Science and Technology Library

Chapter 845

Jingge's speed is very fast. The route is calculated by Ai of war a, and the shortest distance to oder is the fastest. Even close to oder, Jingge still doesn't slow down.

At the moment when the laser sweeps in, Jingge can easily avoid a simple offset. The laser doesn't even activate the energy shield of Warcraft. Under battle a, Jingge's eyes were still cold and there was no disturbance.

Oder was also a little surprised. Ultra high speed migration seems simple, but it needs strong control. After being easily dodged by the other side for several times, aud became cautious and moved.

After the radar prompts, the distance between the two people is not far. At the speed of battle armour, the distance between the two people is only a thousand miles.


Although aud is arrogant, he was born in the dark forest. He can naturally distinguish his opponent's ability.

Without hesitation, only in an instant, aud fired more than a dozen antimatter bullets, blocking jingo's flight route towards him. The trajectory of every bullet is calculated. No matter how jingo changes direction, the bullet can accurately block the flight path.

The tracking and detonating functions of antimatter bullets can let aud control the explosion of bullets at any time.

Jingge still did not flinch, a shuttle of antimatter bullets shot out, the speed is not reduced.

The bullet collided in space. A dozen huge light clusters were lit up. Jingge's figure was folded. He passed between the two light clusters in front of him, straight to oder.

Close to the moment of oder, an instant stop, the combat sting in his hand, with the cold light of the terrifying short pulse laser, stabbed at oder's heart.

Strong body, open and close fighting style, not even a trace of delay, the purpose is to kill oder.

At this moment, aud's dark green face finally moved in the face of Jingge's stab. Even though he tried to think higher, he underestimated the strength of his opponent. At present, this division is the top one.

A sense of horror.

This feeling has not appeared in him for a long time.

The competition in dark forest is fierce. It is often seen that he grew up in this environment. Even in the face of the experts inside the dark forest, except for the top few in power, others have never given him such a terrible feeling.

The perception of the beast makes him particularly sensitive to danger.


Aud roared and leaned back. I saw Jingge's combat thorns brush the armor and pull out a piece of flesh and blood on his shoulder. The dark blood with a metallic luster floats in space.

O'Dor, who was still in shape, saw only the wound on his shoulder, which healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the metal of his armor slowly wriggled and recovered.

Without waiting for Jingge to start again, oder's figure was rapidly increased. The original two meter strong figure was one meter higher. The body was one circle stronger than the original, and the battle armor was also one circle larger.

"Crazy, immortal."

Seeing the change of Shuiling in oder, she was shocked.

Madness and immortality are the special abilities of dark forest civilization. Generally, only one is awakened. When she was fighting with Dark Dragon Prince, Dark Dragon Prince was awakened to madness, which made her take a lot of effort to seriously hurt each other.

The speed and response of the demonized dark forest civilization beast will be improved by one level. The immortal body can quickly heal the wounds on the body, and the cell terror is omnipotent and divisive. As long as the other side does not directly die of brain, it can heal without the treatment of medical technology.

In the top class battle division, the strength of the beast like clan of dark forest definitely belongs to the top four. After the crazy dark forest civilization battle armour division, the strength of the body also increased, which can make many incredible tactical skills.

Now she can see the animals of dark forest civilization awaken two special abilities at the same time.

In the history of dark forest, those who awaken two kinds of abilities at the same time are legendary figures. It is said that the founding beast of dark forest civilization is a kind of beast with two kinds of special abilities.

Shuiling did not expect that the dark forest civilization actually let such a good seedling come to the stone and sweet star system.

"Can he?" Shuiling is not calm at the beginning.

Dark forest has such a character that it is undoubtedly a great threat to the endless sea. She thought that the prince of dark dragon was the top seed of dark forest, but there was one hidden here.

Shuiling is sure that if she is herself, she will be invincible.

"Don't worry."

When Chen Mo heard Shuiling explain the special ability of dark forest civilization, he nodded calmly and told Jingge instead.

He knows Jingge's ability very well and doesn't worry about big problems.

Jingge in the fighting state is a pervert, which Chen deeply understands. Every time I practiced with Jingge, I was cruelly abused. Up to now, Chen Mo didn't know what Jingge looked like when he went all out.

On the other hand, the battle armour division of grey 21 and endless sea civilization has already met the battle armour division of dark forest civilization.

Grey 21 takes the lead, the body is in the space erratic. Stealth armor and camouflage make the target of each other's armor radar unstable. After the training of Jingge metamorphosis, and then dealing with these battle armour divisions, it's like a wild animal breaking free from its cage.Without the horrible pressure of Jingge, the action of grey 21 is flowing.

The body shape and flight route are very strange, even if you see them, you can't follow them.


Grey 21 is close to the dark forest civilization battle division. It stops at his side. The other side obviously perceives the arrival of grey 21, turns around and raises his hand, but in the next moment, grey 21's body suddenly disappears and appears on the other side's head.

This change suddenly made the other party lose their discretion and unprepared.


The piercing sound can only be heard by himself in space, but the body can no longer move, the brain can no longer think, and the field of vision is fixed on this strange gray armor.

When the opponent is unprepared, it is less than five seconds from the beginning to the end of the battle.

"Super power?"

All the life that found this scene, including the battle armour division on the side of the endless sea, looked unchanged.

They thought that the thin and weak looking little man was just an ordinary senior war armour division, but now, the instant movement of grey 21 shows them a complete change.

When did superpowers become so common?

Water Ling dissatisfied with the color glossy scales of the back of the hand unconsciously tight.

I thought Chen Mo and Jingge were top class division a, and that little man was just a small attendant. I didn't expect that little man was so powerful.

Chen Mo's real identity became mysterious in Shuiling's eyes.

From the point of view of the battle just now, the ability of grey 21 should be the ability to move or flash in an instant, but Jingge can't see through it. It should be an invisible ability that doesn't show the image.

As for Chen Mo, she didn't know what special abilities he had from beginning to end.

But she was sure Chen Mo had.

Here, Chen Mo is obviously the leader of the three.

She is guessing what kind of power it is. She has three superpowers at will. So is the top civilization.

In the face of his body like a hill, Jingge's face is still cold, and does not fluctuate due to the changes of the other side. Deceiving the body, the two sides collided.

"You're the first one to give me all my life. You can die." Aud's voice on the public channel was angry, like that after being bitten by an ant.

The crocodile face under the armour is ferocious.

He didn't expect to be forced out of two abilities here.

In the past, the prince of dark dragon was arrogant and arrogant. He was very high-profile. He was hidden. As a talent to fight for the inheritance of dark forest, he broke out. Now it seems that he can't hide.

The more fighting, the more frightened oder was.

From the beginning of contact, he was forced to dodge. Even if his speed became faster, he could not help this strange armour division. The other side seemed to see through his movements.

This armour division is full of strange things.

The other side is like the top class armour division of endless sea, not like it.

The opponent can see through his fighting action, like the prediction ability of endless sea, but his battle armor design is not endless sea, and the fighting style is barbaric, similar to the beast like clan of their dark forest civilization, more like the life of the beast like clan.

He doesn't know where the other side came from now.

There is no sound in the space struggle, but onlookers all know that there is always an extreme danger. Continuous advanced combat skills, even a small mistake or a few milliseconds slower, are likely to die.

All of a sudden, aud's beastly sharp pupils rounded quickly, as if to catch each other's mistakes. With a grin and a turn of his claws, he seemed to see Jingge cut into two parts.

The next moment, oder was stunned.

With one claw, the opponent's armor dodges his attack from an incredible angle. The round pupil instantly shrinks like a needle. Aud's square inch is disordered. He feels that he is a beast and meets a horrible hunter.

He caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye that as he swept away, the other side had turned around.

It's a hit.

But it's too late.

Jingge's fighting stab reaches his front door. In the next moment, the fighting stab is like a bean curd stuck in his eyebrow, penetrating his brain.