Her mouth was open and her eyes closed, she made tiny gasps every time he pushed in again.

"Fuck, you\'re so beautiful," he cried, his voice strangled with disbelief. "So beautiful, my wife," he whispered.

She made a sound like a sob, and he wasn\'t sure if it was pleasure or emotion, but then she clenched around him and he bellowed as he almost lost control.

"Lila… Lila… I can\'t…" he pushed harder, pulled her deeper.

"Please, Dane, don\'t stop. Please…."

…Memory and present became one, suddenly, as watched her arch back until she couldn\'t reach his shoulders anymore, so her hands trailed down his arms.

A cry rose from her throat as the angle changed again, a cry that tore from her with every thrust, growing louder as Dane kept the pressure insistent, and slowly increased his pace until her moans only peaked with each roll, but never stopped.

"Dane," she gasped. "Don\'t… stop…"

"Never," he hissed, his arms and back trembling with the restraint it was taking to hold himself back. "Come for me, baby."

Her breasts bobbed with each roll and Dane had to close his eyes or he was going to ruin this for her. But the intensity, the sheer joy of having her, and the tight warmth of her responding to him, threatened to tumble him over the edge.

"Just let go, Dane! Please! I want you to—oh! Oh!" she cried, her fingers clenched on his forearms as he gave a guttural groan and pulled her into him at a frantic pace, his own voice breaking over and over again until she clapped a hand to his upper arm and cried out, her mouth wide and lips shaking with her cries. Dane broke with her, groaning her name as his orgasm crashed over him, taking every thought that wasn\'t her and washing it from his head and his heart until he shuddered and slumped back down onto the couch, pulling the gasping Lila up so she could collapse on his chest.

They both lay there, panting, her hair splayed over his chest, her bare shoulder bent up slightly as she leaned her weight to one side and lay her face against his neck.

"There is a god," she gasped, swallowing, trying to catch her breath.

"I\'m starting to think so," Dane croaked, and they both laughed, which made her clench around him and he groaned again.

"God knows, I love you, Lila," he said quietly, combing her hair back off her face with his fingers.

"I love you, too, Dane."