Science and Technology Library

Chapter 875

Dead silence! Shock!

The public channel, which used to be noisy, was silent for a moment. The whole universe alliance, in front of the live screen, is dead.

In just a few words, the witch announced a big news.

Dan, the first successor of Raytheon civilization, died.

Countless lives hear this news, their hearts are cold. They know what this news means. The thunderobot civilization will officially fight against the black pupil civilization, and there will be no room for relaxation.

The two divine civilizations are at war in an all-round way.

There is no doubt that the divine civilization will spread to the whole universe.

A few years ago, the prince of the dark dragon was killed on his way back to the endless sea. The dark forest civilization and the endless sea civilization did not fight in an all-round way, but only partially.

Because the dark forest civilization is not sure whether it was done by the endless sea or not. We can't give evidence. Although we don't like each other, we won't fight in an all-round way. Today, the war between Raytheon civilization and black pupil civilization is obviously inevitable.

"Adult, what is Tong Qing thinking?" Purple eyes whispered, in her side is purple rhyme, crape myrtle civilization within the legendary woman. Think of the pupil green figure, purple eyes have a kind of shivering feeling.

"I don't know." Purple rhyme Qingleng said, voice or no mood fluctuations.

Purple rhyme points the instruments around him. Chen Mo appears on the light curtain after camouflage, together with Chen Mo's original appearance. After this period of investigation, many things become clear.

The first time I met is in the blue mercury of the three eye civilization. At that time, Chen Mo seemed to be just an ordinary humanoid life. After the suspected space turbulence disappeared, it suddenly appeared in shiganxing, seizing the super power technology, killing Zeqi, and then trading with Tongqing, all of which are the same life.

Ordinary life, senior war armour division and top war armour division have different identities every time. They master the top technology of top civilization and make friends with endless sea and Yunzhou civilization. Ziyun suddenly feels that the identity of this man has become unfathomable.

"Have you found out where the fleet of ink dust is going?"

"No." Purple eyes shook his head: "they left the galaxy, whereabouts unknown, did not find them in a busy planet, and did not receive any information about them."

"Keep searching for his news, and report it to me as soon as possible." Ziyun looks at Chen Mo's portrait and is stunned: "go back."

The crape myrtle civilization's fleet started Space folding, and soon disappeared into space on the edge of the rocky galaxy.

The bustling end, Tong Qing from the beginning to the end, did not appear.


News screen closed, LAN felt sharp chin, long and narrow eyes show the color of thinking.

"Crape myrtle civilization is declining. Both Raytheon civilization and black pupil civilization want to replace it and become the boss. Now Dan has been killed by Tong Qing and lost the chance to become the boss. If Dan died in the system of Lycoris, the thunderobot civilization would go mad. We will also be remembered and hated by Raytheon civilization. Although it has nothing to do with us, we have done business with Tong Qing in the system of Lycoris. "

"Three divine civilizations."

It's not the white star civilization that hasn't found his identity, the seven divine civilizations. He offended half of them. Chen Mo is also speechless about this kind of trouble.

"You humans have a saying that lice do not itch." Lan also became a bachelor: "anyway, there is a small universe. As long as you enter the small universe, even if you offend seven God level civilizations, they have nothing to do with us."

In just a few words, the wizard made a big stir in the universe.

Jiwu is also one of the heirs of Heitong civilization in the future. No one doubts the truth of his words.

Almost on the day when the thunderobot civilization got the news, thunderobot civilization King Lei Xing was furious and issued an ultimatum to the black pupil civilization, asking the black pupil civilization to hand over the pupil to the thunderobot civilization for trial, otherwise it would officially launch a war against the black pupil civilization.

The news shocked the alliance of the whole universe.

But some people will soon understand the worries of Raytheon civilization.

With hundreds of millions of years of development, the days of Thor civilization are too comfortable. It is a serious problem that there are many factions and classes in the high-level civilization.

Raytheon civilization seems to be powerful, but there is a very serious problem, there is no suitable successor. Between factions, no one is satisfied. If the future heirs do not agree with the masses, it may cause division within the divine civilization and seriously weaken its strength. Then it may become the second crape myrtle civilization, falling into the stalemate of recession.

Dan is the most suitable successor, with enough prestige and courage. In the future, Dan will take over the thunderobot civilization, which will surely go further. Now that Dan is dead, it's hard for other successors of thunderobot civilization to obey the public.

At the border between the Leishen civilization and the black pupil civilization, the all-round war seems to be on the verge.


Jinxing was transformed by Mo Nu and became a planet suitable for life. Now, as the garrison of the alien corps of the March ant group, after LAN joined the main battle department, the general headquarters was moved here.

Gravity training ground.

This is a large-scale gravity training ground, which can hold 100000 soldiers to conduct gravity training at the same time. It is also the largest gravity training ground in the solar system.There are ten similar training grounds.

After millions of soldiers returned to the solar system, they were stationed in Venus for closed training.

In the field of gravity training, there was no sound, and many soldiers struggled in the field for basic combat training.

Whenever a team member falls down, a medical robot will lift them out of the gravity field, enter the medical cabin for treatment, and continue to return to the gravity training field after recovery.

It's terrible. It makes the players on the field cry.

In the five times gravity field, there is no armour, and some boring basic fighting actions are repeated again and again, which makes the soldiers on the field miserable, but they dare not be lazy.

Once upon a time, a war armour division was lazy and was pulled out by LAN for special "combat" training. The voice of the whole team was opened during the training. They still remember that their ears echoed the heartbreaking scream. With the negative teaching materials, no one else dare to mess about.

Besides, wat mu, Da Mazu and other leaders are trained in ten times gravity field, which is more abnormal than them.

Every soldier has an instrument.

When they are training, they can judge whether their movements are in place through the calculation model of computer posture. Strict to the extreme LAN, even if a battle action is not in place, they have to come again.

"It's a very old day. I don't know when it will come to an end." A human like life can't help muttering, but the training action can't relax.

"This is the most abnormal training I have ever had. It's a double torture of spirit and body. We are all used to fighting with armor. As a result, the instructor refused to wear armor. Does not wear the armor training, has a fart use? " The next player answers.

"Do you think the Archbishop has a tendency to abuse people?" Another player spoke.

The players around agreed.

"Do you know the origin of the standards of training for bishops?" "What we are doing now is the training standard of the top civilized military," said a member of the team who has been doing serious actions

"Come on, the standard of the top civilized military? The top civilized military has trained these useless things, and they have long since perished. " A member of the team dare not make mistakes in his training, but his mouth is refuting.


Let people do not think of the edge Li sneer.

"Don't take ignorance as food. It's the most basic standard for top civilized soldiers. The primitive and brain reactions of the body of the war armour division are the most essential things. Otherwise, we can use war robots to replace War soldiers.

Do you know what's in the medevac potions? In addition to recovery potions, there are also potions that stimulate the body's potential. You compare what you did at the beginning of training, then what you do now. The technology of adults is not inferior to that of top-level civilization, and they should not be ignorant of their blessings. "

The players on the field were silent. Now think about it, what Bian Li said seems to be the same thing.

"This is the end of the training. Everyone has it. Come to the training ground in five minutes."

Not until the end of the training time, the notice suddenly appeared, which made everyone stunned.

The five times gravity field disappears slowly, making people almost fall to the ground, but they dare not rest. They summon the battle armour, gather all of them, and fly to the direction where the field is.