Science and Technology Library

Chapter 849

Changed a suit, reorganized the untidy face, the middle-aged kind of person as if changed a person. Narrow and long eyes like a knife, like a scabbard blade, aggressive and samsara like eyes, add a deterrent force, attack people directly, as if you can see through everything in the world.

Slender body and silvery white skin, the corners of the mouth with treacherous smile.

The combination of multiple temperament makes it impossible to judge what kind of person he is from his appearance.

Judging from temperament, we can't deceive people.

That kind of ineffable confidence and pride can not hide, let people know at a glance that they are not ordinary people. If you go out like a middle-aged person, even if you are of different races, you can also charm many young aliens.

The image of obscene uncle disappeared, and now he is a temperament uncle.

Even when Chen Mo saw middle-aged people again, he couldn't help his eyes brightening.

"Officially introduce yourself." The middle-aged people saluted Chen and said solemnly: "Yang sikar & middot; LAN. What youngskar means in our hometown is: the God of cunning. You can call me LAN. "

"Chen mo." Chen Mo returns a gift and tells LAN his real name.

LAN immediately understood that Chen Mo used to use a pseudonym.

"Today is your first day on duty. Mr. Ban Yun told me about your deeds. So, follow me, there are some things you need to know first. " Chen Mo said.

LAN immediately got serious, looking serious, and wondered if Chen Mo had any rules. Although he didn't like the rules personally, he was ready to follow Chen Mo's rules.

"The first thing you know, we killed Hansen * * Ming's armour division and offended Hansen * * Ming."

LAN nodded.

This is a well-known thing in the whole galaxy. They killed the top class armour division of Hansen * * Ming. It's not a secret. The news has gone crazy. We all know the lives we pay a little attention to.

"The second thing is that in shiganxing, the emissary of crape myrtle civilization is also killed by us. We are the wanted war armour division of crape myrtle civilization."

Chen Mo takes off the blue camouflage and reveals his original face.

At this moment, LAN's annular pupils contract layer upon layer, and she is shocked to see Chen mo. It's hard to imagine how bold it is to offend two divine civilizations at the same time.

In the future, we will face the Revenge of two divine civilizations.

At present, the universe alliance has no power to resist the Revenge of the two divine civilizations.

"If you are worried, you can make a choice now, you can choose to leave. When I have that medical technology in the future, you can come for help. As a father, I understand my mood and I will help."

He didn't want to expose these things in the future, which made LAN difficult and contradictory. Sooner or later, let him have a choice of psychological preparation.

"Since I promised, I will obey. Even if you offend all the seven divine civilizations once, I will not change my decision. "

Shocked back to shocked, LAN didn't hesitate to respond, disdained * * to make a choice, he had his pride, Chen Mo told him these in advance, which was also a kind of trust for him.

"But I also have a condition that I will take over the command and defense of the stellar system."


Chen Mo also did not hesitate to agree, let LAN extremely surprised: "not afraid that I take over the command after chaos?"

"There is no doubt about your ability, and you know that you are a trustworthy person. You don't need to doubt people. You don't need to doubt people. Since I promise you to follow me, naturally I trust you. "

LAN immediately stood in awe, looked at Chen Mo's eyes, also became admire, but also a little touched: "what should I call you in the future."

"Call me the boss."

"Boss." LAN gives Chen a gift.

"I don't have many rules here. Mr. Ban Yun said that you are a strategist and have a way to solve the problem of life gathering outside the stellar system. Now you can do it?" Chen Mo said.

"It's simple."

LAN's eyes are so confident that she answers very simply.

"But there is a very important question I need to confirm first. Is there a great civilization, power or organization behind the boss? "

"Yes." Thinking about the power of the earth and the small universe, Chen Mo nodded.

LAN was not surprised. He had so many powerful technologies. If Chen Mo said no, it would be the rarest: "what about strength? What level? "

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "I don't know how far it has developed, because I have been away from home for many years, but my current strength should be between the advanced civilization and the top civilization."

They still need some development and talent precipitation from the top civilization, but the technology he has mastered now is higher than that of the top civilization.

Knowing Chen Mo's power, Lan thought a little and said, "boss, there are many ways to solve the life gathered outside the stellar system. Now I want to ask the boss if he needs to recruit a war division to grow himself? In the long run, build a battle Division Corps. ""Just say what you think."

Chen Mo knows what LAN is going to do.

"If the boss just wants to solve the problem in a short period of time, he will go to different places and deal with life outside very simply after leaving the system. But if the boss wants to develop his power, he can take advantage of this opportunity to absorb the senior war armour division and excellent talents of the Shi Ganxing department for his own use. The system is now on the brink of crisis. With the destruction of the main star, a large number of talents fled and many gathered outside.

And the struggle of the divine civilization is spreading. We have attracted the attention of the divine civilization. In the future, we will not rule out that the struggle is brought to us. So we need a more disciplined and organized force to defend, so as to ensure the smooth manufacturing of space connectors. "

Chen Mo thought for a moment and finally replied, "develop long-term power."

The strength of the earth alone is too weak, even if it has a large number of high-tech, there are still many deficiencies. It is a very good idea to absorb talents for their own use, which is conducive to rapid development.

If you have seen the size of the universe, and then confined to the three parts of the earth, you can jump out of the wellhead and back in.

"Only a small part of the lives of skilled personnel and senior armour division. There are hundreds of billions of lives gathered outside. Most of them are ordinary lives. Can others be dealt with well?"

"Yes." LAN nodded without hesitation.

"I will give you the star's defense map and weapon command, and the star's defense system will be built by you. You take care of the lives that gather outside. "

Chen Mo orders Mo Nu to open the weapon system's authority over LAN.

"Boss, what's the name of our force?"

"March ant group. By the way, I forgot to say another thing just now. Grey 21 is the super power technology experiment body that the evil flame civilization and the white star civilization competed for. I saved it. I have a super power medicine sample in my hand. "


Chen Mo leaves, leaving a dull haze.

Soon after, Chen Mo announced a decision on all life within Saturn, and LAN took over the weapons command of the stellar system.

But then came another news. After LAN took charge of the defense system of the stellar system, he used the universal public channel to issue the first instruction to life outside the stellar system.