Secretly Loved By The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 114 - Won't Let You Fall


She\'d never felt this way before—this hunger, this drive to have him was thrilling. She couldn\'t stop kissing him, and she could tell he was getting lost in her already.

Then, with a sigh of pleasure, he sat back, putting space between their chests where the water rushed in against her and she hummed. The addition of the water to their nakedness had been genius. Like silk against her skin.

He leaned back against the tub with his hands still at her waist, his eyes fixed on hers and near-black with desire. But Lila followed him, arching her chest into his so her nipples were teased whenever one of them moved, and leaning her elbows on his shoulders, her fingers in his hair.

"Where are you going?" she murmured, then kissed his stubbled jaw.

He closed his eyes and let his hand slide down to cup her bottom. "Just trying to slow things down so I don\'t explode in thirty seconds," he rasped.

She giggled, and the movement against him was thrilling. He dropped his head back and swore. "I swear, Lila, it\'s like you\'re a drug."

"I know the feeling," she whispered in his ear then kissed him again, harder this time, mouth fully open as if she could consume him—which was how she felt. She wanted him inside her, fully. She wanted nothing between them.

His breath thundered against her cheek, his tongue dancing with hers in a way that made her whimper when it matched the rub and roll happening between them. Then, as his hands slid up her sides, she reached down between them and took him in her hand.

He jerked like she\'d shot him and immediately took hold of her hands, grinning wickedly at her. "You do not want to do that right now. Not if you want me to make this good for you."


"No buts, Lila." He lifted her hands out of the water and brought them up to his shoulders again. "It\'s my turn," he whispered.

"You\'re turn for what?"

"To hold on."



She stared at him then, smiling, curious. "Hold on to what exactly?"

He just grinned and kissed her, pulling her in so she couldn\'t escape the kiss, as he let one hand trail down, down, down to slide between them and explore where she was open to him, her thighs wide across his. Her mouth dropped open and her head dropped back.

"Yes," he murmured. "Relax. Let go, baby. I\'ve got you."

Still touching her, sliding his fingers in a rhythm designed to bring her close to her peak, he kissed her lips, then along her jaw, then as her head dropped back, he kissed down the column of her neck and throat.

She gripped his shoulders, small gasps and whimpers coming from her throat. When she began to goose bump again, he took himself in his hand and guided himself into her, groaning her name as she gasped his. He dropped his head to her shoulder and held her tightly so she\'d stop moving. He had to pause for a moment to bring himself back under control.


"Just… give me a second," he said in a strangled voice.

She chuckled a husky laugh and her muscles clenched, almost sending him over the edge.

"Fuck, Lila."

"I\'m trying to," she said dryly, then laughed again.

God, he had to start moving or he was going to perish.

Gritting his teeth, he prayed he wouldn\'t embarrass himself as he took her hips in his hands, pulling her in until he was seated fully in her. Her mouth dropped open and she leaned back again, still gripping his shoulders.

"Let go, baby," he whispered, kissing her neck. The water rippled in time as he moved inside her slowly, but deep. Using his grip to lift her slightly with each roll before he plunged back in. His breath rasped in his throat. "Let go, Lila," he pleaded. "I\'ve got you." He kissed his way down her collarbones, to the space between her breasts.

With a whispered, "Dane," she let herself sink backwards into the water, arching back over his arms. His breath shuddered as she relaxed, let her hands rest on his arms, her shoulders and head floating and her breasts pressed up, out of the water, the water rippling around them with her movement. The shift in her position changed the angle of their union and they both moaned.  Her mouth was open and her eyes closed, she made tiny gasps every time he pushed in again.

"Fuck, you\'re so beautiful," he cried, his voice strangled with disbelief. "So beautiful, my wife," he whispered.

She made a sound like a sob, and he wasn\'t sure if it was pleasure or emotion, but then she clenched around him and he bellowed as he almost lost control.

"Lila… Lila… I can\'t…" he pushed harder, pulled her deeper.

"Please, Dane, don\'t stop. Please."

She cried with every thrust now, her fingers digging into his arms as she tried desperately to find her release

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.

She shook and trembled, her skin pebbling under his hands as each wave of desire crashing over her. She was on the edge, holding her breath between gasps when he unleashed.

Groaning her name, began thrusting so hard she was lifted slightly out of the water at each peak. "Dane… Dane…"

Desperate, knowing he was about to crash over his own edge, he splayed one hand at her back and leaned over her, sucking on the peak of first one breast, then the other, as he slid the other hand between them and pulled her back onto the slide of his thumb.

Her eyes flew open and she screamed "DANE!" as her entire body shuddered. His mouth was open and his breath rasped out of him as she jolted up and out of the water, gripping his shoulders and riding him through her orgasm, her breasts bouncing in the rhythm of their joining.

It was too much. His own climax hit at the base of his spine and he roared her name, leaning back as if he could enter her, possess her, if only he could reach deeper inside her.

Then they both slumped, his shoulders back against the edge of the bath, and her on his chest, her arms wrapped around his shoulders, him gripping her, both of them breathless and shaking.


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