Second Marriage

Chapter 36 - Nine

BK 2 chapter 9

Life had not been easy for me since I got married to Abdulrahman. I lived in a frightening life. He was a living-bomb, didn't know when he would explode. I was always free from his beating or abusive words when bibi was around.

I was deep in my thoughts; thinking about my life, from my marriage to Yusuf to Zainab, my father and Abdulrahman.

When the bell jingled, I sighed and shook off the bad memories. I opened the door and searched for the intruder but found nothing except a well-packaged box that had my name written on it.

I carried it inside then unwrapped it. I opened it and saw a different kind of jewellery and chocolate. I smiled, who knew that I liked chocolate.

I picked up the envelope that was attached to the box, I opened it but the content inside it made my breath hitch. I scrambled around trying to burn or throw it away and praying that Abdulrahman should not be back but it was like fate wasn't on my side. He entered smiling cheekily, when his eyes moved to the box on the couch and the envelope I was holding, his expression changed to fury. The letter trembled in my hand and he took a long stride to me, yanking the envelope from me. He opened and brought out the pictures of me smiling and a letter. He read out the letter.

Dear sweetheart,

Awalewami(my exceeding beautiful woman). How are you?I've missed you. I miss your smile that always reaches your eyes when smiling. I miss the twinkling of your eyes when you are excited and I miss the glistening in your eyes when thinking of doing mischief. I miss the nibbling of your lips when you are nervous and the fiddled of your fingers when you are scared. I miss the narrowness of your eyes when you are suspicious and the furrow of your eyebrows when You are trying to concentrate. I miss the scowl on your face when you are angry and the smugness in your voice when you win. I miss everything about your love. I'm coming back soon to retrieve you from him. Worry less babe, I'm going to return all the cheerfulness and happiness back to your life with your son. I love you Sophia Alli


Yours Truly.

He laughed maniacally when he finished reading it while holding his stomach. I shivered in fear.

"What's the meaning of this, my dearest wife," he said calmly, too calmly for the vibes - he was emitting.

"I don't know" I replied shakily, while he read and reread the letter again. As he was reading it, his jaw and his was clenched.

"Do I need to brand you or get you to the collar before this damned world knows that You are MINE" he snarled. He walked towards me and choked me but not hard for me to breathe but to leave bruises before he slammed me against the nearest wall. I howled in pain.

"Do I need to lock you up?, do I need to tattoo my name all over your body for them to know you are mine" he yelled, chanting 'mine' repeatedly.

He was releasing a dangerous aura, he stalked towards me like a predator to prey.

"I've known what I will do to you" he grinned sinisterly while I shook my head frantically. I wanted to protest "no" but it was like my vocal cord wasn't passing word through.

He dragged me by my hair towards the stair while rambling, "I need to show her, she's mine"

We reached where the rooms were but he dragged me towards the room he forbade me from entering. I scrambled away from him, thrashing around. I didn't know what was inside the room but the room sent a bad chill over all my body.

He unlocked the door and came to me, c.a.r.e.s.sing my cheeks in a soothing way but it was making me hyperventilating. "MY sweet Sophy, I need to keep you from prying eyes" he growled.

He dragged me to the darkroom while I thrashed around, making the rough surface to graze me. I bit my lips hard to stop me from screaming in pain on my body and scalp.

"Please don't take me there" I pleaded while he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, Darling, my sweet obedient wife. I know you can never cheat on me" I sighed in relief that he believed me but my relief was cut down when he said his next sentence," I need to do it" he said sadly.

He pushed me in and slammed the door shut behind him. The room was dark, I couldn't see anything before I heard a click sound- the light was on.

He tied me down on the bed to every four sides of the bed. I cried and cried until there were no tears in my eyes.

I used three days in the darkroom without food but with a little water before he came to untie me.


"Your food is on the table," he said and left me in the house.

Before going down, I went to the bathroom and had my bathe not after seeing my black eye revelation in the mirror.

I went downstairs and took my food as I wanted to sit, the home phone rang. I dropped my food and rushed to it.

"Hello" I heard Maryam's unsure voice.

"Maryam" I greeted dully.

"Oh baby, I've been trying to contact you but your phone wasn't going through and I came to your house too, you were not around," she said.

"I was not around" I replied curtly.

"Where are you now?" She asked silently.

"I'm not at home," I replied quickly.

"Are you lying?" She asked suspiciously.

"No, why would I lie?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, Sophia turns around," she said silently, immediately I whipped my head to the back and saw Maryam with her phone. I was shocked!.

"Ummm... I was going out now" I shuttered. I looked everywhere but not her. She would detect that I was lying.

"Okay," she said. I was surprised, she did not interrogate me.

I headed to the kitchen without raising my head.

"Take" I handed her the water. As I stretched my hand to give her the water, she helped my wrist by staring at it.

"What happened to your wrist," she asked, I noticed the rope mark was on my wrist.

"ERM..... The bangles I put on were tight, that was why it left a mark" I said sharply.

"This is unlike you. You don't put on bangles" she said, still holding my hand. I yanked my hand away from her.

"What I wear or not is not of your concern," I said coldly, mistakenly raising up my head. Maryam gasped, using her hand to cover her mouth.

"Who did this?" She growled, inspecting my body.

"I fell in my eyes... Behind the kitchen door" I lied again.

"Cut the crap Sophia" she yelled as I wanted to reply as the front door opened revealing Abdulrahman.

Maryam marched to him and punched him on his eyes.

"How dare you hurt her" she yelled. "I told you not to harm her but you beat her" he growled.

"Why won't I? She left me and now has some secret admirer" he replied nonchalantly.

"Do you know what she had passed through?" She asked softly. She held up my hand and showed him the scars. " she was abused by her father and now you too. Do you think she can forget or love you" she mockingly.

"No one can love you. You crazy man" Maryam taunted while tears glistened in his eyes

"What?" His eyes widened while tears brimmed from my eyes.

"She is leaving you Now. I'm taking her to court" she said, taking her bag on the couch.

"For what?" He asked softly.

"Divorce you" she snarled.


Snippet for next chappy:

"Please Sophia, don't leave me. I love you" he cried while kneeling, holding Sophia's leg.

"You don't love her. You are a sick bastard, ''Maryam said, taking Sophia out of the house. Leaving Abdulrahman crying uncontrollable.
