Secretly Loved By The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 110 - No More Waiting


He walked her into the bedroom, his breath heavy between kisses. "Lila," he whispered against her lips as he opened the bedroom door.

"What?" she gasped, kissing her way down the column of his neck.

The problem was, he couldn\'t remember what he\'d been about to say. "Hold on," he said again and she smiled into the kiss and locked her arms around his neck and tightened the grip of her legs—that brought them tighter together where she was softest. Dane groaned and gripped her ass with one hand as he bent over the bed, bracing the other on the bed, so she hung off of him, like the bars of a playground jungle. She let her head drop back with a small laugh and he took the opportunity to kiss his way down her throat, letting his teeth slide against her skin.

"I need to do this right," he rasped against her skin. "I haven\'t even shaved."

"I don\'t care," she said and kissed him again, tilting her head to make it deeper, searching for him with her tongue.

He almost did it. He almost gave in right there and to hell with his plans. But after another soul-searching kiss, he growled, "Vixen," and took his hand off her ass and used it to break her grip behind his neck.

With a little squeak she fell the few inches to the bed, laughing and pulling at his shirt to bring him down on top of her.

He leaned down to kiss her while he shrugged off his jacket, but he didn\'t let himself pin her down. He knew if he did, he\'d never get space between them again.

So when he straightened to throw the jacket on the floor, he stopped for a moment before removing his shirt too, just to look at her, to take in the sight.

Her hair had splayed out around her face like a golden halo. She was beaming, and flushed, reaching for him, complaining about the distance, one leg bent up. The slit of that dress had opened, of course, and allowed the panels to fall down, framing her leg—which was bare to the hip.

He put his hand under her knee, cupping and kneading, his breath coming in bursts as he wrestled with his control.

She gave him a look and reached out again. "What are you doing?"

"Looking at you. God, you\'re beautiful, Lila."

"So are you. Come here. Let me take those clothes off of you." She opened and closed her hands like a child asking for candy and his smile slid up on one side.

"Oh, I plan to, don\'t you worry," he growled and she laughed as he leaned over her again, but kept his weight on his arms so there were several inches between their chests, though their hips had found each other. Dane cursed when she writhed under him, biting her lip and letting her hands play along his abs and over his chest through the open shirt.

"Patience, Vixen," he said hoarsely, groaning when she let one of her hands slide down to stroke over a very, very insistent part of his anatomy. For a second he let his head fall back and just enjoy the sensation of her touch. Even through the fabric of his suit it was heavenly.

He was fucked. Or rather, not. If he wasn\'t careful, he was going to lose control. And it was her first time. He couldn\'t let it happen.

Gritting his teeth, he grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his groin, pulling it up to his neck instead and staring down at her open mouthed. "Okay, for real, I need you to slow down."

She must have heard in the tension in him, because her face became serious and she cupped his face. "Are you okay?"

He almost laughed. Okay? Was he okay? Had she not just felt how very okay he was? "I\'m more than okay," he whispered. "But I want to take my time. I had all these plans. It\'s your first time, Lila. That is so… precious to me. You have no idea."

She blinked a few times and blew out a breath. "Thank you. But, honestly? At this point I\'d kind of like to just—"

"We will, babe. We will. But…" he swallowed as she stroked his face. "I want this to be perfect for you. And that\'s going to be rough. It\'s going to hurt you. You know that right?"

She nodded. "I also know the thing that makes it perfect is having you. My husband. I still can\'t quite wrap my mind around that. So please don\'t overthink this, Dane. I\'m so ready."

Wicked, wicked, wicked he was then, because he let his hand slide all the way up her thigh and under the dress to confirm what she said. He cursed as a surge of desire threatened to break his control.

He wasn\'t even inside her yet. But she wasn\'t lying. She was ready, and just his touch had her eyes half closed.

Deep breaths. That was what this needed. Deep breaths, and thoughts of budgets and… and… car insurance.

But he kept getting distracted by her throat and the notch of that little v between her collarbones. He stroked it with a finger, then trailed it down, following the V of her dress where it was pressed against the swell of her breath. She closed her eyes and arched against him.

"Please, Dane. Please," she whimpered.

"I love you so much, Lila," he said, his voice rough, and deeper than usual.

"I love you too. I want you, Dane."

Fuck. She needed to stop or this was going to last about thirty seconds.

With a shaking hand he took the strap of one side of the dress and pulled it slowly down her shoulder and arm until her breast was completely bare. Because of course she wasn\'t wearing a bra. He groaned and couldn\'t resist pulling her nipple into his mouth, the flat of his tongue pulling against it as she gasped.

Then he raised his head, staring as he watched himself take the other strap and tug it slowly down in the same way, until her second breast fell free and he groaned her name, first stroking his palm over it, then rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger in a way that made her gasp his name.

Her hands had been everywhere on his chest, abs, shoulders, in his hair, but when he let go of her breast, she pushed him back, her eyes locked with his. He moved immediately, backing off the bed. Had she changed her mind?

But no, she just followed him until they both stood at the side of the bed, her chest rising and falling quickly. "My turn," she whispered and took one of his hands, lifting it to unbutton the cuff. He couldn\'t stop staring as she did the same with the other hand, then slid both her hands under his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, not even allowing it to fall, just to free his shoulders. Then she leaned in and kissed his collarbone, pressing herself into his chest. He let his head drop back as she kissed his chest while she tugged at the sleeves of his shirt until it fell to the floor behind him. Then she leaned her forehead on his chest and started on his pants.


"I swear to god, Dane, if you stop me right now I will cut your balls off with my fingernail file." She said through her teeth.

He swallowed a laugh and cupped her face, kissing her long and slow, though she was still at work on his belt and pants. "No more waiting," he whispered against her lips, then let his hands find the zipper at the back of the dress and slide it slowly, slowly down until it reached almost her ass.

As soon as he let it go, the dress fell to the floor the weight of it sliding along her curves like water over the land.

Then his pants followed.

Lila tried to toe off her high heels gracefully, but lost her balance and fell into his chest. He laughed and caught her, lifting her and laying her on the bed. She wanted to cover herself, but he growled, "No, you don\'t—fair\'s fair," and gestured at his own nakedness."

"Yes, but it\'s hardly the same, Dane," she said in a small voice.

"Oh? Why not?"

She gave him an unimpressed look. "I don\'t look like I just walked off the cover of GQ."

"I\'ll tell Bert to be sure and thank God for that," Dane whispered as he trailed his hands down her leg, all the way to her ankle, then lifted it and removed the shoe.

She giggled, but didn\'t cover herself again when he returned to kiss her before repeating the same with the other leg, tossing the shoe to the floor before toeing his own shoes off and finally, finally crawling onto the bed and letting himself cover her completely.



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