Sealed With Love

Chapter 57 Showcasing Her Skills In Class (Part Two)

Meanwhile, Ella and Sophia were both startled awake with the booming voice of their professor. They sharply sat up properly in their seats.

"Now, the equation right here is quite simple, I'm sure you could do it. Now, who shall do the honors? Be reminded that there will be severe consequences if you'll fail; but if you won't, you'll have my admiration." Steve gestured to the blackboard and impatiently added, "Who would like to volunteer? We haven't got all day!"

Ryan slowly stood up and said, "I'll solve it."

The professor adjusted his lenses as he regarded Ryan with a huff. "We all know you'll be able to solve this easily, young man. Don't think that I'm not well aware of your skills. I'd rather have one of the girls to do it."

"Why can't I do it instead?" Ryan insisted.

"You standing up and offering to solve it tells us enough that you know how to solve it," Steve said with a chuckle.

"You do it, Fiona!" Sophia nudged her to go up front and take the challenge. "Please save us. Other than Ryan, you're the only one who could do it. Hurry!"

"I wasn't able to pay attention as well," Fiona said nervously.

"Whether you paid attention or not, you're more proficient in mathematics than the two of us," Ella pleaded. "I suck at mathematics, Fiona. Terribly."

"Are you ready to face the consequences then?" Steve said, eyeing them carefully.

"She said she'll do it," Sophia said and pointed at Fiona.

Fiona stood beside Ryan, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other as she eyed the platform and Sophia nervously.

"So, will you do it?" Ryan whispered beside her.

Fiona shook her head in despair.

"It seems simple enough. We've learned its process during high school." He tried to reassure her but before he finished, Fiona was gestured to come up the platform. Steve pointed at her and said, "You! Come up here! You're quite pretty, but what's the use of beauty if you can't use your brain? Talking and interrupting my class

ier treatment of you."

Fiona hurriedly shook her head and said, "We were the ones who caused trouble, Professor Steve, and I apologize for disrupting your class. I don't deserve your apology."

Steve's eyes softened as he fondly gazed at Fiona. "You have my admiration, Fiona. I now consider myself as your friend. Do hurry along and return to your seat."

"Thank you, Professor Steve." Fiona bowed her head gratefully as she exited the platform to approach her seat.

Sophia gave her a thumbs-up. The girls were thrilled with the outcome.

Ryan was lost in her smile as he committed it to his memory. She was headstrong, unbowed even if she was loomed over by defeat. She always managed to emerge victorious in her endeavors. But when faced with overwhelming pain and sadness, she chose to keep it to herself, unwilling to drag people down with her.

He fought the urge to embrace her as she settled beside him.

"Well done, Fiona!"

Sophia congratulated as she sat down. "You were amazing!"

"You've proved yourself worthy to Professor Steve! Now he would think twice before looking down on us! So what if you're beautiful? It doesn't make you any less smart. He's just insecure because he was born that way. He envied you a lot, I guess!"

They all shared a good laugh as Fiona joined in nervously.