Science and Technology Library

Chapter 918

Red Hibiscus looked at Xiao Li with doubts. According to his knowledge of Xiao Li, any division in the war armour regiment could surrender, but Xiao Li could not.

Facing the eyes of Chijin and others, Xiao Li was unmoved.

"Really?" Asked hibiscus.

"Well." Xiao Li replied with a calm voice: "the legend of the black maple leaf and the group A, Yang sikar LAN, is my father's old friend."

"Silver hair? Didn't he retire? " Red Hibiscus pupil suddenly tightened.

Naturally, he has heard the legend of silver hair. The whole world of war a is no stranger to this name. Design and destroy a top-level civilization, God level figure with a small battle group.

"It's back." "I didn't ask more about the reason," said Xiao Li, "but the future of adults who can make silver hair work won't be too bad. Shenwei, who fought with me, has all the top-level system armor and tens of thousands of top-level armor divisions. There are also technologies for extracting antimatter and dark matter from the Milky way. "

"Top standard armor? Tens of thousands of top class division a? Technology to extract antimatter and dark matter? " The Red Hibiscus was shocked.

All of these technologies and strengths are unique to the top civilization, and they are not the general top civilization. Only a top-level civilization strong enough can have so many technologies.

"I was shocked at first, but the adults who can make silver hair work should not be ordinary life, the universe is so big, maybe we need a bigger stage."

When he said these words, Xiao Li was bitter.

He is persuading hibiscus, in fact, more like persuading himself.

Suddenly, all around was quiet. Xiao Li looked down ahead and saw Chen Mo and LAN coming towards them.

It's too young.

Xiao Li was shocked when he saw Chen Mo beside LAN.

It's not just him, it's the rest of the team that feels incredible.

They used to think that Lan's life would be a virtuous old man, or a very powerful top class war armour division. Now when they see Chen Mo, he finds out that he is wrong.

Too young.

This is their first impression of Chen mo.

It's hard for Xiao Li to imagine that he would become the master of a top civilization at such a young age.

If he didn't get some information, the whole March ant group was created by Chen mo. he has absolutely reason to suspect that Chen Mo was left with such a large March ant group by his ancestors.

"My Lord."

Xiao Li and red hibiscus gave a silent salute to Chen.

Although it is difficult to adapt for a while, it has to be done.

Chen Mo looks at them.

It's not clear what's going on inside Hongqiao, so I just got into it with a regiment. It must be remarkable to defeat the three main armies of advanced civilization with a battle armour regiment.

Brave and resourceful.

Chen Mo never refuses talents.

"Come with me."

Xiao Li and red Geun were puzzled, but they followed up and landed outside the super ability development laboratory.

"Next, I'll develop superpowers for you."

"What? Super power? "

After Xiao Li and red hibiscus reacted, they couldn't believe it.

The development technology of super power is a technology that has not been mastered by the divine civilization. The battle of the system of Shigan, shaking the whole universe, is caused by the development technology of super power.

Now in this remote corner of the universe, Chen Mo tells them that he has the ability to develop technology.

The news is too shocking.

Is it the missing civilization of evil flame?

But the idea was quickly dismissed by him. Xiao Li, as the leader of the battle group A, would care about the big events in the universe. The affairs of Shi Gan 's star system were raging. The life of the evil flame civilization, he remembered, was not like Chen Mo.

Originally thought it was a top-level civilization, now it seems that they need to change their minds and reevaluate.

"Do you want to develop it?" Chen Mo was not surprised by their reaction.

"Really?" Asked Xiao Li, unsure.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but that he is too shocked. Once the development is successful, they will enter the category of God level life, which is a technology not mastered by God level civilization.

"Don't you know that you have dealt with Shenwei? All Shenwei have super powers. "

Chen Mo throws out a heavy bomb, which makes Xiao Li and red hibiscus stupefied.

"Why?" Xiao Li looked at Chen Mo, puzzled.

"You follow me. You don't need to doubt people. You don't need to doubt people." Chen Mo said.

Xiao Li and red hibiscus look at each other. They now understand why LAN chose to go out of the mountain and join Chen Mo's team. The last mustard in my heart opened and my eyes became firm.

"Thank you."


After LAN recruited Xiao Li, he immediately ordered the big devil War Department to go to the skull system to take over the defense of Hongqiao.

Later, he ordered the battle Department of the king of the sea to go to all parts of the constellation of Pisces and whales and occupy the main stars and space channels of all civilizations.Before the news of the victory spread, the March ant group quickly occupied the main stars of all the galaxies and set up a defense line. Because the previous three civilizations fled, leaving behind some small forces and civilizations that could not escape, their occupation was surprisingly smooth.

At this time, many lives have not yet reacted. When they react, they find that when the galaxy wins the war, the marching ant group has controlled the main constellation of the Pisces and cetacean supercluster complex.

The escaping civilization can only leave. If you want to return to the supercluster complex of Pisces and whales, you must obey the control of marching ants today. This is unacceptable for many civilizations.

Of course, there are civilizations who want to resist, but in the face of the marching ant group with fangs exposed, they are pitiful and weak, and finally the ripples cannot be startled.

The end of the war was beyond imagination.

So far, the superstellar complex of Pisces and Cetacea has all fallen into the hands of marching ant group, and Chen Mo has become the new owner of Pisces and Cetacea.

After Lan's iron-blood means, the civilized rulers who want to use the opportunity to put pressure on them have to leave in the dust to find other places to live. Most forces and life without civilization sign choose to stay in the supercluster complex of Pisces and whales.

After the Hongqiao upheaval, the universe was filled with flames. Going to other places is not necessarily more stable than here.

On the space news platform, there are all kinds of news about wars and conflicts among civilizations. Which civilization is destroyed, which civilization is rising, and countless stars and lives turn into cosmic dust in the civilization war.

The pattern of the universe has changed a lot. Chaos has come.


Xiao Li and red hibiscus entered the war room with confidence in their eyes.

After the successful development of superpowers, they are already divine life. They once opened the shackles of their innate life level and greatly improved their combat effectiveness and physical quality.

This is a kind of confidence from the soul of life.

Now they have been convinced of Chen mo.

Once upon a time, they chose to form their own battle group just because they could not be reused in the army. It is a good result to be loyal to Chen Mo now.

They all know about the status of the March ant group.

The science and technology of the top civilization, even the science and technology of the divine civilization, is sitting in a small universe.

Adults are so young that they can create such a terrible marching ant group. In the future, they may not have the qualification of chasing deer. Compared with Tong Qing and thunder, adults seem to have had more than enough.

Seeing the change of the two men, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction: "today, Xiao Li set up the War Department of the night owl. Red Geun went to the Staff Department and followed LAN."
