Science and Technology Library

Chapter 840

"On the bracelet, on the core chips." Chen Mo asked the robot to give 41 people bracelets and chips.

In order to control the forty-one unlucky people and make them obedient, Chen Mo chose to do both. Let them wear the shackles, and implant the program in their armor core, so that the Mo Nu 2 can control the armor at any time.

Without the life of war armor, nothing can be done here.

At present, the system is in a turbulent period, and some helpers are not bad, which can speed up the construction. And the stellar system also needs some guards, which can save Chen Mo a lot of trouble and energy.

"Now enter your name and identity into your bracelet." Chen Mo said.

Forty one lives did not hesitate Chen Mo's instructions, and hurriedly put their information into the light curtain of the ring. After seeing the three perverts of Chen Mo, they didn't even have the idea to resist.

Now, Shi Ganxing is in a mess. Those who know the current affairs are Junjie. These three famous war armour divisions are so abnormal. Follow them and have at least one guarantee.

"Which of you is the strongest." Then they put on their bracelets, and Chen Mo continued to ask.

Only 40 lives turned to look at a relatively thin and fierce life. It's a humanoid, two meters tall and slender. The most obvious is the poker face with facial paralysis.

Poker face to see people pointing at him, can only stand up obediently, or face expressionless, is born zombie face.

"What's your name?" Asked Chen mo.


“……” Chen Mo's name and poker face are a perfect match: "you will be their team leader in the future, and you will choose a vice team leader yourself. Is there any problem?"

"No problem." Puke nodded without hesitation: "red skin is the vice captain."

Puke points to a life with blood red skin Chen Mo gave them the first instruction directly.

"Carrying bricks?"

"To move an asteroid and put it in the orbit of Saturn, I can use it."

"I see."

Although they don't know what Chen Mo needs the asteroid to do, they dare not disobey the order. Now life and death are in Chen Mo's hands, and they can only let Chen Mo dictate.

Chen Mo left behind a few words. All other things will be given to Mo Nu 2, who will tell them how many asteroids they need.

After dealing with the forty-one bad guys, Chen Mo enters the spaceship and starts the quantum communication to connect the Manshan star in the small universe.


Seeing Chen Mo, everyone in the star of Manshan was very happy, especially Tuoli. The joy in his expression could not be concealed.

"What about the little universe?" Asked Chen mo.

"It's going on as planned, it's expanding, it's controlling 30 living planets, it's exploring other galaxies." Tuoli can't wait for an answer. He and Tuoshan all acquiesce in this situation.

"Have you come to your hometown, sir?"

"Not yet. I'm trapped in the system of Lycoris. I'm in a bit of trouble." Chen Mo said.

As soon as the words came out, the people of manshanxing immediately fried the pot.

"Sir, we have a strong fighting capacity now. Do you want to go out to support you?" Tuoli is a little eager to try. Everyone else is looking forward to it.

"We can help you, sir." Long Yue also spoke.

"No, this galaxy is trapped in a space trap. It needs a space connector to leave. It's useless if you come here. I can handle it here. If you really need help, I'll contact you again." Chen Mo did not hesitate to refuse: "now you will develop the small universe, and when I return home, I can contact you."

Chen Mo told them to give Jingge the communication picture after they finished. When Tuoli sees Jingge, he looks like a mouse seeing a cat. The excitement just now disappears. He counsels like a mouse seeing a cat.

After Kui Mu's invasion, Chen Mo has made it clear that the stone and sweet star system is now like a fighting cage.

Under the threat of the fight of divine civilization, the rules here are broken and there is no order to speak of. Especially around the stone Ganxing near the storm center, the fight is more crazy and chaotic.

Chen Mo is not sure when this situation will spread to him, but he needs to take precautions.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands.

In case the enemy chooses to invade from different directions and has a large number of people, he has no skills even if he is powerful.

It is necessary to build a group of top war robots to protect the safety of the stellar system.

There will be space connectors to protect in the future.

With the popularity of battle armor and small universe interstellar expansion, the battle data of the war robots in Manshan is large enough. Chen Mo can use the data of those war robots to build the war robots of Saturn.

Three light days away from lycoris, a kind of terrestrial habitation planet, black bull star.

"Adults, we have found out that the system is surrounded by at least three space traps. Besides ours, there are black pupil civilization and white star civilization. The black pupil civilization is the hand of the first army, and the white star civilization is the hand of the seventh army. Other civilizations do not seem to be involved in the blockade, there is no specific intelligence information. " The middle-aged man is meticulous in reporting."That's interesting." Dan turned to show his copper skin, and his eyes were majestic: "the first army of black pupil civilization has actions, which means Yan is involved in this matter. First, Tong Qing, then Yan. It seems that the black pupil civilization has made a lot of resolutions this time. "

Yan is the chief of staff of the first regiment of black pupil civilization and the general staff of the general headquarters of black pupil civilization. He can be described as one person, and is also known as the most intelligent legendary commander. With Tong Qing, a legendary master, and the combination of strong and strong, Dan should be careful.

"Find a way to check that Tong Qing and Yan are not in the Shigan system. If you find out, please inform me immediately and their space connector." Dan said lightly.

"I see." The middle-aged man took the order solemnly, thought for a moment, and then said, "my Lord, shall we help Lord thunder?"

"He doesn't have to help, he has to grow." Dan shook his head slightly: "he's very smart and has high talents, but he's a bit proud. It's better to let him polish and practice here. My goal here is to stare at the pupil. The pupil doesn't come out. We don't need to expose it."

The middle-aged man nodded.

"How is the construction of space connector?" Dan continued.

"It's under construction, 20 light days away, in the corner of a liquid planet. It's safe." The middle-aged man reports immediately.

"By the way, check the movement of the white star civilization and the destruction of the evil flame civilization, which are made by them. They hide behind the scenes, want to watch us fight, want to find them out. By the way, check where their space connector is and destroy it. "

"Good." The middle-aged man nodded in response to his life.

The fight between the two sides did not stop.

The defeat of the witches left the black pupil civilization temporarily in the downwind in this struggle. And thunder civilization happy not long ago, black pupil civilization and a master into stone Ganxing.

Tour, the top class war armour division with a long history of black pupil civilization, is one of the heirs of the future of black pupil civilization. He has awakened his super power and has a high reputation in the black pupil civilization.

Toure took the risk of not going out, with the aid fleet of black pupil civilization, and jumped into the range of shiganxing.

Once again, the universe alliance was frightened by the courage of the black pupil civilization. In this super power development technology battle, the black pupil civilization seems to be determined to win.

The fighting between the two sides broke out again.

With the recovery of the defeated witches and the support of Thur, two on one, the black pupil civilization soon gained the upper hand in the struggle. The thunderbolt team of the thunderbolt civilization was defeated and eventually led the fleet to escape the original star system.

Chaos is spreading around in the center of Lycoris.