Sealed With Love

Chapter 184 Meeting Again In the Fitting Room

The fitting room seemed to be bigger than Fiona had imagined. Behind the door was a mirror, which made the space even wider.

She turned around, intending to take the dress from the shop assistant. However, the assistant shook her head and opened the door for her. She made her way to the room before making a gesture to Fiona to let her in.

Fiona frowned. She knew the assistant didn't understand what she said, but she still said, "I want to change my clothes myself. Please go out." The shop assistant didn't understand what she was talked about, but Charles did. She had never heard that a saleswoman would accompany a customer to try on clothes in the fitting room. It must be Charles who asked her to do so.

As expected, the assistant looked at Charles in confusion when she heard the words from Fiona.

Charles slowly walked towards Fiona and said, "There are so many clothes. It's not convenient for you to change them by yourself. If I let her help you, it will save a lot of time and you won't have to do it yourself."

"I can do it myself. I don't need her help. I'm not tired at all." Fiona lowered her eyes and said in an emotionless tone.

"Don't be childish, Fiona." There was a strong sense of warning in Charles's voice.

"Well, forget it. I won't buy it." Without taking a look at the dress, she turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop!" Charles suddenly yelled and turned to look at Fiona, his face looking like he wanted to be angry but had no choice. After a long pause, he sighed and compromised, "You win. Go inside and change yourself."

Then he explained to the shop assistant.

The shop assistant nodded obediently. She hung the dress on the hook, bowed to Fiona and left.

Before Fiona walked into the changing room, she was caught by Charles on his arm. When she didn't understand what was going on, Charles walked up to her, touched her face with his left hand, and whispered, "I can't do anything to you. I'm sure I'll be captured by you if you smile at me."

As soon as he finished his words, he embraced Fiona tightly in his arms. In a rare gentle voice, he said, "Fiona, as long as you stay with me, I can promise you anything."

Buzz! Fiona's mind went blank. Hearing what Charles said like a confession to her, her body was stiff like a rust, and she did not even know how she walked into the locker room.

When she came to herself again, she found herself standing in front of the mirror in the changing room, holding a light pink chiffon dress in her hand. She sighed and was about to change her clothes.

However, when she was about to unbutton her clothes, a man showed up from behind suddenly.

"What?" Fiona was taken aback. When she was about to scream, her mouth was covered and her voice was muffled in her throat.

"Don't scream. It's me!"

The familiar and reassuring voice suddenly came to her ears. Abruptly, she opened her eyes and clearly saw the person standing behind her through the mirror--Spencer!

It was Spencer! She was right then! T

and composed, as if she wasn't at the right age to handle such things. "You leave now, there's always a chance to come back and help me. "


There was a continuous knock on the door. Spencer's hand was down to his waist. Noticing it, Fiona hastily stopped him, "Please, leave! I'm so happy to see you again... " Then she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on his left cheek. "I'm waiting for you to save me. Now, go!"

Spencer shook his head. But he didn't notice that Fiona took out a gun from his waist and raised it at his temple all of a sudden. "Go!"

"Put down your gun!" Spencer raised his hand in the air.

"Hurry up!" Fiona's lips were trembling slightly. She knew that Charles was behind her and there was no chance for Spencer to leave if he didn't leave now!

Spencer closed his eyes and was silent for two seconds. Then he thought quickly in his mind to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. He nodded and opened his eyes and clenched his fists. He just said, "Wait for me, I will surely come to save you."

Fiona nodded her head, put down the gun and handed it to Spencer. At the same time, Spencer took out something from his pocket and handed it to Fiona. It was her phone!

"Fiona, open the door! Open the door even if you haven't changed your clothes! " Charles was so angry that he raised his voice.

"I'll be out right now!" Looking at Spencer who had leaped up and blocked the vent, she hastily took off her clothes, put her phone into her pocket, and grabbed a new outfit to put on.


A few seconds later, Charles opened the door of the fitting room in a huff, and Fiona also held the doorknob. Her clothes were a little messy. They looked at each other for a few seconds and then Charles looked around warily in the small fitting room.

She was so nervous that her palms were sweating. Seeing that Charles was about to look up, she burst into tears.

"For what?" Charles was stunned for a moment, and his voice was filled with deep anger and faint doubts.