Science and Technology Library

Chapter 892

The appearance of the pupil blue shocked the black pupil Parliament and fell into a dead silence. The pupil that is sent to black hole jail is blue, this moment appears in front of them.

All eyes are on vivroyun. Only he has the right to release the pupil from the black hole prison. At this time, vivroyun's face was ugly. Obviously, the appearance of pupil blue was not his order.

"Who let you out?" Vivroyun shouted.

Tong Qing went to the rostrum of the parliament, glanced at the members at the scene, and under the sharp eyes, no one dared to look at him, and finally looked at vivroyun: "is this still important?"

"This is not the place you should come to, sentry, take down Tong Qing."

Vivroyun's face was heavy and his tone was extremely bad.

But when his orders went down, the Council's sentinels did not move. They stood stiffly, not listening to vivroyun.


"Stop shouting." Tong Qing interrupts vivroyun's words: "speaker, do you think that the black pupil council here is a criminal exiled into the black hole prison who can come in at will?"

Hearing this, vivroyun's black eyes contracted and expanded, with a bad premonition in his heart.

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is obvious." Tong Qing and vivroyun looked at each other with sharp eyes: "chancellor, you are old, it's time to abdicate."

"You want to usurp the throne?"

Vivroyun was furious, and all the other members of Parliament were shocked.

In any civilization, usurping the throne is a taboo. Even in the non intelligent animal world, there is a cost to challenge the leader's position.

The reason why Tong Qing was exiled to black hole prison is that Tong Qing bypassed vivroyun and used military weapons to shiganxing without permission. Otherwise, even if Dan was killed, he would not be exiled to black hole prison.

"Wrong, peaceful abdication is good for the whole black pupil civilization."

Vivroyun was angry and laughed back. He didn't expect that one day, he would be usurped by someone, or the successor he had promoted.

"If the state of black pupil civilization does not change, it will be the next crape myrtle civilization, or even worse than crape myrtle civilization. No civilization can be brilliant forever. I'm for the sake of a good black pupil civilization. The surface scenery of the black pupil civilization, however, is a group of pigs with a group of corpses. The so-called nobility, occupying resources, is useless. What's the status quo? You know better than me. " Said the pupil.

This time, vivroyun was silent, and it took a long time to speak.

"I do know better than you, but it's not an excuse for your coup. If you want to sit in this position, it's not as simple as my abdication or your position."

"What happens when I'm on top, that's not what you should care about."

Vivroyun looked at the pupil, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

Tong Qing gives Tara a sign. At the meeting, there are twelve Black Eyed people. Each of them is wearing the same type of war armor. They have a good temperament and sharp eyes.

At the sight of the twelve men, vivroyun and the members of the court, their faces did not change much.

The head of the army of the ten regiments of the black pupil civilization, the Minister of the Intelligence Department of the black pupil civilization and security, and Yan, the general staff of the first regiment.

They are the twelve with the highest real power in the Heitong civilization, except for the speaker and a few others, including the Red Army, the head of the first army responsible for the safety of Heitong, which is the most trusted head of the army of vivroyun. And heiyun, the Minister of the intelligence department, is almost his right arm.

The appearance of the twelve has already given vivroyun some clues.

No wonder Yan suddenly asked for leave and disappeared some time ago. He was unwilling to take over the post of commander-in-chief just for today.

"Did you let out your pupils without permission?" There was despair in vivroyun's eyes.

"We didn't let Tong Qing out." The Red Army of the first regiment said, "you are right. You are old. You have lost your energy and blood. You have to abdicate. Civilization needs to change. You are for the sake of black pupil civilization. After deliberation, the ten heads of our army decided to unanimously support Mr. Tong Qing as the new speaker. "

As soon as the words fell, vivroyun seemed to be hundreds of years old and developed black pupil civilization all his life. He didn't expect to end in this way.

This is a carefully arranged renegade. The black pupil Council, the decision-making body of the whole black pupil civilization, is in a mess. The head of the army and the intelligence department have long been the pupil of the youth.

Tong Qing arranges his clothes and stops in front of vivroyun.

"Chancellor, the times have changed. If we don't change, the foundation will be rotten. Sooner or later, the old black pupil civilization will decline. You can live in peace." Tong Qing reaches out to the front of vivroyun, with a light face and a slight smile.

Vivroyun takes a deep look at Tong Qing. His eyes are tired. He looks like he is in a bad age. He slowly takes out a box and hands it to Tong Qing.

This is the speaker's token of the black pupil civilization, the key of the space connector of the small universe, which is the foundation of the divine civilization.


"Wang, all the probes to the galaxy have lost contact.""Lost contact?"

"Yes, the last image from the spacecraft was attacked."

His subordinates are reporting to the Immortal King, borhughes. Borhughes looks at the hologram sent back by the exploration spacecraft, which is the fleet appearing in space.

"In addition, the intelligence department received a special message from the old part of the Xiong Fengzhan a regiment. According to the news sent back to the nest before the destruction of xiongfengzhan group A, there are a large number of dark matter and antimatter accumulating in the stars of the galaxy, such as the storehouse of dark matter and antimatter, and it is possible... "

"What else is possible?"

"It's also possible that there are dark matter and antimatter production technology factories in the galaxy."


Borhughes clapped up, like a snake's thick hair dancing in the air, eyes full of greed.

The importance of antimatter and dark matter is self-evident. One is the necessary energy materials for space navigation, the other is the necessary materials for spaceships and various top scientific and technological materials.

In the cosmic trade, there is no trade in minerals, because there is no shortage of minerals in every galaxy. In space trade, antimatter trade and dark matter trade occupy the main market of trade, followed by all kinds of war armour, spacecraft, high-tech products and so on.

To master the groups and forces that produce dark matter and antimatter, there is no one that is not the world's famous top power group.

The production technology of antimatter and dark matter is like an extremely fat meat. Most forces of the universe alliance want to get the production technology of these two materials.

The production technology of these two materials has been monopolized by large forces. Mastering the production technology of these two materials means continuous wealth.

So borhughes lost his temper when he heard that there might be production technologies for antimatter and dark matter in the galaxy.

"Is the message OK?" Borhughes tried to contain his excitement.

"The old part of bear wind battle group a said that before the destruction of the fleet, they sent back the information for help through quantum communication. They only fought with each other to seize the antimatter and dark matter of each other. It is said that there is a large stock of antimatter and dark matter in the galaxy. There may be production technologies for antimatter and dark matter. Even if there is no production technology, it can be determined that they have a lot of antimatter and dark matter. "

"Is there any other life to know about this news?"

"There must be." The intelligence officer replied: "the rest of the Xiong Fengzhan a regiment has posted a discussion post on the space alliance battle a regiment forum. There must be a lot of other battle a regiments or forces concerned."

Borhughes licked his lips: "immediately order the army to go to the galaxy. It's better to start first."