Science and Technology Library

Chapter 973

In the final challenge program, Tianxing festival will give several benefits of divine civilization.

Several civilized companies on the rostrum show their strong strength, which can attract more talents' attention.

In addition to the top few who have their own power, most of the lives that come to attend the Star Festival are elite talents of ordinary advanced civilization.

The desire for talents is not too much for any civilization.

Many legendary talents will come to the fore in the early days of the Star Festival. It can be selected as an elite in all major civilizations, and at the same time, it can stand out in this grand gathering of heroes. It must be extraordinary that it belongs to the elite among the elites.

Nowadays, the great chaos of the universe is the most desired era for talents.

"Mr. Chen Mo, I'm waiting for you on the platform. I'm looking forward to it." The pupil said with a smile, and the black and blue armor was covered.


A detonation exploded on the rostrum, stirred up a wind, and then looked at the pupil blue, which had appeared on the stage in the center of the venue, slowly fell down, and stood in the most central position.

"Wow! Tong Qing, it's actually Tong Qing's adults who are on the stage in person. "

"My idol."

"It's so handsome, so strong, and it's not easy to understate."

"You can see the battle of Tong Qing. It's worth the trip to the Star Festival."


Tong Qing appears in the center of the stage, making a sensation.

Today's Tong Qing, known as the strongest life in the universe, is also the speaker of black pupil civilization, with infinite charm.

In this special link of Tianxing grand gathering, it should be the best sincerity for the ruler of divine civilization to step on the stage in person.

Shortly after Tong Qing appeared on the stage, thunder's body in battle armour rose, disappeared on the battle armour group in an instant, flew to the central stage at a high speed, and landed in a handsome posture.

"Thunder, it's thunder. The king of thunderobot Dynasty has gone up. He's crazy."

"This is a strong man who has defeated the former speaker of the black pupil Parliament. If he fights with Tong Qing, it will be interesting."

"I don't know who is better."

"Tong Qing can beat Dan, thunder should be half a chip short."


The meeting aroused numerous discussions. The grudges of black pupil civilization and Raytheon civilization in shiganxing are no secret in the universe.

Ming Qiyu didn't speak. He put on his armor and flew towards the central stage. He fell on the stage mercilessly, with extraordinary momentum. Ziyun just takes a look at Chen Mo, and the armour covers her face and flies slowly.

"Mr. Chen Mo, don't listen to Tong Qing's advice. I suggest you find your best subordinates, or you may be in danger. I'm not sure that I can win some of the top class a masters." Water Ling saw a pupil green, light said.

"Thank you." Chen Mo smiles and thanks Shuiling for reminding her.

After that, Shuiling water's blue armor covers it, leaping up like a water elf, drawing a perfect blue arc in the air, smashing it on the stage to stand firm, looking up at the venue of the Star Festival, with the pride of divine civilization.

"It's a pity I'm not good at armour, or I'll go up too." Fox Bingxin smiled at Chen Mo, turned his head and looked at the lion dusk nearby: "Uncle lion, you can go instead of me."

"Yes, ma'am."

The battle armor of lion dusk covers the body, leaps from the rostrum, and the same arc as Shuiling falls on the stage. The battle armor that has been removed is very relaxed on the face.

Six divine civilizations came on stage, dark forest civilization encountered a coup, Dinan Milo left, this grand event, the position of dark forest civilization was replaced, the attention of countless lives fell on the last Chen mo.

"Honey, be careful." After Chen Mo, Xiaoyu realizes that Chen Mo is going to play in person, and reminds him.


Chen Mo's armor was on his face and he jumped up.


Zhan Jia falls on the stage, Chen Mo stands on one knee, slowly stands up, opens his helmet and looks around the venue.

There are thousands of lives on the scene, and countless lives in the invisible virtual reality scene. The focus is on the central stage. As the only life on the field that is not a divine civilization, Chen Mubei is concerned.


"He went up on his own."

In the position of the super VIP, he was surprised.

I thought Chen Mo would let Jingge go. At least in his feeling, Jingge, who has a cold face, is absolutely strong.

But Chen Mo actually went on the court in person, which is a bit irrational.

In his opinion, this link will definitely be in trouble. Once Chen Mo is defeated by the famous master Zhan Jia on the stage, he will face the ridicule and satire of the whole life in the universe. If his mind is not firm, it will be completely destroyed.


On the stage, Hu Bingxin's beautiful eyes are surprised to see Chen mo.

After contact, she knows that Chen Mo is not stupid. It's impossible that she didn't find that there is a set set set for him by Tong Qing. However, Chen Mo still doesn't hesitate to go out in person, which makes her very surprised.

The only explanation is that Chen Mo is confident that he can beat those famous fighters.But when she saw Chen Mo, she didn't feel that Chen Mo was very powerful. Only from the beginning of seeing Chen Mo, the man dared to talk with Tong Qingmian and let her have a high look.


Seeing Chen Mo come up, Tong Qing can't help but take a deep look at him. After a little thought, his face recovers quietly.

Chen Mo didn't hesitate to come up in person. He was surprised.

To Chen Mo, his intuition is a terrible opponent, no worse than Dan.

After Shi Ganxing met, he had this intuition, so he always asked the intelligence department to search Chen Mo's information to monitor his development, but he never found it.

When he meets mu Shitian star again, he feels like an opponent, so he pays so much attention to Chen mo.


I was surprised to see Chen Mo's life and to see him in person.

"Why does this life stand with the six civilizations? Is he powerful? " Asked a life in the audience.

"He was just lucky in the forest of celestial steles, and had two evolutions." Next to the life disdain said, tone with contempt: "he is not qualified to stand up, I am more qualified than him."

"Didn't his bodyguard defeat a famous warrior?"

"That's his guard, not him, and Wan'an's strength should have water."

"It seems that Ziwei civilization is still wanted, but also offended the dark forest civilization and Raytheon civilization."

"If you offend so many people, you can still sit on the podium safely?"

Countless lives half applauded, while discussing the obvious silence on the field.

In their opinion, Chen Mo is not qualified to sit on the podium at all. To appear on the stage is to seek abuse.

In the special part of the previous Star Festival, there was no death.

Because the top class war armour division of the divine civilization will not kill the life fighting with him. They are here to attract talents. And the life of challenge, if its strength is stronger than the representative of divine civilization, will also give a face and won't make the other side too miserable, let alone kill.

But now it's different. Chen Mo doesn't have a powerful force to be the backstage.

However, the special program of Star Festival didn't seem to say that they can't kill each other. Once Chen Mo is killed, they just need to take it as a reason for losing. Chen Muruo has no powerful backstage and can't retaliate at all.


"It's a rare scene in history for several adults on the podium to come off in person."

The host's excited voice rang throughout the audience.

Special program, in the Star Festival, is an impromptu program at the beginning.

But because we can see the battle between the famous war armour division and the top war armour division of divine civilization, so many war armour divisions like it very much, so this improvisational program has been kept up to now, and has become the traditional program of Mu's heavenly star.

More often, it is the representative of the divine civilization on the rostrum, who sends the following experts to the end. Today, it is very rare for the leaders and core senior managers of the divine civilization to leave.

"The rules for special programs are simple. The Challenger selects the adults you want to challenge. The system will randomly select two lucky people from each adult challenger to challenge the adults you choose. Now the Challenger begins to choose the adults you want to challenge. "