Sealed With Love

Chapter 367 Is Vivian Here

Ding Dong——

At the military residential compound in M City, Cheng family. While Fiona was having lunch with Sarah, the doorbell suddenly rang. Hearing the noise, the little girl was excited. She asked with her bright eyes, "Mom, is Dad back?"

With a bitter smile, Fiona replied, "No, it's not him." It was all because of Spencer. He had been back before the meal time every time. Now, as long as Sarah heard the doorbell during the meal time, she got used to asking questions.

"Then who is it?" Sarah asked, pouting. Her eyes were full of displeasure.

"I don't know." Fiona shook her head and looked over there. As soon as the assistant opened the door, Terence rushed in like a gust of wind. "Is Vivian here?"


"Daddy Terence!" Sarah's eyes became bright again. She opened her arms and said, "Give me a hug!"

Terence gave her a forced smile, walked over, held her up from the chair and kissed her on her cheek. "Did you have dinner just now?"

"Because Mommy just got it done." Sarah grinned in Terence's arms.

"Terence, have you eaten yet?" "If not, how about having some here?" Fiona offered

"I'm not hungry." Terence shook his head. "I'm here to ask if you've met Vivian."

"Vivian?" Fiona frowned. "I... I didn't see her! Didn't she mention to go to Y City the other day? Since I have been in M City, of course I haven't seen her. "

"Yes." "She must be back from Y City, but I don't know where she is." Terence replied flatly.

"Of course not!" Fiona was taken aback. "So, Terence, call Vivian now!"

"Her phone has been switched off." Terence frowned.

"You... Did you have a fight? " Fiona asked tentatively.

"Sort of." Terence let out a slight sigh. He rubbed his hair and glanced at the table casually. When he was about to turn around, something occurred to him. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why are there three bowls and chopsticks on the table? Is there any other guest here? "

"No!" Fiona waved her hand.

Terence frowned and was about to question her again when Sarah said sweetly, "uncle Terence, that's my great grandpa's chopsticks."

"Yes, it's for Grandpa Wayne. Grandpa looked energetic today and I wanted him to come down for dinner, but he fell asleep now. " Fiona replied.

"I see!" Terence nodded and said to Sarah in a soft voice, "Sarah, be a good girl and have dinner. I'll come to see you another day, okay?"

"Okay!" Sarah nodded her head suddenly. Fiona went to take Sarah in a hurry and asked, "Terence, are you leaving now?"

"Yes." Terence took a deep breath and said, "I am looking for Vivian."

"Where can you find her? Terence, shall I go with you? "

"No, thanks." Terence shook his head and said, "I have checked the record of going in and out of the city, and I haven't found any... Now I can only look into that block and check the surveillance video. " While speaking, Terence was walking outwards. "If Vivian comes to see you, inform me as soon as poss

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.


Knock, knock, knock——

Suddenly someone knocked at the door. Before they answered, the door had been opened. Sarah's small body was pressed against the door. She blinked and said, "Can I come in?"

"Of course!" Excited as Fiona was, Vivian rushed to Sarah and held her in her arms, "My dearest, have you had enough?"

"Yes." Nodding her head, Sarah added, "I bring you a mochi! It's so delicious! " Then she stretched out her oily hand, took a mochi and handed it to Vivian.

"Oh, thank you, Sarah!" Vivian kissed Sarah on her face, took over the mochi and ate it.

Finally, Vivian had something to eat. Fiona smiled, "Sarah, come down and bring more food for Aunt Vivian. Aunt Vivian only ate what you gave her, and she didn't have lunch!"

"Really?" Upon hearing that, Sarah immediately pouted and said, "Aunt Vivian, you are so pitiful. How about having dinner with me? okay? You'll feel bad if you're hungry! "

Vivian burst into laughter and nodded immediately. "Okay, okay. Then let's have dinner together."

"Wow!" Sarah hopped around and turned to Fiona and said excitedly, "Mom, please cook spareribs for me. I want to eat with Aunt Vivian!"

"Sarah, you have just had enough, so you can't eat any more. If you want to eat, I can only give it to Aunt Vivian." Fiona looked like a strict mother, Sarah pouted.

"Sarah is with high Eq." A sly smile appeared on Vivian's face. "In this case, she can go to the kindergarten now."

"That's exactly what I think." Fiona nodded and said, "I'll send her to the preschool next spring. It's very convenient because the preschool is in the courtyard."

"Well, then you two go to school together?"


Suddenly, Vivian shouted excitedly and held Sarah in her arms, went downstairs, "Sarah! It's time for school!"

"Yeah! That's awesome! "

Standing at the head of the stairs, Fiona could not help laughing and shaking her head. Seeing the smile on Vivian's face, she sighed deeply.