Science and Technology Library

Chapter 925

Zhao Min's armor skirted the space and landed steadily on the platform of quantum life ball.

Put down the trembling Chen Mo in the pain, Zhao Min dare not stay, hurriedly fly away. If she delays another second, Chen Mo will suffer another second. Now is not the time for indecision.

"Xiaoyu, I left." Zhao Min flies out of the range of the quantum life ball with the fastest speed, and immediately informs Xiaoyu.


Xiaoyu eased from the pain. The pain at that moment was several times more terrible than all the pain in her life. It's hard for her to imagine how much pain Chen Mo has suffered.

"Launch the quantum sphere of life."

Xiaoyu, as the authorizer after Chen Mo and Mo Nu, immediately ordered the startup after Zhao Min confirmed his departure.

After start-up, they don't have to deal with the latter matters, and the machine will automatically carry out.

The giant circular manipulator rotates from slow to fast. The detector and camera close and think that they can't see everything in the platform of quantum life ball now, they can only wait anxiously.

"DNA sequence is being parsed, DNA sequence analysis is complete."

"Analyzing life brain structure, 10% 20%…… 90%…… 100%, brain structure analysis completed. "

"The countdown to the start of the divine womb is 10 minutes."


"The countdown to the start of the divine womb is 10 seconds."

“10、9、8…… 3. 2, 1, start. "

Immersed in the pain, Chen Mo already knows that he has been sent into the quantum sphere of life in an attempt to alleviate his pain.

I don't know how long it took for Chen Mo to feel the terrible "thunder and lightning" running on him. After the strong light, the pain in his brain disappeared and his consciousness fell into a blank.

Detector and camera recover, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min fly to the platform of quantum life ball without hesitation, and begin to wait for Chen Mo to appear.


In the space of nothingness, countless spaceships suddenly appear.

Ming Tea looks coldly at the information of holographic projection.

"We have arrived at the appointed place."

The airship's AI tone is bland and there is no emotional fluctuation. After reporting the situation, stop and wait for instructions.

For a long time, the cold eyes of the Ming Tea moved, and there was a little change in the face. Press a button at will.

In the space fleet, dozens of spaceships exploded without warning, while a few battle armour divisions around him, unprepared, were waved and pierced by robots around him.

The transparent blood flowed on the ground, and the cabin was filled with strange smell.

It's the smell of blood.

Next, the fleet's quantum communications base station was shut down.

Ming Tea reaches out his right hand, holds the quantum communication instrument in his hand, and pinches it into pieces. Under the skin of the palm, dark gray metal arm, let the eyes of Ming Tea appear a little emotional fluctuation, with a thick cold feeling of ice.


"The battle Department of the Ming tea has lost contact."

Wukun's voice was low and angry. What he worried about most was that it happened. A few top class battle armour divisions arranged beside the Ming Tea, the built-in life chip shows that the life character disappears.

All of a sudden, quantum communication was cut off and lost contact without warning. They had no way to find the trace of the Ming Tea.

The old patriarch of totem hall drooped his eyelids.

The surrounding atmosphere became extremely depressing, and I Kun's back was sweating, but I didn't dare to move. He knew that the old patriarch was now in an endless rage.

"Didn't the intelligence department find him?"

The old patriarch opened his mouth, and the atmosphere around him seemed to be stagnant again.


"Find him, kill him, bring the chip back."

"Yes." At his command, I Kun quickly quit the totem hall and left the gate.


Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are very anxious.

A week later, they were waiting for Chen Mo's body to regroup, but there was nothing. Looking for every corner of the quantum life ball, I had to tear it apart, but I still didn't find Chen mo.

The body didn't regroup successfully?

The idea flashed through their minds, and they dared not think about it again.

Chen Mo is missing.

LAN's mood is also extremely bad.

The boss disappeared, which was a terrible event. The spiritual pillar of the March ant group collapsed.

If not handled well, the whole group will fall apart.

"What now?" Zhao Min asked LAN calmly.

It's not that Zhao Min doesn't worry, but that she can't mess. We can only deal with this matter by holding back our worries. Mo NV can't move now. Xiaoyu is too worried about Chen Mo's confusion.

LAN was silent for a long time, saying: "now we can't determine the situation of the boss. Usually, the boss rarely appears in front of people. In a short period of time, the group has no problem. If necessary, we can synthesize images to show the outside world, but we and other senior executives must keep the news of the boss's disappearance until the boss appears."Zhao Min's heart tightened.

Now she doesn't want to believe that Chen Mo's experiment failed, but she has to accept the fact that Chen Mo is missing.

Both of them are silent, thinking about specific countermeasures.

Just at this time, the voice of the communicator interrupted them, unparalleled.

At this time point, there is no one to contact.

Some of the lost Xiaoyu sorted out his emotions and tried to cover them up before connecting to the video: "peerless, what's the matter?"

"Mom, you and dad are not here these days. Little potato has been making trouble. I don't know what it is going to do, but it seems to be looking for you." Wushuang holds the little beast in front of the video.

Since she followed Chen Mo to the earth, she has been keeping it at home. In addition to Chen Mo, she is closest to Xiaoyu. Especially after Xiaoyu's super ability is sure to understand the animal's language, she sticks to Xiaoyu.

"Foam wipe..."

After seeing Xiaoyu, the little mother beast began to hold her little claws and paddled excitedly. The action was very human. Others were puzzled. Only Xiaoyu was surprised when he heard it.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Min asked in a hurry. At this time, there are few things that can surprise Xiaoyu.

"Little potato said, it can find mogo."

LAN and Zhao Min jump up and look at each other's eyes. LAN looks surprised: "really?"

"It should be true, mogo told me." Xiaoyu is sure to say. Chen Mo told her that the little mother animal is very magical. It seems that she can sense and find some good things. She has helped Chen Mo twice.

Although I haven't seen the wonder of the little mother beast, Xiaoyu never doubted Chen Mo's words.

"Mom, what happened to dad?" Matchless finally realized that Xiaoyu was wrong.

"Your father sneaked out to play alone, leaving us alone. Now he doesn't know where in the universe he is with the female alien." Xiaoyu said immediately.

"Er?" A question mark on one's face.

But I'm sure dad is not at home now. He wants them to go out and look for him.

"I'm going to see moo." Hang up and unparalleled communication, Xiaoyu said firmly.

These days, in order to wait for Chen Mo to appear, Xiaoyu can't eat and sleep, worrying too much. Now there is news of Chen Mo, and she would like to go out at once.

"Will it be too risky? Is what little potato said true?"

LAN is skeptical. The news here didn't come out. Little potato said that he knew Chen Mo's news. How reliable it is.

But Xiaoyu is the only one who understands xiaotudou's words. LAN is afraid that Xiaoyu is worried about talking too much. He is eager to find a husband. He was lack of a boss and his mother is not here. That's even more troublesome.

"Little potato really has magic power, Chen Mo also told me." Zhao Min confirms Xiaoyu's statement. Chen Mo does say that xiaotudou is magical, like a special ability: "Xiaoyu, you can send someone to take xiaotudou out to find it. You are at home."

"No, I'll see him myself."

Mo Nu's situation is in the past. Now Chen Mo must be somewhere in the universe, unable to move. Although Chen Mo's life is not in danger, she can't wait for Xiaoyu to sit.