Sealed With Love

Chapter 78 Who Sent The Comic Bear (Part Two)

When Celine left, Spencer felt as if his whole world was collapsing. Since the time of his mother's death, Celine had been accompanying him. With Celine gone, life was suddenly meaningless and empty. It took some time before Spencer adjusted to life without her. At one point, he even thought that her leaving was actually not that bad.

"You haven't forgotten, have you?" Seeing Spencer lost in thought sparked hope in Celine's heart. She grabbed his arm and said, "Even when I was abroad, I couldn't wait to come home to you. And we never said we'd broken up. Who cares if we were separated for six years? I never thought of you as my brother! We're far from over, Spencer!"

"Celine, I'm married." Spencer pushed her hand away. "It doesn't matter anymore whether we agreed to break up or not."

"But you mean the world to me! So what if you're married? You don't belong with Fiona!" Tears were streaming down Celine's face. "I've always thought you were like a king. You've always been mature and reliable. With you, I always felt like the young, innocent girl that I was. But it's different with Fiona, right? She doesn't listen to you the way that I do. Are you actually happy with her? Since you've been with her, I feel as though you've changed. You've become naive, almost like a... like a child. You're no longer the Spencer I knew!"

Spencer let out a sigh after hearing Celine's protests. With mixed feelings, he said, "Maybe you just didn't know the real me."

Although he had always acted more mature than his peers, he knew that there was a playful side of him that he couldn't express, especially with Celine. Around her, he always had to act tough because she didn't care for his spirited nature. This only made him feel helpless as he had to suppress this part of his character.

But with Fiona, things were different. Her mind was very advanced despite her young age. When he was with her, he felt more at ease. He could freely be himself.

"You..." Celine's eyes widened in shock. She stared at him with disbelief and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You're a smart girl, Celine. You'll figure it out," Spencer replied with furrowed brows. Foregoing his hesitations, he brushed her aside and carried the gift box out of the storage room.

"Spencer!" Celine called out without turning around. "Why? Have you fallen in love with her?"

Spencer didn't reply, but Celine's words made him stop in his tracks.

"Ha-ha! It's really funny!" Celine sneered. "Do you actually know what kin

ened and in popped Ruby.

"Mrs. Cheng, you're awake!"

"Hi, Ruby!" Fiona greeted her. "What's in the box?"

"Wow! When did this get here? I didn't even notice," Ruby answered.

Fiona shook her head. "Didn't you see who placed it there?"

"I just went out to answer a phone call," Ruby said, looking slightly embarrassed. "One of the kids in the orphanage has a fever and he was asking to see me. I had to take his call. I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't apologize for that, Ruby! You should head back." Fiona was worried. "How's the child? If he's sick, you should attend to him. I can take care of myself."

"Don't worry about him, Mrs. Cheng. He's fine now." Ruby waved her hand. "No one will take care of you if I go. I can't leave you here alone. I don't even know what Mr. Cheng is doing right now. I haven't seen him in two days."

Fiona looked downcast. She couldn't help but mock herself as she thought about Spencer. She didn't expect that he would say such heartless words and believe that he was capable of doing such horrible things.

Hearing no response from Fiona, Ruby looked at her to see what was wrong. Seeing the sad expression on her face, she quickly tried to change the subject. "Mrs. Cheng, let's see what's inside the box."

"Okay." Fiona nodded, regaining her composure.

In a few seconds, Ruby had torn off the wrapper and taken the present out.

"It's a bear toy!" Ruby took out the toy and exclaimed. "Wow! It's almost two meters high, right?"

Fiona's eyes brightened at the sight of the stuffed toy. "Comic Bear! Oh, my God!" Fiona never thought that she'd be reunited with her favorite childhood toy. But who brought it there?