Science and Technology Library

Chapter 923


The quiet and soft voice reverberated in the cabin of the spaceship,

everyone was ecstatic, just two words fell into the public's ear, as if the sound of nature.

In the holographic projection of the spacecraft, a picture emerges on the platform of the quantum sphere of life. A little bit of dark blue light points converge and hover above the platform. The contour of a woman's body is composed of visible speed.

Mo Nu's face gradually became clear.

Chen Mo immediately launched battle a, skimmed over the hatch of the spacecraft, entered the pressure cabin, and was immediately sent into space.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are close behind.

Mo Nu is still alive, which is the greatest luck.

On the platform of quantum life ball, Mo Nu's body is suspended and motionless, and the flickering blue light on her body is not stable.

Chen murfei stops beside Mo Nu and holds her body in her arms. Xiaoyu and Zhao Min follow her to the platform.

"How do you feel?" Asked Chen Mo anxiously.

"Can't move." Mo Nu is still surprised to see Chen Mo even if she can't move.

"How could this happen?" Chen Mo's pupil shrank.

Xiaoyu lets the nano robot cover Mo Nu to form a set of armor and protect her body: "don't worry about so much, let's go back to the flying boat."


Chen Mo stared at the data of the instrument, a pile of disorderly code, unable to find the reason.

The existing instruments in the laboratory can't check the physical condition of Mo nu. Mo Nu's body now goes beyond the scope of life science they know.

Chen Mo kneaded on Mo Nu's arm: "do you feel it?"

"I feel it."

"And here?" Chen Mo places his palm on the waist and abdomen of Mo nu.

"Yes, too."

She is conscious but unable to move. Now she is like a patient with high paraplegia, unable to control her body or even move her fingers.

This is a strange situation.

This will not happen in theory, but I don't know which link is wrong.

Chen Mo knocks on the tingling brain, but the physical condition of Mo Nu can't be explained by conventional life science. It's definitely not a problem such as nerve damage, because Mo Nu's body now has no nerves in a strict sense.

"What do you think is special now?"

After thinking about it, she said, "I feel I can do anything, but I can't do anything."

Mo Nu's body is very special now. She can't leave any wound on her body. Sharp things can recover in an instant after scratching the wound.

Other miracles can only be explored slowly after Mo Nu controls her body.

"Mo Ge, don't worry, Mo Nu is very lucky, and Mo Nu can use war armour to assist in body movement." Mo Nu lies on the bed and looks at Chen Mo directly. She doesn't seem to see enough: "mogo's theory is right. This technology can succeed."

"Still thinking about that broken technology, hurry to find a way." Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo badly.

"I was thinking, you go out first." Chen moqiang, suffering from the sharp pain of the brain, is thinking about which link in the end.


Study outdoor, LAN is very shocked.

When the boss told him about the project, he never believed that the project would succeed because it was crazy.

Every particle in life is transformed into a quantum state in an instant, and then the body is reconstructed.

Even if the development of space science and technology to this day, it can be said that nothing is impossible, but for this project, he felt that it was a technology that he could not even think of.

At the beginning, Chen Mo wanted to experiment. He thought something would happen. As a result, Mrs. Mo cut off the boss's Hu and made him feel at ease.

Now, Madame Mo reorganizes her body, which brings him incomparable shock. Even though Mrs. Mo's body is now out of control, the experiment is still a success.

The restructured body is the immortal body, immortal and immortal.

LAN thinks he has seen the world, but this experiment subverts his three view cognition. At the moment, he is like a child with a question mark on his face. Except for the shock, everything else in his mind is a paste.


Chen Mo has searched the library of science and technology for information, but there is very little about quantum life.

The only explanation he can think of is the reason of cognition in the realm of thinking.

Intelligent life cannot understand the existence and ability of higher dimension life, just as bacteria cannot understand the existence and ability of intelligent life.

Mo Nu's cognition of thinking still stays in the existing third dimension, and the body may exist in a higher dimension.

Just like the virus controls the brain center of human beings, it can only act in the cognitive way of the virus, and can not play the role of human body and brain intelligence, just walking dead.

Suddenly, Chen Mo takes a cold breath.

The tingling in the brain is getting worse again. It's like dozens of needles stabbing his brain. He can't think deeply at all.

At this time, Chen Mo is interrupted by a telephone ring.Yang siqingyue's.

"What does she contact me for at this time?" Chen Mo looks puzzled, but he still connects the phone.

"Mrs. Xiaoyu can help you."

As soon as connect, ear side spreads to come Yang Si green month flat light a word.

Chen Mo was stunned by this inexplicable remark and asked questions all over his face. What does Yang Siqing know he is doing? Are you still in trouble?

"You know what I'm doing?"

"I don't know, but I know Mrs. Xiaoyu can help you."

Both sides are quiet.

On the earth, Yang Siqing put down the communication instrument, the silver skin was dim, the silver ring eyes were tired, obviously consumption was not small: "really a terrible man."

Looking at the hang up phone, Chen Mo suddenly thought of something.

Is it about her powers? Yang Siqing month has been reluctant to disclose his ability, which is the only explanation.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Chen Mo tries to make his expression natural, because the tingling of his brain is very strong, and he can only pretend to be nothing. He doesn't know when he'll reach the tipping point, but he doesn't feel too slow.

He had no choice but to listen to Yang siqingyue's and let Xiaoyu try.


The underworld, the deep part of the small universe within the connector of space.

A huge planet is located in space, on which there are many huge pyramid structures. In the middle of hundreds of huge pyramid buildings, there is a sky city like island floating in the sky.

In the palace full of totems, the old man with the human body and beard sat in the center. It was like a place where some kind of religious ceremony was held. The old man was the patriarch of the Ming civilization.

Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes.

A gray war armor fell behind him, and the war armor division inside appeared. The same beast head's body, with transparent hair and fluorescent flow inside, was brighter than the old man's body, and obviously younger than the old man. According to the age of the underworld civilization, it was a middle-aged beast head's body.

"Patriarch." I Kun salute respectfully.

"Is the news true?"

"It's true that what the intelligence personnel found out by accident is the mysterious force that traded with Tong Qing in the Shigan system. They may have mastered the super power technology. Other civilizations should not have found them there, or there might have been movement for a long time. "

"Super power development technology." The old man's eyes flickered: "let the Ming Tea take the fleet and bring the technology back."

"Ming tea? Patriarch, he's a little dangerous. " I Kun said.

"What's wrong with him recently?"

"No, today he ate a five cake and bought a Styx flower. In the past few hundred years, he has been studying, deducing sand table, training soldiers, and then doing some trivial things. There is no exception. But judging from his sand table deduction and military style, he is very dangerous and has a heavy killing heart. " Said the middle-aged man.

"A sharp blade cannot be used for fear of hurting your hand."

"I see, patriarch." I Kun nodded to quit the totem palace.