Science and Technology Library

Chapter 726

Peerless in Chen Mo's computer lab, but also some baby fat face, meticulous.

Since childhood, the unique knowledge has surpassed the traditional professor and doctor. Chen Mo asked Mo Nu to teach the unique knowledge without reservation.

At this time, matchless is very serious.

In the past, it was aunt Mo and her father who gave her a project to finish. Now, it's not easy to find a project of her own, and her father also asked her to develop and research by herself, so she is very attentive.

Sometimes I would trudge from school to do experiments.

This kind of "bad habit" of loving research was seriously warned by her mother, who ordered her not to stay in the lab for as long as her father, and to learn other courses besides mathematics, physics and computer in a regular way.

Even if it's a father who loves her, it doesn't contradict her mother.

So she could only obey Xiaoyu's arrangement and enter the laboratory at the appointed time. If Xiaoyu knew that she would skip class, she would not even be able to enter her father's lab for a while.

At the moment of matchless concentration, the door of the laboratory was opened, and Chen Mo and Mo Nu came in.

"Matchless, it's time to go home for dinner." Chen Mo stands in front of Wushuang.

"Dad, will you wait a second?"

"No, you can't go back later. Your mother is going to trouble me. Hurry up."

"Dad, you're afraid of your wife."

"Hey, little girl, which eye do you see that I'm afraid of my wife? Don't delay, or you won't be able to come in next time. "

"All right."

Matchless some reluctant to save the data files on the computer, take off the experimental robe, and follow Chen Mo to leave the laboratory.

"Where has your subject been studied?"

In the car, Chen Mo asks.

Unique topic, he let Mo female tutor pay attention to, occasionally ask, don't understand, have mo female answer to her, occasionally Chen Mo will also ask her learning situation. Unparalleled current research is a learning process.

Unparalleled to open a lollipop in his mouth, think about the way.

"I've thought about it. Quantum virtual reality games can create a quantum virtual world. Now, the knowledge and technology I have learned jump to the level of quantum virtual reality. It is impossible to achieve complete virtual reality, so start with simplicity. "

"From easy to hard, the direction is right." Chen Mo nodded and said, "it's a simple start. Where do you start?"

"I first combined the traditional VR technology and brain control technology to make the first generation of virtual helmets, and then improved step by step."

"What did aunt Mo tell you?"

"No, I think so." Said matchless Ao Jiao.

"Very clever." Chen Mo touched the unparalleled head and said with appreciation, "when you finish your work, I'll tell Aunt Min that she will definitely give you a large product launch."


Xiaoyu holds a bowl of soup for Chen and sits beside him. Matchless and Mo Nu are also on the table. The family is very harmonious. Although Mo Nu doesn't eat, she will accompany them.

"I stewed pigeon soup today. How does it taste?"

"Good to drink." Chen Mo took a sip of soup and looked at the lonely Xiaoyu beside him: "the Mars project is waiting for the results. How many days should I rest and go out for a walk tonight?"

"Good." Xiaoyu nods.

The Mars transformation project has reached the final stage.

Chen Mo is ready for all the preparations. Now it's time to wait for the results. With the success of the Mars volunteer experiment, Chen Mo can enter a new stage of research.

So Chen Mo gives himself a little holiday and waits quietly.

After dinner, Chen Mo takes Xiaoyu and Mo NV away to relax.

The three walked by the seawall.

Xiaoyu holds Chen Mo's arm and walks quietly.

She was in a bad mood. Chen Mo could feel it clearly. Xiaoyu is a little worried during this period. As the person who knows Xiaoyu best, Chen Mo naturally finds out, so he accompanies Xiaoyu.

Ordinary Xiaoyu never buries his mind. He will tell him everything whether he is happy or unhappy.

"Honey, can you carry me?" Xiaoyu looks up and blinks at Chen mo.

"All right, come on up."

Xiaoyu's body is tightly attached to Chen Mo's back and his head is buried on Chen Mo's shoulder. Chen Mo could hear Xiaoyu's breathing clearly, and there was a little warmth behind his ears.

They have a tacit understanding of their characters. After marriage, they always keep the fresh feeling of their relationship, which is still like a couple in love.

Chen Mo is walking slowly, enjoying the peace. Chen Mo can also feel that Xiaoyu's mood is slowly improving.



"Why can't I always have a baby?" Xiaoyu whispers in Chen Mo's ear.

She wants to have a second child. Chen's father and mother want to have another granddaughter, including her parents, as well as another grandson. But a few months later, she calculated the time of ovulation. The couple's life was more frequent than before. Without contraceptive measures, their stomachs just didn't move.That's why she's unhappy.

"Is it because of this unhappiness?" Asked Chen mo.

"Well." Xiaoyu nodded slightly: "is there something wrong with my body? Do you want to check it? "

"It could be my problem."

Chen Mo recalled the role of science and Technology Library.

The library of science and technology has evolved his brain several times. The last time he completed the super speed of light communication technology, a drop of golden liquid appeared to transform his body. He had to suspect that it was these reasons that led to some changes in his body.

"Maybe it's reproductive isolation." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"I'm not kidding this time." Xiaoyu gave Chen Mo a light beating and said angrily.

"No kidding, maybe it's my problem."

"You are as strong as a cow. What can I do for you? Are you doing experiments with your body and injecting some medicine? " Xiaoyu was surprised and asked nervously, forgetting to be angry.

"No, I'm not a science nut. I will not do anything dangerous to my body. I will use it only when I am sure that the medicine is harmless. "

Chen Mo holds Xiaoyu's hand and taps her on the thigh to calm her mood.

"My husband has a secret, which may be caused by it. When the Mars reconstruction project is completed, I will tell you all, OK?"


Xiaoyu nods heavily and hugs Chen Mo's arm more tightly. She didn't ask for any secrets. Chen Mo should let her know. She would never hide it from her. She also absolutely trusted Chen mo.

"Can I have a baby later?"

"Yes, definitely. After the Mars project, I will study how to make my wife have a healthy and intelligent baby."

Xiaoyu is shy and happy.

"It's all about research, madness and taking your wife as an experiment?"

"Or I'll find another woman to study?" Chen Mo asked jokingly.

"Dare you? Kill you. "

Xiaoyu is in a hurry. He bites Chen Mo's shoulder and dare not use too much force.

"Happy Xiaoyu is my husband's treasure. Don't be unhappy in the future. Just tell my husband if you have anything to do." Chen Mo said.

"Well." Quiet down Xiaoyu, cleverly lying on Chen Mo's back, depressed mood disappeared: "husband, is it tired to carry me?"

"Not tired, you are light as feathers." Chen Mo said easily, "if you want any gift, my husband will carry it to you."

"Lipstick, rose."

"Still so unpromising."

"My husband is so powerful, your wife is so unpromising, I am more promising than you."

"It seems reasonable and logical. But your logic is a bit like Russell's paradox, that is, barber's paradox, there used to be a barber... "

Xiaoyu kisses Chen Mo on the face, lies on his back quietly, listens to his "long talk" story, and enjoys it very much.