Science and Technology Library

Chapter 900

Kuyao was dressed in black armor and looked solemn. In the square behind him, there were 200000 Kuyao people standing. After several months of selection and training, we were able to select this group of the most elite soldiers from the poor.

Kutian and kulong are at the front of the team. Beside them, there is a female Kuren. She is also the best in this training. She has a special super ability.

The ability to transform into anything.

That kind of shape is different from the effect of nanorobot changing the shape. Nanorobot changing the shape can be identified by detector, but the machine can't identify the bitter deformation.

Today everyone is full of energy because they have finished their training and then it's time to leave bitter star.

In the waiting room, the buzzing suddenly appeared. A huge object in the sky was landing towards the square, and soon it was floating over the square, blocking the sky. Several figures in battle armor shot down from the ship.

In the blink of an eye, the figure that shoots out is suspended on the high platform of the square.

It's LAN.

Two hundred thousand people paid a salute in unison.

At the first sight of the team, LAN nodded with satisfaction. The inborn advantage makes the physical quality of the bitter man very good. Coupled with suffering, the bitter man can be said to be the best candidate for the war armour division.

Now seeing the training results, LAN is very satisfied.

This is a guard army built for Chen mo. it must be the most powerful.

After the initial selection, LAN used the super ability development technology to select the bitter people to use.

Two hundred thousand bitter people have awakened to their superpowers.

Looking at the whole universe alliance, this team is absolutely shocked. As long as it is properly trained, it will be an army composed of 200000 top class battle armour divisions.

Earth man

"after your training in the bitter star, you will leave the bitter star and go to other stars outside the sky to train, follow the God King, expand your territory and protect your homeland."

"I see."

The voice is like Hong Lei. When all the bitter people hear the name of "God King", their eyes show reverence and excitement. To follow the God King is their highest ideal.

LAN nodded contentedly.

The naturalization of Kuxing people is very smooth. Now they have established a sense of identity and cohesion. Next, it is much simpler. In the future, there will be a steady stream of bitter people integrated into the team. Their team strength will become stronger and stronger. It's no surprise that they will establish top forces.

"From today on, your team has a new name: Shenwei. It's the guardian of the God King. You will follow the God King and guard the God King in the future. "


The sound of breathing in the square became rapid.

They believe in the God King, who saved them, gave them a good life, gave them knowledge, technology and even gave them super power. It is a great gift to follow the king of God.

And the name of Shenwei, for them, is a kind of glory.


In an underground city.

Poison skin woman is sitting at the top of the conference table. Her face is covered by mask, only her cold eyes. Ash 21 in her side, and toxic skin woman, only a pair of gray eyes, people can not see what he looks like.

In front of them are ten intelligent lives of different shapes.

The poison skin woman moves her finger, and several small robots deliver the syringe to ten people.

"What is this?" Zhi looked at the syringe and asked.

"That's not what you should ask." The voice of the opening black glaze is cold, without a trace of emotion.

"You can't even ask? Dead ice. "

Intellectual skimming, put the syringe into the arm.

The black glaze, known as "ice", ignored others, then inserted the syringe into his arm, leaving the empty syringe aside. Without hesitation, the other eight raised their hands and inserted syringes into their bodies.

Ten people were sent into the cabin behind by the robot, and the empty hall of the underground city was quiet again.

"Sister, you are ready." Grey 21 said.

"Well." Poison skin female lightly nods: "begin."


"Honey, play a game with you." Xiaoyu lies on Chen Mo's back and attaches to his ear.

"Well, say." Chen Mo's attention is still on the holographic experimental platform in front of him, and he is designing complex instruments. This instrument is related to his task in the science and Technology Library.

"We play the most difficult game in the universe: stone scissors, you can only produce stone, who loses and promises to do one thing for each other."

"You rascal?"

"Is to play hooligans, play or not?"

"Good, rascal." Chen Mo symbolic out of a stone, see a smile of Xiaoyu, but also helpless and funny: "say, what can let you play a rogue against me?"

"I want to develop superpowers."

"Er?" Chen Mo is stunned and stops his work: "why do you want this all of a sudden?""I want to help you, but I can't help you. In case of developing super ability, my ability can help you! OK? Matchless they all grew up, I am very bored sometimes, can't help you again

Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes look forward to Chen Mo, which makes people can't bear to refuse.

"In fact, you are the most helpful to me. My family is well organized by you, which is my most solid support."

"I want to help you a little more like Mo Nu and Zhao Min Jie, and they are so powerful."

"You are not afraid to develop, super power is to become an ugly monster, such as a toad star man?"

"Don't mention toads, you'll be toads." Xiaoyu heard the toad, like a cat with its tail trodden on. In a moment, it blew up and grabbed Chen Mo's ear, like a cat with its teeth and claws.

"Well, constant toad, fairy, pain!"

The ink girl around looked at them with a smile.

"How can you say toad, you have such a big reaction?" Chen Mo rubbed his ears and asked curiously.

"When brother Mo disappeared, sister Xiaoyu dreamed that you and a group of female aliens were better off. Those female aliens were like toads. There were more than one. Sister Xiaoyu cried."

"Hahahaha Stop pinching. I won't laugh Ha ha ha ha... "

"You just agreed."

Xiaoyu's mouth is flat. If Chen Mo doesn't agree, he will be angry.

"OK, I promise. There are development technologies that don't change the shape. Don't worry about the change of the shape." Chen Mo used to touch her head.

Seeing Chen Mo nodding, Xiaoyu's eyes curved into crescent.

All along, Xiaoyu has taken good care of his family. Nothing else can help him, especially Chen mo. Zhao Min is in charge of the group. Mo Nu, let alone, is the only one who can only take care of Chen Mo's daily life. There are few other things that can help Chen mo. Now they are all grown up. If Chen Muruo is studying, she can only be bored by herself.

"What kind of ability do you want?" Asked Chen mo.

"I don't like those kinds of abilities that can be developed directionally. So many people have them, nothing special. Use the non directional ability to develop. Everything goes with you. If my ability can help you, I'm just like sister Mo Nu and sister Zhao min. if I can't help you, I'll give up my life and be quiet behind you. I won't make trouble for you. "

"Fool." Chen Mo shaved her nose gently.

"When will it start?"

Chen Mo thought for a moment and said, "three days later, I will prepare the developed medicine for you myself."

After all, it's Xiaoyu who wants to develop superpowers and is not allowed to be careless. As for Xiaoyu's ability, respect her ideas and follow her fate. In Chen Mo's opinion, Xiaoyu is the goddess of luck. Since she met Xiaoyu, her luck has been very good.

"Thank you, husband."

Xiaoyu kisses Chen Mo heavily on his face, happy as a child who gets a toy.

"Let's play again?"

"Still coming? Hooligans in the end? Don't play. "

"This time I only produce scissors."
