Science and Technology Library

Chapter 833

Heicheng auction house is the biggest auction house in shiganxing. The biggest city in shiganxing is undoubtedly Zhanjia trading city, but the status of Heicheng is still irreplaceable.

Black city is a commercial city built with a land area of 20 million square kilometers of half a planet. From materials to war armour, there are all kinds of goods. To buy war armour in Shigan star, war armour trading city is the first choice. To buy materials and other goods, black city is the first choice.

Black city auction house is also famous in shiganxing, because it often auctions all kinds of rare goods from all over the universe.

Perhaps in the whole constellation of stone lion, even the whole universe alliance, black city is just a small business group, but with the attention of super power development technology, black city is now the most remarkable place in the universe at this time.

In Baiyun, the number of spacecraft in and out is much smaller than before. The star safety administration has sent most of its police force to maintain order and guard here for fear of problems.

But the officers of the star safety agency know that if there's a fight here, they can't handle it.

The lowest level in the field is also the senior war armour division. The lives of the top forces and the divine forces are all in Baiyun star. None of them can manage it.

Today, only those who participate in the auction can enter Baiyun star.

A large number of spacecrafts do not land in Baiyun, hover in space, floating in dense, looking at the past, they are all strange shapes and various spacecrafts.

Thousands of lives, wearing battle armor, fly from space to the black city of white stars.

Everything is in order.

Those who can enter Baiyun star are senior war armour division, top life and the life of divine civilization. No one is willing to have a conflict, otherwise it may cause public anger. Therefore, no matter whether there is hatred or not, all parties have tacit understanding and no action.

The black city auction house is full of people. The auction house is very large. It is a "Colosseum" type building that can hold nearly one million people. It is 100 kilometers away from the black city building, and it is one of the landmark buildings of the black city.

A small spaceship landed not far above the auction house. The thunderbolt sign of thunderbolt civilization is very conspicuous. The appearance of a small spaceship attracts the attention of all visitors.

Under the attention of all the people, thunderbolt flies out of the small spaceship and lands slowly in battle armor. He is surrounded by the battle armor division of thunderbolt civilization who follows him. For the eyes around, thunder turned a blind eye, looked around, flew towards the auction house, all the way without any obstruction.

Just arrived at the door, the thunder stopped, his war a communication instrument rang, saw the display of the communication instrument, the thunder froze for a while, some arrogant faces immediately serious.

"Lord Dan."

In the display of the war a communication instrument is a young humanoid with Hu muck. He looks older than the thunder. There is purple electricity in his eyes, and there seems to be plasma flow on his skin.

"I'm in shiganxing. There are some dark moves in the black pupil civilization. The teacher is afraid of an accident and let me come here. Don't make a statement."

"I see." Thunder responded seriously.

In front of this man, he dare not have any pride.

"Shiganxing will not be peaceful. Be careful in everything." When the order is finished, the man hangs up.

Thunderclap tidied up his thoughts, if nothing happened, he didn't even tell the people next to him. Just box into the auction house, behind some movement, Leng Leng, thunder turned to the past.

A small spaceship with a black eye sign appeared at the scene.

Black pupil civilization.

This strange eye is the highest sign. The small spaceship looks like a horrible black eye pupil. Looking at this eye pupil, people have a sense of horror of gazing at the abyss, as well as being seen through their hearts.

"What a coincidence, thunder, are you greeting me?" A tone of laughter appeared, a set of colored magical patterns, black eyes of the battle armor appeared, the helmet opened, showing a man's face.

Black eyes, as deep as the abyss, with a funny face, a bit of fun.

Jiwu, a talented battle armour division of black pupil civilization, is said to have awakened at a young age to become one of the top battle armour divisions, but it has never been confirmed.

However, the position of witches in the black pupil civilization is also the top talent. Almost recognized as the future high-level candidate, no accident, in the future, there will be a retirement vacancy in the senior level of black pupil civilization, and Jiwu will fill the gap.

This person's style is evil, different and cruel, which is unpredictable.

"Ho!" Thunder made a strange sneer: "I forgot to take a pet of my family, waiting for it."

As soon as the words came out, the witch's eyes were fixed, staring at the thunder coldly, and the black eyes seemed strange. Thunders are not willing to show weakness. They look at each other and the thin blue lightning in their eyes shrinks.

For a while, the originally lively atmosphere cooled down.

The onlookers are all holding a handful of sweat. If the two fight, the whole planet will suffer.

"Shall we go and add a fire?"

In the distance, the white sparks look cheerful, there is a fear that the world is not chaotic impulse. Among the seven God level civilizations, they were originally checks and balances. On this trip, they are rivals to each other. No one is afraid of anyone.Egret looked at the scene and shook his head: "let them fight, we will reap the benefits."

Suddenly, there was another commotion, and another small ship appeared. Purple flat body spaceship, with bright crape myrtle flowers on the hull, purple fluorescence flow, noble and mysterious.

Once the most powerful overlord, Ziwei civilization was present.

Ziwei civilization senior war armour division was killed, together with war armour and body were taken away, let people hit a face. Later I heard that crape myrtle civilization sent another emissary, but it never showed up.

The appearance of crape myrtle civilization spacecraft eased the atmosphere of confrontation on site. Thunderbolt and Jiwu stop by tacit agreement and turn to see Ziwei civilization spacecraft.

Ziyun slowly left the spaceship and glanced at the cold air, but stopped at the position of thunder and Jiwu. She flew to the auction house as if there were no one else. From the beginning to the end, she didn't notice anyone.

"It's her."

Chen default out purple rhyme, he saw a woman in qingshuixing, did not expect to see here again. She is the emissary of crape myrtle civilization. Last time, she and Zeqi appeared together in the blue mercury of three eyes civilization.

He didn't know what the connection was.

I'm afraid this auction will not be so simple. Chen Mo has made up his mind that when the auction is over and he gets money to replenish energy, he will leave shiganxing immediately. The sooner, the better.

With so many gods gathering, the special person, grey 21, is in his hands. The earlier he leaves, the less trouble he will have.

The tit for tat between Jiwu and thunderbolt has disappeared. Stare at the back of Ziyun and think for a moment, turn around and enter. The atmosphere of the venue returned to normal, and others entered in accordance with the order.

Chen Mo waited for a while and entered the auction house with the crowd.

Chen Mo has an invitation letter, which belongs to the VIP staff. There is an independent small box with isolated detection. There is a single glass in the front, and no information in the box can be seen outside.

Shortly after Chen Mo entered the auction house, endless sea civilization, dark forest civilization and dark body civilization, which had been low-key, began to appear one after another. The three families staggered their time, did not meet each other, and did not have a confrontation.

It's time for the auction. No one is watching.

The black city auction house is full of people.

From the top to the bottom, there are different kinds of life in different positions. Humanoid, ORC, sea like, semi Orc and Zerg are of low intelligence. On this occasion, almost none of them are discussing the auction and the super power development technology for the seven divine civilizations.

The VIP level is in the middle level of the auction house. This position overlooks the auction site, with a wide vision and a good look around the auction site.

Suddenly, the scene of nearly a million participants calmed down.

An old auctioneer in battle armour slowly landed on the stage of the auction house and stood firm. The old auctioneer bowed solemnly around him.

"It's a great honor to host this unprecedented auction. Before today, everyone should have heard a message. In this auction, we have undertaken a special auction of magic flame civilization. But in addition, we have also found many good things this time, each of which is rare. Let me witness this special moment with you. "

After the old auctioneer finished, a waitress came into the scene with a small box. The sexy armor only covered several important parts of the body, and a large piece of skin was exposed in the air, causing a warm cheering on the scene.

This auction can be seen all over the universe through the live broadcast of various news platforms of the universe alliance. Countless people's eyes were focused on the box carried by the two waitresses.

The box opened and a document lay quietly on it.

The old auctioneer picked up the document without any fluctuation and said lightly: "this is today's first auction, the ownership of Tammy. Tammy is an oxygen rich life planet discovered by Tammy expedition in the universe... "

The old auctioneer was very skillful and began the auction soon.

Stars can be traded in the universe. Unknown planets with primitive life are also a kind of wealth. Many cosmic exploration teams live on this. Some people who want to own their own private planet will participate in the bidding.

The second piece of jewelry, designed by a master artist of the universe alliance, is made of rare gemstones in the universe.

This kind of jewelry is the favorite thing in women's life. Most of the female life in the universe has no resistance to the bright and beautiful ornaments, and will not be changed by species.


Five pieces of auction down, the scene atmosphere is enough, with the passage of time, a lot of what has entered the mood of bidding.

The sixth piece was pushed on the stage by two hot dressed waitresses, a cabinet as high as three meters, covered by cloth. It's bigger than the previous several pieces, and the solemn attitude of the waitress attracted the attention of all the people in the audience.

The old auctioneer took over the holographic record handed by the female guest and saw the data parameters about the swallow recorded above. He was very excited.