Science and Technology Library

Chapter 821

Chen Mo felt as if he had poked a hornet's nest. In addition to the two at the beginning, there were three more pursuers in the rear, and the speed was not low. Especially the leopard print women's war armour, which was faster than other war armour, seemed to be at a higher level.

With a armour division on his body, his speed can't be improved. Otherwise, with the speed of [free black ant], he can get rid of them very well. After all, there are hundreds of kilometers in the beginning.

It's a real hassle.

Chen Mo has a headache. Seeing the bustle, he sees the trouble. It seems that the trouble is not small.

The original pursuers, the later mysterious forces and the star security agency, no matter which, seem to be not easy to provoke.

"My friend, I'm the third captain of the star security agency. Give your life to the star security agency. I'll keep you safe." Ansan takes the lead.

In the pursuit of the battle division, his distance is almost at the end, but he can only use the public channel of battle.

War a public channel heard this sentence, white spark look a coagulate, also do not show weakness: "friend, give your life to me, if you want any conditions, I can meet you, to protect your life's prosperity."

Her voice was disguised by changing voice, without using her real voice, so as to avoid any trouble.

When Vijay's face darkened, he knew that the target was exposed, and the situation went out of control: "friend, give us the life in hand, I will give you 500 million star coins, and promise not to trouble you."


"chasing thieves."

When Chen Mo heard the shouting behind him, he looked depressed. When he heard all kinds of conditions, he wanted to hand over the armour division.

"Don't hand me over. I can give you something very important."

A voice rings from Chen Mo's waist. They are flying at super high speed now. Zhan Jia doesn't use public channel, but uses Zhan Jia's loudspeaker. It's too far away. He's not afraid to be heard.

Finish saying the last sentence, there is no sound in the war armour, it should be fainting.

Chen Mo turned black.

It's still in trouble. Do you want to hand it in.

"My friend, I'm an San, the team leader of the star security agency. If you hand over the person in your arms, you can get a bonus of 600 million yuan." Ansan's shout on the public channel reappeared.

"Friend, what I just promised is that I will be rich all my life. Wealth is only a number. We can also send you a set of advanced armour." White sparks are not to be outdone.


"do I look like someone who lacks war a? Do I seem to be short of money? Although there is a real lack of money now. But it's disgraceful to say you'll pay as you go. "

When Chen Mo heard the shouting, he didn't mean to slow down. He doesn't think that after leaving people behind, they won't bother him. He can't slow down, let alone hide in a crowded place.

This level of fighting, in order to destroy a city by any means, it's not uncommon for you to force it out. It can be done completely.

"Jingge." Chen Mo opens the communication with Jingge. At this speed, the woman can catch up with him in less than ten minutes.

"What happened?" The holographic projection in the armor shows Jingge's cold face.

"I was chased and killed, so I came to help stop." Chen Mo said.

"You can't fight?" Jingge's voice was confused.

"I can fight, but I can't get away with it."

"Wait." Jingge said coldly.

"How long?"


"Change the exterior coating of war a, there are acquaintances here."

Chen Mo knows that the Constable of the star security agency is here. Ansan San, who just spoke to him, found his own Constable last time for the sake of Giorgio. They saw the battle armor of him and jingo, and they didn't change the painting status to expose. That's just annoying.

See Chen Mo ignore, the speed of three-way pursuit is improving.

Vijay is very anxious. The speed of Leopard women's armor is too fast. It's a level higher than them. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't take a few minutes for Leopard women's armor to catch up with Chen mo.

It's not a good thing that the target is in the hands of this mysterious force.

Now we can only destroy each other, but it's very troublesome.

The energy shield of the opponent is on, the laser weapon cannot penetrate, and the antimatter bullet of the thermal weapon attacks, but the opponent is the stealth armor. They track the position of the opponent, and the opponent only needs a slight offset track to avoid the attack easily.

On the way, the white sparks chased more and more frightened.

She didn't expect that the opponent's armour level was so high and fast. If it wasn't for carrying the burden of a armour division, the opponent would be able to speed up

her leopard print armour is famous for its speed. Now it's just getting closer with all its strength. It will take a little time to catch up.

The armor on the opponent's body is probably indigo armor, which is the same as her armor. Shi Ganxing unexpectedly appears indigo class battle armor, which she never thought of.

Are there other forces looking at the demon flame civilization?

White spark had to think about it. It seemed more and more complicated.An Sangang was still in a state of ignorance until he saw that both sides were chasing a mysterious visitor with a coma fighting division, and his thinking was clear.

The three forces are fighting for something important, and that thing is on the comatose armour division.

At the beginning, only two parties, the third party that just appeared suddenly, are obviously unknown to both parties, and take away their goals, so they are so nervous.

Shi Ganxing is not as peaceful as he thought. Two experts just came in some time ago. Now here, they meet several experts. The star security department can't stop them. Then the public security of Shi Ganxing will be out of control.

He needs to find out why he fought, so as to solve these problems along the source, otherwise, the life of shiganxing will not be peaceful.


when he is ready to continue to do the work of mysterious battle armour, a prompt sound appears. In their radar display, an extremely fast armor is approaching them from the flank.

The armour is white, like a white tiger, with wild and bloodthirsty nature. It seems that you can see the cold eyes of the internal armour division when you look at the red eyes of the armour.

I don't know why, Anshan feels that this white armor is so familiar.

White spark and Vijay also find the fast approaching armor. They are sure that they are not the armor division on their own side. They are guessing whether it is the helper called by the mysterious Armor Division in front or the helper of the other side, or the fourth party entering the arena?

But either way, it's not good news.

Flight path calculation, new battle armor will appear between them and that mysterious battle armor, which is not good.

Jingge's speed is very fast. This is Chen Mo's first time to use full power speed in actual combat after he made war armour for him.

Speed up again and surprise the white spark.

Her armor, in the indigo armor, is of medium and high speed, and then purple armor, and the most powerful God armor. Those two kinds of armor can only be obtained by the most core and powerful genius in the divine civilization.

She thinks she's fast, but the other side's speed seems to be a little faster than her.

Another master.

White spark was a bit messy. She judged that the mysterious warrior in front of the demon flame civilization warrior was an expert. She didn't expect another one to appear now.

When, the master so cheap, a middle-level stone Ganxing, there is such a powerful master.

She paid attention to the new armour. She was approaching them. She didn't mean to slow down at all, but faster.

Soon, the new battle armour is only ten thousand miles away from them, and they are only tens of thousands kilometers away from the mysterious battle armour division that captured and escaped the battle armour division. In a minute, they can catch up with each other.

All three can calculate the flight path of white armor. To their surprise, white armor doesn't slow down even if it's close.

But the next moment, they realize they are wrong.


The three men are ready to attack white armor. A sudden sonic boom explodes on the flank of white armor. The original straight flight suddenly turns into a broken line, and the target points to the front Vijay.

Boom! At the moment when everyone thought that they were going to bump into Vijay, white battle a stopped for two meters on the side of Vijay.

The instant stop of a thousand miles in a blink arouses the sound explosion of terror.

When I saw this scene, my face did not change much.

The super fast instant stop of thousands of miles in a blink makes the air of the battle armour division seem to suffocate. Only one action can express the strength of the white battle armour incisively and vividly.

Since Zijun of Ziwei civilization killed the legendary battle division Lei Huo with the instant stop of sub light speed and won the Blackstone war, instant stop has become a synonym for strength.

This is a legendary high-level tactical action. The higher the speed of the instant stop, the higher the requirements for physical quality and response, and also test the performance of battle armour and the control of battle armour division over battle armour.

Just now, they could see clearly that the white war armour stopped at a very high speed, almost wandering around, as if it were the most common action.

How strong is the war armour division?

They can't imagine.

This is the first time Jingge has used up his full speed since he put on the armor.

According to Chen Mo, he turns the original black [beast] into a white coating to hide his identity. At the same time, he stopped three battle armour divisions. Jingge felt like a cold Hunter coming back to the forest of manshanxing. He was cold, decisive and without any drag.

Prey, in his view, has only one result, that is death.

In the jungle, dead prey is the safest.

The eyes under Zhan Jia seem to be familiar when they return to fighting with wild animals in the jungle of Manshan star.

Jingo and Vijay's line of sight collision is only a moment, less than 0.01 seconds, but only this moment, let Vijay feel brain coagulation, seems to spend a long night.

What he saw was the blood red eyes of the war armor, but the sense of horror was real. It seemed that under the war armor mask, the cold and merciless eyes penetrated, a sense of reality that was strangled by death.The next moment, Jingge moved.

It's like seeing the beast of prey, the main engine of the battle armor under his feet and behind him breaking out. His body instantly bullies the back of Vijay, and uses the simplest and rudest action to play the performance of the beast to the extreme.


Before vyges could even respond, he heard a muffled sound, and his frozen brain worked again, but he was only given endless pain, and his increasingly weak consciousness, and finally fell into darkness.

In the blink of an eye, Vijay died.

The face under the mask of the white spark battle armor is white, and the eyes are a little scary.

She just noticed that although the leader of the evil flame civilization is inferior to her, he is definitely not a soft persimmon. He is the best in the blue life. It's such a good armour division. It's killed just in the moment of fighting with the other side, or even there's no time to fight back.

Is the enemy's strength so terrible?

Fear was aroused in her heart at this moment and could not be contained.

At the moment when she looked at white war armour, she found that the other side also turned to look at her. The cold white battle armour mask, the cold blood eyes without any temperature, looks like being put on the neck by the death scythe, and a cold wave from her tail to her brain.