Sealed With Love

Chapter 52 I’m Married

Fiona looked at Leona with a hint of anger. She had told her about everything except her marriage to Spencer. It was something she already had trouble telling herself, what more if it involved other people? But as she glanced at Sophia, she couldn’t help but feel guilty.

Leona glared at her and shouted, "I don't believe you! You’re lying. That’s it! I don't want to stay here anymore!" She turned her back to them and rushed out,

slamming the door shut. Fiona flinched.

Sophia and Ella stayed still, having no intention of catching up to her.

"Will she be all right?" Fiona mumbled.

"Leave her alone.

Let her think it through for now." Ella rolled her eyes before turning to Fiona. "Are we really friends, though? Why didn’t you tell us that you and Mr. Cheng have long known each other? If you did, I would have talked to him and gotten a much easier time during military training!"

"Yeah, I didn’t know that you knew him in person too," Sophia chimed in.

Fiona gave them a small smile. "Well, the military training’s over now. There’s no point talking about it anymore. I’m going to the library."

"Oh, let me go with you," Sophia said. "Leona got on my nerves just now. I feel too agitated to rest."

"The library?" Ella pouted at her friends. "Are you both sure you don’t want to go shopping?"

Fiona smiled faintly. "I’m not particularly up for it."

"I don’t really want to go either," Sophia sighed. "The library just seems much more refreshing right now."

"You two are so boring! Fine, I’ll go ask someone else to go with me." Ella began to change.

Sophia and Fiona packed their things and walked to the library together.

"Fiona," Sophia hesitantly called out of the blue. "Leona said that Mr. Cheng carried you on his shoulder and held your waist. Was that true?"

Fiona stopped walking and looked at her friend. She pointed at an empty bench near the small lake. "Take a seat."

Sophia looked at her in confusion. "Okay."

They sat beside each other, and for a moment there was complete silence. Fiona kept her head down, unable to say anything.

"Did you turn Ryan down because of Mr. Cheng?" Sophia finally spoke. "I get that Mr. Cheng’s quite handsome, but how could you let Ryan go that easily? He’s one of the kindest people I know!"

"I’m married," Fiona said honestly.

"I really don’t—Wait, what?" Sophia’s eyes got bigger and bigger until she finally jumped out of her seat and screamed, "You’re married?!"

"Shh!" Fiona held her wrist and pressed her back down on the bench, covering her mouth. "Do you want the whole school to find out about it? I’ll go nuts!"

Her friend shook her head.

Although she didn’t feel confident enough to let her go, Sophia nevertheless managed to break free. She looked far away with a dazed expression.

"You're married! Was it Mr. Cheng? Did you marry him?" Sophia asked,

e then. For the first time in several days, she finally felt at ease.

The weather became colder over the weekend, but Fiona and Sophia were too preoccupied with their internship to fuss about it.

Sophia called Ryan’s father and got in instantly. After arriving, the receptionist directed them to office of the design department director.

"Miss Cheng, the interns have arrived."

Both girls looked around curiously.

"Let them in!" They were greeted by the sight of a woman looking down at documents on her table.

"What a young voice!" Sophia whispered to Fiona, who nodded.

"Please come in!"

"Thank you." They walked side by side and marveled at the luxurious modern office. They finally stopped in front of the designer and waited for her to raise her head.

"Hello, I..."

When she finally did so, Celine immediately stopped talking. ‘Fiona? Am I seeing things?'

Fiona’s jaw dropped. Celine was the designer here. Her mind went blank.

Meanwhile, Celine slowly came to her senses and smiled. So this was the "special assistant" Charles was referring to! She stood up and walked to them. "What a coincidence! I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Fiona frowned. The scene she and Spencer were kissing during her wedding night was still seared into her brain.

"You two know each other?" Sophia's eyes wandered between them.

"Of course! Fiona is my sister, right?" Celine smiled and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Sister?" Sophia looked at her friend. "You have a sister?"

"I don’t." She glanced at Celine. "She's Spencer's sister."

‘Spencer’s sister?’ Sophia thought to herself. ‘He's a bad guy, so his sister must be bad too!’

"I look forward to working with you." Celine held out her hand.

Noticing the frown on Fiona’s face, Sophia immediately took note of the tense atmosphere. She reached out her own hand to help her friend. "Nice to meet you, Miss Cheng."