Science and Technology Library

Chapter 943

"Master Mingyue, the patriarch has something to say to you." An emissary took a secret communication instrument and handed it to the moon.

Seeing the people coming, the dark moon and the flowing flower have some disgust in their eyes. She doesn't hate emissaries, but all other officials of the Styx. But at this time, she had a bad attack and took over the communication instrument.

The emissary left the room, and the secret communication instrument in the hand of the dark moon and the flowing flower sounded.

Seeing the old patriarch appearing in the holographic projection, she was expressionless and indifferent, even if she was the supreme ruler of the Ming culture.

"What is it?"

"The moon of the dead, you go to take down the Sloan Great Wall." There was a little more fatigue in the old patriarch's voice, and there was sadness in his eyes. Obviously, the situation of Ming culture is not good now.

"Are you crazy? At this time, you are going to attack the Sloan Great Wall." The dark moon flowed with undisguised sarcasm.

"The Hongqiao bridge of the great wall of Sloan is very sensitive and can't be controlled by the civilization of Sloan, otherwise it will suffer even more." The old patriarch said solemnly, "if we don't deal with the Hongqiao, we will be tied up in the Ming civilization."

"No way, I'm not interested."

"Take down the great wall of Sloan, and I will pass on the position of patriarch to ming'a." The old patriarch threw out his own conditions.

"A mess. Do you want to harm brother Ming? He is not interested in inheriting the mess you left behind. A group of people are full of food and drink and occupy the manger. " The moon and the flowers mocked.

"I'll clean up before I abdicate."

Mingyue Liuhua is silent and her eyes are flashing. She admits that she has been convinced.

"At that time, I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise, I will work hard with you." Finish saying, the dark moon Liuhua cut off the communication in his hand, straightened out his mood and left.


"Now, under the control of Muwu Hongqiao, 1.3 million space interferometers have been deployed around Hongqiao. Within a light-year range, there is no need to worry about being bombed by space destruction weapons."

Wang Hai reports the news to LAN.

Spatial interferometer is a kind of instrument that interferes with space. It has only one function to maintain the stability of spatial amplitude state. This kind of instrument is just the opposite of space destruction weapon, it can prevent the spread of space dimension reduction by space destruction weapon.

This is a machine used to eliminate dimensional reduction and restore spatial stability after the war, which can also prevent the spread of dimensional reduction.

"Good." LAN hears the news and is shocked.

With Muwu Hongqiao in hand, they have one more strategic choice. There is no bombing of space weapons, which belongs to the war department. In this case, they have a strong enough War Department and are not afraid of any civilization.

"Next is the Sloan Great Wall..."

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The screen of the Department of operations suddenly jumps, and a hundred thousand urgent messages appear on the screen. Seeing the news, everyone in the Department of operations was shocked.

The troops of Ming civilization converged at Baiwu Hongqiao.

LAN's eyes are full of light.

The news, no doubt, was that when they were sleepy, someone sent pillows.

"Wat mu, you lead the battle department to prepare for the attack on Sloan civilization. We can't let the great wall of Sloan fall into the hands of the Ming civilization. The position of Baiwu Hongqiao is the key position of the Ming civilization. There is a thorn that can make the Ming civilization fidgety. If they take down the Sloan Great Wall, we will be threatened here. "

"Yes, my Lord." Wat wood surprised and immediately took the order.

After the establishment of the War Department, he was more in charge of the affairs in the small universe. He had not been very brilliant in the battle, and had been training tactics in the virtual reality world. The wars of the backward civilizations in the small universe can no longer satisfy his ability. Now he needs more powerful opponents to hone.


"Adults, thirty-seven chessmen, nineteen successful players and two rival organizations destroyed, but now we are facing a situation." Wisdom looks at the distribution of forces in the chaos and ponders.

Everyone else looks at wisdom.

Wisdom is the brain trust of the core team. The dark turmoil in the chaos is the situation that he activated the chess pieces and pushed them forward.

Thirty seven chessmen, nineteen successful, with a success rate of more than half, this has been a very good result. In their hands, they now control nineteen forces in the land of chaos.

"What situation?" Asked the poison skin girl coldly.

"Big but not strong." Said wisdom.

Everyone else was puzzled and waiting for intelligent answers.

"We now control 19 forces, but they don't know each other's enemies or friends, and they don't form an alliance or unify control. Compared with the legions of great civilizations, the nineteen forces, without special formal training, lack cohesion and combat effectiveness, and are quite scattered. We are short of strategic generals. If we want to unify the chaotic place, we must have a generals who are good at commanding and strategizing, and command the layout of their 19 forces, so as to become a hot spot. "

Wisdom sends the problem back to poison skin girl.

"Can't you?" Asked the poisonous woman.

"I'm good at intrigue, but I'm not good at male conspiracy, and I don't know much about leading soldiers in war." A spread of wisdom shows that there is nothing we can do.The poison skin female ponders, only then opens for a long time: "I come to think of the way."


"Are you really going to the moon star family party?" The sound of Xiaoyu is full of worries.

But she didn't worry. Chen Mo offended several divine civilizations in the system. It can be said that Chen Mo created the chaos in the system.

Ziwei civilization will not give up until they know that they have super ability to develop technology.

Chen Mo disrupts the layout of the white star civilization, resulting in the failure of the white star civilization to the evil flame civilization. Dark forest civilization has a feud with Chen mo. The death of Thor civilization Dan is also indirectly related to Chen mo.

If Chen Mo is attacked at the party, she will be in great trouble.

"Go and see the world." Morse did not care.

"You're so open-minded, I find you can make trouble." Xiaoyu said.

There has never been such an honor in life for offending the four divine civilizations at one time.

"OK, hehe." Chen Mo smiles awkwardly.

"Your Excellency, the forest of heavenly stars and steles has arrived." Kuyao opens his mouth and interrupts the conversation between Chen Mo and Xiaoyu.

In front of them, the battle armor is a boundless tablet.

Chen Mo is attracted by the sight. There are clear words engraved on the towering stele. The material of the stele is unknown. Even after more than 100 million years of wind and rain, it is still intact.

The characters with big fingers are full of steles. On some steles, there are dense formulas and figures.

This is the picture stele left by Mu's Tianxing, the forest of Tianxing steles.

Chen can see that on every tablet, there are many lives watching, even recording. Most of the life that can come here is the senior life above the green level, and there is no lack of the top life of the indigo level.

The forest of celestial steles stretches over 200000 square kilometers. These steles have made great contributions to the civilization of the universe. Even Chen Mo, seeing such a huge forest of Steles, admired Mu's heavenly star.

The achievements of life-long research will be engraved on the stone tablet without reservation, open to the whole life of the universe, so that the whole life and civilization can copy and learn, and use this to develop science and technology, promote the progress of civilization, and even lead the life to awaken the super ability evolution.

This courage and selfless mind can bear the greatest life in the universe.

The style of this civilized pioneer is unprecedented.

In Chen Mo's eyes, the forest of Steles that soared into the clouds became even bigger.