Science and Technology Library

Chapter 837

The system of Lycoris is in disorder.

The space of the whole system is blocked, which makes all life in the galaxy disordered.

In addition to ordinary life, the impact of life that often jumps between different planets is very large. Between two star systems, the short distance is calculated by light day, and the long distance is calculated by light month.

Space is blocked, unable to make space jump, almost blocking the communication between most star systems.

The most depressing place is the star of Lycoris and the nearby stars.

There is no doubt that the God level civilization has the ability of space blockade. The seven God level civilizations gather in shiganxing to compete for the super ability development technology of the evil flame civilization.

As soon as the auction is over, we will block the Lycoris system, and no one will want to leave.

The panic has spread within the range of Agatha.

Some scared advanced life swarmed to escape from the range of the main star of the star in the speed of light, for fear that the fight of the main star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the star of the stone will affect them. Seven God level civilizations fight, trampling on some ants will not have life to pity.

Soon, the seven divine civilizations all came out to deny that they were blocking space and denounced the power of space blocking.

The situation in the system has become confusing.

Soon, the technology to block the system was established.

Space trap

the space sub of this terrible space trap has the function of fixed space, and the interference space cannot be folded. In addition, space trap has a special function, one-way.

Outside the space blockade range, the space can be folded into a certain position in the space trap, but within the space trap, the space cannot be folded out.

This kind of technology used to be a common trap technology in the universe war in the divine civilization. Surround the life of a galaxy so that it cannot escape.

A galaxy, with the smallest diameter of tens of thousands of light-years, cannot fold space. Unless it is at the edge of the galaxy, it needs tens of thousands of years of light speed cruise to escape from the space trap.

The Lycoris system has a diameter of 100000 light-years, and it will take at least tens of thousands of years to escape from the internal speed of light.

But the launch of space trap technology needs a period of preparation. It is obvious that some people have made preparations in advance to block space, and everything has been premeditated.

Soon after the space blockade, the struggle began.

There was a fight between the Raytheon civilization and the black pupil civilization, and the stone Ganxing became a battlefield. Hundreds of billions of lives disappear under the weapons of God level civilization terror, and the stone sweet star becomes purgatory.

The prosperous city becomes ruins, in which countless low-level lives that cannot escape wail, scream and despair, without any pity.

There is no sense of trial and hesitation in both hands. The power of top-level armour can destroy a small planet with any weapon. Antimatter bullets don't need to be bombed at cost, so that where the battle passes, they will become powder.

Both the space and the ground of the star have become the main battlefields. The armour divisions of both sides fight alone, or in groups, antimatter bullets and lasers, illuminating all parts of the star, like raindrops, plowing its surface back and forth. Any antimatter bullet can cover tens of square kilometers.

In one day, the huge stone sweet star becomes totally different.

Fighting in space, antimatter bombs fall to shiganxing, bombing is everywhere, every time they fall into the city they live in, it is a disaster.

This is still under the restraint of the two divine civilizations. Both sides know that they dare not use the destruction weapons above the star level here. The space of Shigan system is blocked. If space destruction weapons are used, no life can escape from the whole Shigan system, including the life of divine civilization, which will be destroyed with space.

In both sides of the battle, the most concerned is the fight between thunder and witch.

Thunderbolt is the genius and armour division of thunderbolt civilization, and the position of witches in the black pupil civilization is not lower than that of thunderbolt in the thunderbolt civilization. This battle has affected three advanced civilizations. Over 80 million square kilometers of land and over 500 billion lives have been killed and displaced in the battle.

Shi Ganxing's life started to escape from Shi Ganxing in battle armor, and swarmed to the satellite of Shi Ganxing for refuge. Conditional life escaped in the speed of light spacecraft. Today's stone Ganxing has become the battlefield of God level civilization, leaving behind the ghost of God level civilization struggle.

Chen Mo's face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

It was the first time that he was in such a depressed mood.

According to the plan, they can go back to Virgo in half a month to find the galaxy and the earth. As a result, the space of Lycoris was confined and could not be folded.

It's more than an hour away.

An hour earlier, he would be able to jump out of lycopene.

Obviously, there is a premeditated plan to start the space of imprisonment at the end of the auction. Chen Mo suspected that the distance deviation was so large when he came back, which was also the cause.

In quantum communication, Chen Mo learned the reason why the space of the system was confined.

[space trap]

the ten thousand light-year system of Lycoris is confined by space, like a hand pen wrapped in a soap bubble and a divine civilization. It's not hard for a godly civilization to master space technology.The struggle of divine civilization has restricted Chen Mo here, which makes Chen Mo unhappy and helpless.

His position, one light month away from the main star of Lycoris, belongs to the "suburb" outside the main star. When the space is confined, it is impossible for him to take a spaceship with the speed of light, spend a month to fly to shiganxing, find a fight with people of divine civilization, and order them to close the "space trap", which is unrealistic.

He doesn't even know what kind of confined space it is, or there are more than one hands-on "space traps" this time. It is useless to release the space confinement of one family by many hands.

"What now?" Jingge asked lightly.

"Now the system is quite a one-way and semi permeable 'small universe'. The outside world can jump in, and the inside can't jump out. If you want to go out, you need to build a space connector, like the "small universe", to connect the space outside the confinement with the connector, and then escape. "

Chen Mo looks so depressed that he looks like a fish dragged into a big net without any reason.

It will take a lot of time to build space connector.

"And the faster the construction is, the better. No one is sure if the divine civilization will put space destruction weapons in the system of Shigan." Chen murmured.

Weapons of space destruction, such as those similar to two-way foil. At the speed of the spread of light, if they are put near them, they can only escape at the speed of light until they are chased to death for several million years.

Chen Mo only hopes that the God level civilization will not put the space destruction weapons in disorder. If the space destruction weapons appear near Zong Saturn, there is no difference between the stone and sweet star system, which is unable to jump in space, and waiting for death.

Today's Shigan system is a huge mud trap, and anyone who comes in will fall into it.

"What to do?" Jingge asked.

Chen Mo thought for a moment and said, "equipment, instruments. I put in nano robots to completely transform the planet, and go to the nearest livable planet to buy some equipment and instruments to make machines, which can save a lot of effort. "

Chen Mo just wants to make some space connectors quickly. He doesn't want to rely on the divine civilization to solve the space trap. It's unrealistic.

When Chen Mo was thinking about how to escape, he was far away on the stone sweet star and another battle was going on.