Science and Technology Library

Chapter 835

[swallow] it was finally sold at a price of 10.2 billion. The buyer was not a god level civilization or a top-level civilization, but an unknown senior war armour division. At the time of the transaction, he left shiganxing and disappeared after the transaction was completed in the background.

Then [swallow] disappeared into the outside world.

10.2 billion to buy a set of top-level war armour, the life of God level civilization and top-level civilization give up competition, many people are wondering whether the real performance of war armour is worth its price, or whether it's more stupid to buy family members.

This incident later became a conversation before and after tea between division a and division a.

When [swallow] reappeared, two years later, an unknown war armour division dressed in [swallow] to kill dozens of senior war armour divisions of a blue level Galaxy civilization in order to revenge, and finally killed people, destroying the whole star and burying countless lives.

It is said that the owner of the swallow was once a senior war armour division, because the people were slaughtered by the blue civilization, and finally came back for revenge.

After this event, no one dared to question the performance of [swallow].

However, the war armour designer who designed "swallow" has not been in public. There have been many guesses from the outside world. All the teams mentioned have denied that "swallow" was designed by them.

[swallow] the real identity of the designer has also become a mystery.

The auction is still going on, the [swallow] auction is finished, and the subsequent auction is still going on. After that, the auction items were not satisfactory, mainly some private planets, technology ownership, and some better battle armour, but compared with the swallow, these battle armour were much inferior.

Many lives are waiting for the final finale auction.

The magic flame civilization develops technology with super ability and exchanges technology with top civilization and divine civilization, which is the most important play of the whole universe.

With the auction going on, the atmosphere on the ground has begun to dignify.

The old auctioneer also knew the key point was coming, and he didn't feel relaxed at the beginning. Many top civilizations and seven divine civilizations are here for this auction.

"Here's the last auction of this auction, the super power development technology of demon flame civilization." The old auctioneer cleared his throat and said solemnly.

The atmosphere on the ground was all serious, and everyone began to hold their breath and concentrate, straightened up and waited for the auction to begin.

"Due to the particularity of this auction, we decided to adopt sealed bid auction. All the people present can participate in the auction, write down the conditions of exchange with the evil flame civilization in a sealed way, and the evil flame king will finally choose your conditions. We will not disclose the final buyer and exchange technology to the public. "

The scene of the auction was bustling. I didn't expect that the black city auction house would choose the way of sealed bid auction.

In this way, it can avoid being known by the outside world what technology and conditions fall into the hands of evil flame civilization. Evil flame civilization can also choose its own preferred trading terms, which is the best way anyway.

In the box of each divine civilization and top civilization, they are guessing each other's conditions, and the auction scene becomes cold.

The life on the field is guessing who gives the highest condition, and who will be chosen by the demon flame civilization.


Chen Mo feels something wrong and goes out of the box to the back of the auction house.

Intuition told him that this was a place of right and wrong, not to stay for long.

"Mr. Mochen, why did you come here before the auction was over?" After seeing Chen Mo, Dong became so enthusiastic that he kept smiling.

"I'm in a bit of a hurry. I want to leave now. Could you please give me the money of Zhan Jia first?" Asked Chen mo.

"I see. It's OK. It's ready for you. Our auctioneer will take 2% commission and round it for you, 10 billion star. " Dong casually takes out a star coin card from his body and hands it to Chen mo.

It can be said that the top class war a appeared at their auction, which raised their reputation to a level. As the person in charge, he was naturally very surprised. As long as the auction ends successfully, their black city can become a famous trading city within the scope of shishizui, and their status can be imagined.

"Sir, many lives ask me if I want to know you and find you to customize a set of armor. Do you want to see me?"


Chen Mo doesn't plan to stay for a long time. Now in the auction house, it seems calm, but it feels like a powder keg about to explode, the silence before the storm.

"Do you have an energy station to supplement antimatter energy in Heicheng

"Yes." Focus on the East.

"Fill my space curvature spacecraft with antimatter energy, about 17 LUNs."

"17 Lun needs 1.77 billion." Dong was surprised to see Chen Mo: "add so much, do you want to travel around the universe?"

Dongzao knew that chenmo was a foreign life, because there was no such a large-scale group of people as chenmo on shiganxing, so it was normal to leave shiganxing.

It's a pity to get Chen Mo's affirmative answer.

"After that, if Mr. Zhan a wants to sell, please contact us. In terms of commission, we will halve it. Power, you take Mr. Mochen to supplement the antimatter energy. "Dong shouts to the women around him and leads Chen to leave the auction house. Afterwards, East is toward auction house backstage a airtight room to pass.


In the auction room, the sealed bidding has just begun.


Egret's eyes are holographic screens. They only need to pass the exchange conditions of their white star civilization into the light curtain, and the black city auction house will receive them and focus on the choice of evil flame civilization.

Their competitors don't know the conditions given by each other. In order for the technology to fall into their own hands, they must give the best conditions to the evil flame civilization. The most valuable one is not necessarily the best, but the best one is the condition that evil flame civilization likes.

This is undoubtedly the highest income for the evil flame civilization.

"Uncle, what do you think they will give you?" White spark asked curiously.

"It's no use guessing." The egret shakes its head. The other six parties, as well as the top civilizations that maintain mysterious identities below, are all focusing on super power development technology, and are not sure who will give what conditions.

"What shall we do?"

"According to his wife's terms of exchange, it's not as simple as an auction. If you play with fire, you must be prepared to be burned to death. "

The voice of egret is cold, so people can't feel the temperature. The other members of the field all heard the words with a deep chill, which made people shudder.

Egret takes out the memory of the exchange condition list and puts it into the holographic screen. After confirmation, the holographic screen in his hand disappears.

"Brother thunder, are you interested in revealing the conditions for comparison?" The voice of Jiwu suddenly appeared, shouting across the air at the opposite Leishen civilized box, breaking the noise at the auction house.

In the box where the black pupil civilization is located, the glass in front of it gradually becomes transparent, revealing the situation in it.

All life begins to see a play.

It's obviously beginning to play tricks.

"Master Jiwu, this way..."

A staff member next to him tried to dissuade him, but was interrupted by the wizard.

"I have my own measure."

As it turned out, no one else spoke.

On the other hand, thunderbolt ignored the call of Jiwu, and put the list of exchange conditions into the light curtain for confirmation.

After finishing a series of actions, thunderbolt focused on the witch, and the glass in the compartment became transparent. Separated at both ends of the auction house, they can look directly at each other.

"Brother thunder, what are your conditions? Afraid I know? " The black pupils become more profound. These eyes seem to have the ability to penetrate the human heart.

"I think you will be more interested in the conditions of crape myrtle civilization." Thunder didn't look directly at Wu's eyes. He said aloud, "do you want to ask her?"

In the compartment where the crape myrtle civilization is located, the glass becomes transparent.

Purple rhyme end sits in the main position, looks cool.

"Who wants to know, can I tell him to listen?" Purple rhyme light says, the voice quite does not have a little fluctuation.

As soon as Ziyun said this, the scene became silent.

Even the dark eyes of the witch were in doubt.

People in the divine civilization all know that crape myrtle has the special ability to read mind. This special ability is unspeakable. If you can't communicate with them and find out the conditions of crape myrtle civilization, they will know all the conditions here first.

"Do you know her information?" Wu asked his staff in a low voice.

"I'm not sure. There's no detailed information about this woman on the data." The staff replied in a hurry.

"What is the details of the women that crape myrtle civilization brought in this time?" Wu Wu's heart was murmuring, and his eyes were looking at Ziyun directly. At the moment of their eyes colliding, his heart was cold, and there was a chill in the dark pupil.

The scene turned cold.

All parties involved in the auction input their own conditions into the auction system of Heicheng auction house. Soon, the time for the bid was over, and the auction ended.

The next step is to choose the time. Evil flame civilization will choose one of the parties participating in the auction.

Backstage of Heicheng auction house.

The face of the evil flame king is red, and the joy on his face is lingering.

Seeing the list of more than 20 conditions, he felt more excited than ever. This time is his most spirited time. He is flattered by the surrounding civilization and bargains with the divine civilization.

The terms of exchange here are higher and better than each other. He is free to choose.

Even if they get one of the conditions on the list, they all have the capital to develop into the top civilization. A wave of ambition and pride surged in his mind, the top civilization, the hope of their evil flame civilization for many years.

Unfortunately, he can only choose the conditions of one party. If he can, he would like to take all the conditions here.

Some of the top-level civilizations without a name have attractive conditions, but compared with the divine civilization, they are still quite poor. The rich and powerful God level civilization provides enough conditions to make people crazy.After the excitement, the flame King became calm.

Seven, which one? The eyes of the flame King fell on one of the lists.