Sealed With Love

Chapter 177 Where Am I

Her mind seemed to fluctuate in a dark space. She wanted to calm down, but she had no way. By chance, she saw a trace of light, so she was anxious to struggle to that place.

"Please don't Go away! With a scream, Fiona suddenly opened her eyes. She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and exhaled to calm herself down. What happened yesterday appeared in her mind again.

The jewelry store, Celine, the men in black, the kidnap.

Feeling the light and unfamiliar environment outside the window, Fiona sat up in bed and lifted the quilt to run out without thinking.

Crack! Crack——

When she ran to the door with bare feet, the door was opened from the outside. A servant opened the door. She was in her 40s or 50s. When she saw Fiona's face, she was stunned. "Miss, you are awake?" the servant asked with concern

Grabbing the clothes on her chest, Fiona took a step back and looked at the woman alertly. "Who are you? Where is this? Why am I here? "

"Well," The servant was a little embarrassed and said, "Lady, you have asked so many questions at one time, but I don't know which one I have answered. You just woke up, how are you feeling? Do you need me to call a doctor for you? "

The more polite the servant was, the more frightened Fiona became. She hurriedly stepped back, shook her head, and suddenly shouted, "Help! Help! Help! "

The servant was frightened and didn't know what to do, so he tried to stop her. "My lady, please don't shout! You... "

"What's wrong? !" A man's voice came from the stairway suddenly, and the footsteps got closer and closer. "I told you to take good care of her! Why did she suddenly shout?! Hmm? "

The voice sounded familiar to Fiona. She looked out unconsciously and saw an angry man, who was surrounded by several men, walk into the room.

When she saw the man's face, Fiona's mind went totally blank. Charles?! Why was Charles here?

"Kick this servant out." Charles frowned and pointed to the servant in her 40s and 50s, "Useless!"

"Boss! Please don't! " The servant began to struggle and kneel down on the ground with both knees. "I was wrong, Boss! Please don't drive me away! I will serve her well, please don't drive me away! "

At the sight of this, Fiona was so shocked that she couldn't speak. Why did this woman kneel to Charles? Charles, who on earth was he? Why did the woman look at him with fear?

Indifferently, Charles waved his hand. When two bodyguards were about to come up and hold the servant, she suddenly changed her direction, knelt down and climbed up to Fiona. She grabbed her leg and said, "Miss, please forgive me! I didn't mean to scare you. Please don't let Boss drive me out! Please! "

Quivering violently, Fiona looked up and looked into Charles's eyes. "Why did you kick her out?" she asked in a low voice.

"Because she didn't take good care of you, I heard you shout for help." Wearing casual clothes, Charles was more approachable than usual. He

Spencer! "

"Shut up!" Hearing the name, Charles raised his head suddenly, and his eyes were bloodshot. He stared at Fiona, gnashed her teeth and said, "Don't mention his name again!"

"Aha..." Fiona didn't reply, but choked with sobs and couldn't speak. She was shaking like a leaf.

Charles suddenly shouted, stood by the bed with a cold face, and slowly said, "From now on, you will never have another chance to live with Spencer." After saying that, he said to the servant by his side, "Give her a medicine and tell her not to run around. Take care of her. I don't want to hear her call for help again. "

"Yes, Boss."

The drug? When Fiona heard the last sentence, her heart skipped a beat. Grabbing her clothes, she retreated on the bed. "I don't want to..."

One of the maids carried a small tray on which there was a single syringe. The maid walked slowly towards Fiona with several strong maids and took out the syringe. "Miss, please don't make it difficult for us."

"No Uh... "

Before she could finish her sentence, several people had already pressed her down. The sharp needle tubing suddenly pierced into the skin of her arm, making her throat shut up.

When Charles reached the door and heard the moan of Fiona, he stopped his steps and took a look at the injection. He frowned, but he still left.

It seemed that the liquid in the syringe was encroaching on a blood vessel, paralyzing every nerve in her body. Obviously, her hands and feet had been loosened, but she didn't even have the strength to raise her hands

"This medicine has no side-effect but makes you temporarily lose your strength, lest you run around and worry Boss. Have a good rest and we will prepare breakfast for you. "

After saying that, the servant quietly pushed the door open and went out.

The room was quiet for a moment. Fiona couldn't help but sob again, mumbling to herself. She called out the name that made her feel a little more relieved, "Spencer..."