Science and Technology Library

Chapter 748

Chen wakes up in silence.

Wake up in a sleep pod.

As you can see, there are seven or eight extraterrestrials outside the sleeping cabin. They are all humanoids, and the skin on their faces is blue-green.

They are very large in size, ranging from three or four meters high to only one meter or five meters short. They have different shapes, but they have one common feature: three eyes.

The most awe inspiring thing for Chen Mo is that aliens are full body armor, like soldiers.

These armours have different forms, but they have a strong sense of technology. Think of each other's arresting device, you can easily catch him. In front of these battle armours, he has no resistance at all.


I don't know how long I've been arrested.

Chen Mo remembers that when he was on earth, he tried his best to destroy only one of the catchers, but he still failed to escape the capture of the alien catcher.

If it's not because Mo Nu is a robot and the catcher doesn't catch the robot, I'm afraid Mo Nu will also be caught.

Thinking that Xiaoyu is still pregnant, Chen Mo has a little cramp in his heart.

He understood that he had no room for resistance in the current situation. Now under the control of the other party, if he angered them, he would be mercilessly wiped out.

I don't know what I'm going to face. I just hope I don't sleep too long.

As long as there is no death, there is hope to escape.

Back to God, outside the sleeping cabin, a light screen video demonstrates taking the instrument, which means very obvious.

Chen Mo pondered and put the instrument on.

"The instrument you are wearing is a translator of conscious language, which can translate your respective conscious language into the universal language of the universe alliance."

After torrell's voice was translated, it reached everyone's ears.

In the sleeping cabin that has already waked up, there is a slight commotion. However, the cabin door is imprisoned and cannot escape at all.

Many lives are calm, scared, panicked, awed and worshipped. Some timid lives, when they see the aliens around them, are covering their heads and screaming, looking frightened.

Torrell ignored these emotions.

Raniakaya's exploration of the supergalaxy is over. As soon as he returned to the origin City, he was separated from the blue master's team. Now he is going to start his own research activities.

Lanshi is an archaeology researcher. He is engaged in biological research. The research projects of the two are different.

The orderly arrangement of dormancy silos in front of us is the harvest of this cosmic exploration.

In each sleeping cabin, there is a creature, including more than 20 different red intelligent biological species of humanoid, orcoid, sea like and insect like.

One hundred thousand creatures are still alive.

Torrell's eyes were fixed on Chen mo.

Chen Mo is also looking at him.

He was very impressed by Chen Mo, the pioneer of the remote little blue star civilization, which is the most special one among the 100000 creatures he captured.

In order to catch Chen Mo, he damaged two catchers, one low-level and one high-level.

But Chen Mo also brought him many surprises.

The evolution of this civilization pioneer is much higher than that of other humanoids of that little blue star. The color of blood is different, the physical quality is much stronger, almost reaching the green biological level.

Small blue star is a red intelligent life. In the brain wave detection and comparison, Chen Mo's brain development is comparable to that of blue life, which is equivalent to his equal brain development. He is very smart.

And Chen Mo's blood is golden, like an evolved humanoid, very special.

"Sanya, come here." Torrell turned to wristwatch and said.

Bang bang bang!!!

Over a huge training ground, two battle armours are fighting in the air, one is painted in blue and one is painted in silver. On the battle armour, there are very conspicuous signs and three eyes.

The life of the origin city knows that this is the symbol of the three eye civilization.

The sound of metal collision explodes, causing eardrum pain.


The two battle armours in the middle of the battle suddenly separated, and the silver coated battle armour bounced open, falling like a meteorite on the training ground, blasting a big hole.

Blue armor hovers in the air and lands slowly. The armour is folded up to show its true face. In torrell's mouth, Sanya is a young man with three eyes, short stature and smart look.

"Professor, are you back? I'm doing combat training. What can I do for you? "

"Help me to arrange a group of creatures to qingshuixing." Torrell's voice came from the ear.

"OK, Professor, I'll go now."

Ten minutes later, Sanya appeared in torrell's research area, glanced at the sleeping cabin in the cabin, and took back her eyes.

"Is this the result of Professor Rania Kaya's trip?"

"Yes, it's very dangerous this time. I almost couldn't come back when I met a space turbulence." Torrell was horrified at the thought of space turbulence and looked at the orderly arranged sleeping cabin in front of his eyes: "you arrange these red class humanoid creatures to qingshuixing, and these are arranged to Qingshui college."Torrell points to Chen Mo in the first row of sleeping pods, and several other different creatures.

"So quickly put these lower life into Qingshui college?" Sanya's voice is full of curiosity.


Torrel nodded.

"During the trip to lanyakaya, we found many new intelligent species. Their civilization has developed rapidly to a star level civilization. They are very intelligent and understand a lot of cosmic rules. Especially for this kind of people, he is the pioneer of civilization of a ethnic group, which is more precious. You arrange him to enter the research class of Qingshui University. "

Torrell points to chenmo.

After the arrangement, torrell turned and left.

This is not the first time. Sanya will deal with the rest. He doesn't have to worry too much.


Qingshuixing, one of the millions of unobtrusive satellites in the origin City, is located in the livable zone with one light day away from the origin city.

this is a very common earth like planet, belonging to a small star under the three eye civilization, and a biological cultivation experimental planet of the three eye civilization.

Red carbon based organisms must rely on oxygen and water to maintain their lives. Mercury is an oxygen rich planet.

This kind of planet, everywhere in the universe alliance, is quite a small experimental base, many of which are places where high-level civilizations breed and study low-level creatures.

Seen from space, mercury is a blue-green planet.

The spaceship landed in qingshuixing. Sanya went to the cabin of the sleeping cabin and scanned for a week.

"Next you will live on a new planet. We will not kill you. Remember to obey the rules of the planet, or you will be killed by other life on the planet."

Cold and emotionless language, from the translator to every creature's ear, makes all the life heard shudder.

"When you get off the ship, there will be arrangements and order."

Sanya spoke quickly. With a wave of his hand, the door of the cabin of the spaceship opened, and the dormant cabin suspended and flew towards the door of the cabin.

Soldiers in battle armor followed, leaving the capsule.

Chen Mo, who has been staying in the sleeping cabin quietly, only feels that a strange planet appears in front of him.

The style of the planet is more avant-garde than that of the earth, and there are all kinds of science fiction buildings and holographic projections everywhere. There are also many towering trees with beautiful greening. There is no sun in the sky, only a huge and incomparable planet, which looks like the scene in science fiction movies.

Everything is strange, but it is another world, an alien world that does not know how far away from the solar system.