Science and Technology Library

Chapter 808

"Can't jump?"

Jinggewan's unchanging poker face looks cool and handsome. The little beast is in his hand, enjoying his stroking.

In the Manshan nationality, Jingge is a cold man who even keeps adults and children away. Chen Mo even heard Tuoli say that the wild animals in the forest were afraid of Jingge before, but unexpectedly, the small animals were not afraid of him.

In the two years of manshanxing, when Chen Mo wrote his monograph, the little beast often went to Jingge and luomao. The iron man, who looks cold, actually likes rolling cats, not cats, but a cute little female beast who doesn't know her name.

Chen Mo looked at the energy prompt of the spacecraft and said lightly, "antimatter is exhausted."

They have come out of the small universe. The space gate has already been closed and opened again. Chen Mo needs to rebuild a space connector from outside the main universe, input the space amplitude data of the small universe, so as to open the space gate of the small universe from outside, or open the space connector from inside the small universe again.

Because the space connectors do not have a specific space coordinate, they appear in a remote corner of the universe, which is 40 billion light-years away from the location of the supernova Virgo in raniakaya, almost across half the universe.

In order to get back to Earth early, Chen Mo has made more than 30 long-distance space jumps in just 100 hours. Now, he is more than 100 light-years away from raniakaya superstar system. The antimatter energy carried on the spacecraft has been exhausted, which can no longer support them to carry out the space jump at a super long distance.

Otherwise, antimatter will be completely consumed on the way, and it will drift in space.

"What to do?" Jingge asked.

"Look where the nearest civilization is, and go there to replenish antimatter energy."

For the cosmic alliance, antimatter is as common as the oil of the earth in those days. There are many stars specialized in supplying antimatter energy in every cosmic alliance civilization galaxy.

Chen Mo opened the quantum radar for life detection and the matrix telescope. Soon, specific data appeared in the spacecraft.

There are very few civilizations here. It should be a suburb of cosmic civilization. Two light-years away, there is a life-intensive planetary belt. There should be a relatively large civilization there.

"In the third quadrant, two light-years away, there is a life intensive area. It's the life belt of lycopene. You can jump there, trim it for a while, reserve antimatter energy, and then jump."

Chen Mo enters the approximate space coordinates of the life intensive planetary belt into the space curvature spacecraft.

It's impossible to jump at a distance of more than 100 million light-years, but now it can jump at will.

Their star map is the original speed of light spacecraft of the three eye civilization.

With billions of years of development of the universe alliance, the universe star map has been very complete. Even a low-level civilization can get a complete universe star map and power distribution map, let alone the middle-level civilization of the three eye civilization.

Ten minutes later, Chen Mo's spaceship appeared in the space of Shigan system. With the help of radar, you can see the dense life stars all around.

"Go to the main star of the Lycoris system."

Chen Mo looks at the map and locks the target at the distance between two light hours.

According to the map, the location of the system is relatively remote, and it is a medium-level civilized galaxy. Most of the life here is dominated by blue level civilization. The status of the system in the universe is one level lower than that of the origin city.

Within the distance of two light hours from the main star of the galaxy, it is not the jumping landing range of space curvature spacecraft, which is the regulation of the space alliance. This is to prevent the main star's civilized life from escaping when the enemy attacks it with Galaxy level destruction weapons.

"Jingge, why do you want to come out with me?" On the way to Shigan, Chen Mo suddenly asked. He is always curious about the reason why Jingge left the small universe with him.

"It's no fun there. We can't fight. People don't need my protection." Jingge light mouth.

For Jingge, manshanxing is really boring.

In the past, there were still people in the clan to protect. After Chen Mo transformed manshanxing, he also gave the clansmen war armour and various technologies. Now, the clansmen don't need protection at all.

"You need help." Jingge added another sentence.

"Eh? All right. "

Chen Mo is noncommittal.

Jingge's strength is very strong, especially after having the battle armor, its fighting power is very strong, and Jingge has the perception super ability of fighting consciousness, a born warrior.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

"Help! Help

During the chat, the sound of the public channel of the spaceship appeared. The display of the fire control radar of the spacecraft also appears. One red dot is being chased by seven red dots, coming towards them.

The escape red dot is sent by the electromagnetic wave of the public channel of the space alliance, which can be received by the spacecraft.

When the automatic defense mode of the spacecraft is turned on and the radar is illuminated, all scenes appear in front of Chen Mo and Jingge.

A Orc life wearing Orc like battle armor appears in the hologram, and there are seven battle armor in pursuit, a chase in space.It's rare. Chen Mo met it for the first time.

"Friend, help me, I'm the prince of the Green River civilization of the stone and sweet star system. Help me back, and I'll thank you again."

"Please help me."

I found that I was locked by the fire control of the spacecraft, and the escaping battle armor was in a hurry. I kept calling for help to the public channel, and the speed of approaching the spacecraft did not decrease.

"Friend, I can give you money, as long as you save me, I am willing to pay a billion star reward, a billion star."

Chen Mo's eyes brightened when he heard a billion star coins.

He has just come out of the universe and is penniless. He is worried about where to take money to replenish the antimatter energy in the system. Unexpectedly, someone sent him to the door.

At first, he didn't want to worry about this. After all, he had nothing to do with the other party and didn't need to get into trouble. But now, the other party is willing to pay, which is the money he needs most. He doesn't mind meddling in business once.

"Are you sure you want to pay billion star?" Chen Mo opens his mouth.

Giorgio was very anxious. He came out to play today. Unexpectedly, the ship was ambushed and finally ended up escaping. I didn't expect that the other side would pursue him. Now there are few energy and weapons left in the war armour. If he can't escape, he will die in space.

In this kind of environment, it's too easy to kill.

He was already in despair. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, his armour radar indicated that a spaceship suddenly appeared nearby, so he did not hesitate to turn around.

The sudden appearance of the ship was his last hope.

The first call for help is useless. The fire control radar of the opponent's spacecraft does not disappear. Once he gets close, he will be attacked by the opponent's spacecraft.

However, he can only throw out the temptation of money.

Any civilized life in the universe has the same desire for wealth.

"Are you sure you want to pay billion star?"

The short sentence sent by the spaceship on the public channel made Joe grie look ecstatic, as if the sound of nature: "yes, a billion star reward, don't cheat you."

"My friend, don't worry about it, or you'll get into trouble." Hearing that Chen Mo was moved by the reward of one billion star coins, the pursuers in the rear were obviously in a hurry. They used the public channel to warn Chen Mo's spaceship.

"Mo Nu, remove the fire control and aim at him." Chen Mo ignored the chaser's warning and ordered.

When the radar found that the target was relieved of fire control and aimed, Giorgio was ecstatic. He accelerated without hesitation, entered the fire control range of the spacecraft, and passed towards the spacecraft.

Seven chasers are afraid to approach outside the fire control of the spacecraft. They are obviously in a bad mood.

"My friend, look at your spaceship. It should not be the life of our galaxy. Hand over Giorgio. If you leave, we can take it as if it didn't happen. There's no need to make trouble for ourselves." The lead chaser again issued a low warning on the public channel.

"Billion star coins, will you give them to me?" Chen Mo replies lightly.

A billion star coins can save him a lot of effort.

"So friends are going to get involved in the end?"

The first chaser was very anxious to see that Giorgio was about to enter the ship. If Jorge is saved, today's mission will be ruined.

But Chen Mo didn't answer him.

"Then die with him." The first chaser opens the weapon of battle armour, facing the battle armour, does not hesitate to start.
