Science and Technology Library

Chapter 887

In the consciousness transfer laboratory, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are present, which is very important for them.

Once the operation is successful, Mo Nu will become a real life, and they will welcome a real new family member.

With the exception of two people, only two people are present, and no one else has access to consciousness transfer technology.

In a sense, consciousness transfer technology is like the key to open the door of eternal life, which is a very terrible technology. Once leaked, the March ant group may face any kind of trouble.

Because immortality is an irresistible temptation for most of life. Even if God level civilization has tens of thousands of years of life, it is also a huge temptation for the technology of "Immortality" of consciousness transfer.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are carefully looking at the body of Mo Nu, looking curious.

Now Mo Nu's body is still in the artificial uterus, and her skull is exposed outside the artificial uterus and under the instrument of consciousness transfer. She can't wake up before the 'operation' on the transfer of consciousness is completed.

Through amniotic fluid, we can know that the appearance of Mo Nu's body is similar to that of the present, and it is still very beautiful.

After the face of the baby fat removed, the skin changes, a little makeup, and now is not too much difference. This precise facial gene control is incredible.

This body is made of the most advanced medical technology and Biotechnology of the marching ant group.

"Chen Mo, how sure?" Zhao Min couldn't help asking.

Chen Mo shakes his head.

"Not sure. The "big surgery" involving the brain, especially the special surgery in this special field, is unknown and uncertain. However, in the monkey's consciousness transfer experiment, seven cases succeeded and one failed.

One case of failure was the third. During the experiment, it was found that the brain of the carrier monkey was stunted and had congenital problems. It failed. The carrier mature experiment, the success rate is very high, Mo female's body has done a very comprehensive examination, all physiological characteristics and functions are mature, there will not be too big problem in theory. "

The two women nodded gently, and continued to put their eyes back on Mo's body, without disturbing Chen mo.

It's almost time now.

"Start the operation."

Through the glass window, they can see the operation room clearly. This technology is not simple for surgeons, and the artificial nerve fibers used for consciousness transfer are only tens of microns, which can not be controlled by human beings.

The whole process must be operated with the help of the machine, through the data fed back by the machine.

Anesthesia, craniotomy.

The machine completes these steps quickly.

Soon, the brain was exposed to the instruments of consciousness transfer.

Under the control of the machine, everything is orderly. The consciousness connecting instrument that connects the core of the quantum supercomputer of Mo Nu is slowly approaching the brain, and hundreds of thousands of artificial nerve fibers fall to the brain of Mo nu.

There are some special points in Mo Nu's consciousness transfer operation. Mo Nu is a quantum consciousness. Artificial nerve fibers do not need strict connection of brain regions to regions. They can plan and determine the location according to the connection of artificial fibers.

And even if the operation of consciousness transfer fails, it has no effect on Mo Nu's consciousness. Because of her special replicability, unless the super quantum chip containing her quantum consciousness core is completely destroyed, her consciousness will always exist, and can be copied out and shut down for storage.

"Mogo, the connection is complete."

Hundreds of thousands of artificial nerve fibers are successfully connected to the nerve fibers of the brain according to the predetermined location of the brain area.

Now, the neural electrical signals of the body and brain of Mo Nu are very primitive. In addition to the natural unconditioned reflexes of the living body, other conditioned reflexes are blank.

"Transfer started." Chen Mo said to Mo nu.

On the instrument, the data is beating wildly. Mo Nu's memory, in the form of electrical signals, begins to enter the body's big brain horse body. With the stimulation of these memory electrical signals, the brain will store these memories with specific cell groups and chemical components.

Once the electrical signals of the brain stimulate the cell group and secrete specific chemical components, the memory of the cell group will emerge.

Massive electrical signals are constantly stimulating the brain of the female body. According to the data of the instrument, the consumption of nutrients in the female body is three times higher than usual.

These data include olfactory, sensory, visual, tactile and other sensory cognition, as well as advanced psychological activities such as thinking and imagination, and daily activities such as work, learning and life.

In terms of smell, vision, feeling and touch, Mo Nu's body does not have them at present, but when consciousness is established, Mo Nu has simulated and recognized these senses through Xiaoyu as a "bridge".

After being conscious, Mo Nu's thinking and imagination of these high-level psychological activities, other activities are all like human beings, except for eating.

Since Chen Mo, Mo Nu has produced a lot of memory data.

These data will become electrical signal data, stimulating the nerve cells of biological brain, just like the program code of computer, turning into image and audio.Chen Mo is still calm, and is always concerned about the change of several important data.

"Increase the supply of nutrients."

The weight of brain is only 2% of the body weight, but it needs to consume 20% of the total energy of the body. Now it is a large amount of data input, which consumes a lot more energy than usual.

"Husband, how long does the operation take?" Xiaoyu came to Chen Mo and asked in a low voice.

"For about 14 hours, what we have to do now is wait. As long as the data transmission doesn't go wrong, it will go smoothly." Chen Mo felt Xiaoyu's hair: "you sit and wait first, this process is a little long, if you have something to deal with, you can go out first."

"I'll wait here. I have nothing to do. Sister Zhao Min has more affairs. I can deal with them. I'll let you know when it's ready." Xiaoyu said to Zhao min.

As the two women communicate, Chen Mo continues to focus on data.


"Star level scientific and technological civilization of life planet."

In the first quadrant of the small universe, Wang Hai, who is sitting in the commander's seat, saw the condition of the living planet not far away, and suddenly had a big mental shock.

Star level scientific and technological civilization life.

This is the most civilized planet they have ever met since they explored the small universe.

At present, most of the life they found in the small universe is at the embryonic stage of life or non intelligent life. Even intelligent life and civilization are not developed. The highest civilization they see is just like it was 200 years ago.

Now the discovery of a stellar civilization means that their scientific and technological civilization has reached a certain level, and they can sail between stars in front of them.

This is the initial stage of the exploration of the universe. The earth's science and technology can leap forward because of the space curvature engine developed by the boss, and then inadvertently docked the system of the universe alliance.

"Send the detector over." Wang Hai immediately ordered.

They came to develop the small universe to control it.

LAN's instructions are very clear. He finds intelligent life and tries to accept it as his own use. Those who cannot accept or resist will be destroyed. Now they only need loyal intelligent life and Armor Division, and then fully control the small universe, making it their back garden.

This small universe is the basis for the preservation of human existence, and also the basis for their defense of divine civilization.

Ten probes leave the spacecraft and head for the locked life planet.