Science and Technology Library

Chapter 976

As one of the two female life representatives on the stage, her appearance is also a big topic.

Tong Qing, thunder and lion dusk have won one-on-two games in front of her. Her playing has become the expectation of all.

"Come along." Ziyun's cold face does not diminish. On her face, there is no mood fluctuation, as if she is telling a trivial matter.

Hearing these words, two of her opponents were not very well behaved.

After all, it's their turn. Unexpectedly, Ziyun is also a pair of two.

The battle is going on. Different from the first three, Ziyun's fighting style is very stable. There are no gorgeous moves, but there are killing opportunities everywhere.

"Wait a moment you'd better not one to two. Maybe Tong Qing wants to cheat you. Don't try to be brave about this kind of thing." Shuiling is whispering to remind Chen mo.

"Thank you." Chen Mo looks up at Ziyun's battle.

Shuiling also didn't know whether Chen Mo had listened or not, and didn't continue to persuade. She believed that Chen Mo would have her own judgment, and she couldn't intervene, so she did everything she had to do.

"How is she better than you?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

"She's very strong, this crape myrtle woman can't see through." Shuiling said without disguise.

This woman really can't see through. She will always look cool. It seems that nothing can stir her waves. She will never show how strong and quiet she is.

Chen Mo nods and agrees with Shuiling.

This female crape myrtle lives in a way of old age and no struggle with the world. She seems to be an old monk in seclusion. She doesn't care much about anything, but once she does, it's very sharp. For example, it's very wonderful to quarrel with Mrs. Fox of white star civilization at the moon star family dinner.

As the core high-level of crape myrtle civilization, an old God level civilization, it is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Soon, Ziyun used real cases to determine their ideas.

Two famous battle class a teachers fell from a high altitude and fell heavily on the ground of the meeting place.

The battle is over.

There was a lot of noise, screams and cheers, all over the sky.

"It seems that crape myrtle civilization has made a good start again."

Outside the Tianxing fair, a figure in a black cloak stops and looks up at the live video. The deep purple eyes are very interested in looking at Ziyun.

Listening to the cheers of life around us, the cloaker smiled faintly and went to the tavern in the distance.

Fall on the stage, purple rhyme style back to their own position, from the beginning to the end, are a pair of cool looks, people can not see through.

"I will." Ming Qiyu steps forward.

"You really think of us as soft worms?"

The voice of Longtai is annoyed. The four divine civilizations choose their famous war armour divisions. If the whole army is destroyed, their reputation will fall to the bottom.

"You're in charge of the side. I'm in front of him."

"Good." The green Luo beside Longtai sinks.

The defeat of the top division in the first four battles made them feel very ashamed. The same group of war armour masters, if not, will be ridiculed by countless life in the universe.

"Let's start."

Longtai angrily drank. The blood vessels burst up in his muscles like roots of trees. On his skin, he was still breathing hot air. His mouth stretched out and he became a ferocious wolf head. His eyes were bloodthirsty.

It's covered with armor. A pair of iron claws are fixed on the arm of armor. The dark blue light on the iron claws makes people shiver.


Long Tai drinks loudly, the battle armor shoots like a shell, arousing a circle of water mist in place.

"Well done."

With a loud drink, the body under the battle armor quickly turns gray and spreads to every inch of the skin. His armour coating, along with his changes, became a gray white coating.

Like the madness of the dark forest civilization, the dark body of the people can greatly improve the strength and reaction speed of the body.

It was a battle in the sky.

Green Luo was out of the war, not involved.

In the battle between the two, Ming Qiyu obviously has a slight upper hand, but Longtai will not lose all of a sudden, so lvluo needs a suitable opportunity to scramble the rhythm of Ming Qiyu from the flank.

The sound of the explosion reverberated in the meeting hall. Green Luo is flying around on the edge.

Suddenly, green Luo steps a meal, only listen to the air around him explode, the green armor disappears in place. When it reappeared, green Luo was behind the seven feathers of Ming Dynasty, a short sword, passing towards his back heart.

The sudden changes upset the rhythm of Ming Qiyu. At this moment, the expression of Ming Qiyu changed greatly.


Ming Qiyu turns around and cuts off lvluo's arm with a sword, which is connected with the armor. The incision is extremely flat, and the sound of metal tearing is particularly harsh. Before he is happy, there is a sharp pain in his chest.

Longtai's claws pierce through the chest from the back.

The gray liquid fell on the tip of his paw. It was his blood.


Seven feathers fall from the sky.The doctors waiting outside the hospital immediately showed up with the medical cabin and sent the injured Ming Qiyu and green Luo to the medical cabin for treatment.

Divine civilization lost.

This time, there were endless cheers on the field, as if they were reveling and excited. After five scenes, the underworld civilization became the first fallen divine civilization, in full view of all the life in the universe.

"It's up to you." Longtai said coldly.

Shuiling takes a step and looks at her two opponents, Huo Fen and wumu'er.

The hair of the fire punishment is red as fire, the nose is also equipped with a nose ring, and the eyes are as big as brass bells. The skin of ebony'er is as dry as snake skin, wrinkled as dead tree, like a corpse sleeping for thousands of years, with brown clothes and bright eyes.

"Who will come first?" Shuiling opens its mouth.

Just want to enter with the fire penalty and ebony er a Leng, almost suspected that he heard wrong.

Shuiling did not choose to let them go together, but chose to let them come up one by one.

As soon as the words came out, there was a commotion in the meeting place, followed by a lot of boos.

In addition to the dark forest civilization that was not present, all the representatives of the other five God level civilizations chose one-to-two. Even though Ming Qiyu's strength was not enough, he was still on his head.

But Shuiling chose one-on-one.

Let countless viewers down.

To the audience's hiss, Shuiling turned a deaf ear, looked directly at the fire penalty and ebony Er, waiting for their choice. They are endless. They never look at other people's faces. They only insist on what they think is right. It has nothing to do with them.

"I'll come first." Fire punish a pair of quick temper, the first to stand out.

Both of them flew to the high altitude of the venue and the battle broke out.

Two battles, no big suspense. Even though Huo Fen and wumu'er have been famous for a long time, they have no effect on Shuiling's ability of knowing and foresight in fighting.

In less than ten minutes, both failed.

There is only one group left in the field, Chen Mo's group against Lu Hua and Galahad.

Ming Qiyu fails, and Shuiling chooses one-on-one. However, for Chen Mo, who is just famous in Mu's heavenly star, the audience doesn't have much hope.

All eyes fell on Chen mo.

Chen Mo appears too abruptly. The general audience's cognition of Chen Mo is limited to the two major movements in the forest of heavenly stars and steles. In addition, he is the wanted person of crape myrtle civilization.

In addition to the tea cloud and other people in the stone Ganxing system have seen Chen Mo's hand, no life has seen Chen Mo's hand, not to mention his real force.

However, Chen Mo's guards are able to pick out famous teachers in the battle. The audience is more looking forward to Chen Mo's strength and taking the chair.

Under the attention of hundreds of millions of people, Chen Mo stepped forward.

He found that Tong Qing was very interested in looking at him, and there was some expectation in thunder's eyes. Except for Shuiling's frown, several others were indifferent, waiting for him to do something.

With the eyes of Tong Qing interlaced, Chen Mo turned to look at Lu Hua and Galahad, and pointed to them.

"Let's go together."