Sealed With Love

Chapter 46 What Happened In The Private Room (Part One)

Fiona, Ryan, and the rest of the group entered Le Bar and occupied a vacant booth. While waiting for their drinks to arrive, Sophia and Ella went to the dance floor, followed by Sam.

Only Ryan, Fiona, and Leona were left in their seats.

There was curiosity in her eyes as Fiona scanned the bar's interior. She observed the men and women dancing, the lively music, and the flickering lights.

"Enjoy your drinks," the waiter said as he placed their orders on the table.

"Thank you," Ryan said. He reached for a glass of juice and traded it with the wine in front of Fiona.

She took a few sips of juice before declaring, "I think... I should go dance, too." She was nowhere close to being a good dancer, but she thought that she could at least copy Sophia's moves.

"Don't go." Ryan grabbed her hand as soon as she stood up. He was not unaware of the men in the room who had taken notice of Fiona's good looks. He tightened his grip as he thought about their ill intent. "If you really want to dance, I'll go with you," he said protectively.

Fiona's face immediately turned scarlet. "Please let go of my hand, Ryan."

"Someone will try to hook up with you if you go alone." He slowly released his hold on her arm. "I'm just worried about you."

Right across him, pain stirred in Leona's heart when she heard Ryan expressed his concern for Fiona. Standing up, she excused herself, "I'll go to the restroom." With that, she left quickly without giving them so much as a second look.

"Hey! Leona!" Fiona called out after her. But before she could follow her, Ryan grabbed her hand again. "I'm worried about Leona," she exclaimed.

Ryan cast a glance at Leona before looking away. There was seriousness in his voice when he said, "I used to be nice to everyone, you know. But all of that's changed since I met you. Now, I no longer care about others. I just want to look after you."

"Ryan..." Fiona called out with a frown. "Are you drunk?"

Ryan laughed at himself. "I guess I must be."

Leona had rushed to the restroom with her head kept low that she bumped into a woman standing by the door. "Ouch! What are you running from? Is someone trying to kill you?"

Looking up, Leona saw the face of a woman wearing heavy makeup. "Cathy! I'm so sorry..."

"Huh? You know who I am?" It seem

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

a snort

"Won't you help me if there's nothing in it for you?" Spencer retorted.

"As a businessman, I always check the offer first before I take on any job."

"Fine, fine! I'll steal one of Grandpa's antique vases for you when I get back."

Terence laughed out loud. "Then what would you give me if I have information on..." He quickly caught himself before he finished his sentence. 'Would he get mad if I told him that Fiona's here with another guy?' he wondered.

"What's wrong? What information are you talking about?" Spencer asked excitedly. "You're always in on the latest news. What happened this time?"

"It's nothing. Forget it," Terence blurted.

"What? It's not like you to withhold details. Did something happen?" Spencer pressed.

Inside the bar, Sophia was so thrilled about dancing that she rushed to drag Fiona to the dance floor. Ryan scowled when he saw this and instantly stood up to follow.

Terence watched all of this and sighed. "Fiona's at Le Bar." Without waiting for Spencer's reply, he added, "Don't worry. I'm keeping my eye on her."

"Why is she there?" Spencer shouted. His voice was so loud that Spencer pulled the phone away from his ear. "Why are you so agitated?"

"Doesn't she know what time it is? The nerve on that woman!" Spencer sounded livid. "Send her back now, Terence! How dare she go out without my permission! Who is she with? What is she doing now?"

"Are you worried about her?" Terence asked sharply. It seemed as if the question surprised Spencer who suddenly went quiet.