Science and Technology Library

Chapter 717

"I have seen the situation of YingZhuo city with you yesterday. I will not go out today. I will broadcast a special program to you."

Little man sat comfortably in the back chair and made himself a cup of hot tea.

The gravity of Mars is much better than that of the moon. In addition, her body has been developed, so after arriving at Mars, she will soon adapt to the gravity environment here.

She came to Mars without doing experiments and other experiments. Her mission is to broadcast live, to give fans popular knowledge about Mars.

"Again? Sister in law! "

"Your brother-in-law wants to chase Mars and spank you. Do you want to break the news?"

"You're a very bad sister-in-law, but I like it."


As soon as Xiaoman enters the live broadcast room, the curtain of the bullet will be bustling.

In recent days, there has been a constant explosion of various kinds of black technology, which makes people change the advanced level of technology of marching ant group.

Now I hear Xiaoman say that he wants to create "matchless forum". He always wants to let matchless forum have something handed down. Otherwise, after a one-time carnival, it will be forgotten, which is not what chenmo wants.

What he needs is to build matchless forum into the world's top academic forum and the most authoritative academic platform.

After the applause went out, Chen Murai spoke seriously.

"I am holding the matchless forum today. The purpose is to provide a platform for academic exchange in this turbulent time of war. I hope that all scientific researchers, in this turbulent time, will not give up their pursuit of learning or use scientific research technology to benefit mankind.

In the future, the matchless forum will be held every two years. It is hoped that the matchless forum will continue to play its role in human scientific research and provide a fair, open and inclusive academic exchange platform for global researchers. "

Speaking of this, Chen Mo stops, sweeps around the meeting place, and then says.

"At the same time, I will set up an" unparalleled Award "to select various fields of science, which will contribute to mankind and pay the most attention to scientific discoveries and achievements. I will set up a special fund to provide special bonus for the awards. "

As soon as Chen Mo uttered these words, the whole meeting was in a state of turmoil.

In the quiet meeting place, it became noisy, and many people had already begun to talk to each other.

Read carefully, Chen Mo's words have many meanings.

There are all top talents from all walks of life in the world, who can naturally hear the meaning of Chen Mo's words.

"There's a bit of information."

"Chen Mo wants to replace the Nobel Prize and create the highest academic award?"

"That's what I mean."

"Throughout the global scientific community, Chen Mo is the only one who has the ability, courage and authority to set up a new award. After all, over the years, Nobel Prize has been subject to more and more external interference and has lost its purity and authority. It's good to have new awards. "

Some academic magnates began to talk in low voices.

Once upon a time, in the cold war decade of confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union developed many top-notch and epoch-making scientific achievements, and even surpassed the United States in strength. But in that decade, the Soviet Union's number of Nobel prizes was zero.

In recent decades, Chinese academic research is also the top in the world, with many new discoveries, but the number of Nobel prizes is still very small. The Chinese members of the Nobel Prize Committee are even less.

There are also scandals in various awards, such as the peace prize and the literature prize, which make its purity and authority collapse. Without its authority, awards lose their true soul and meaning.

Moreover, the number of Nobel Prize winners is limited. In modern research with teamwork as the core, the limit is very large. Winning a Nobel Prize is often not the best technology in the field.

"Here, I announce that in two years, when the matchless forum is held again, the matchless award will be officially awarded. At the end of this matchless forum, matchless universities will invite experts in the field of science from all over the world to select and establish matchless committees to evaluate and select global scientific research projects.

The findings and research results of my personal laboratory are not included in the evaluation. For the research achievements that have successfully entered the prize winning list, the discoverer or research team will be rewarded with 10 million Huaxia coins. "

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was in uproar.

After the energy reform, the world economic crisis, the international economic market reshuffle, the international monetary system has already changed. As one of the two major trading currencies, the value of Chinese currency has increased, more than five times higher than before.

For Chen Mo, the bonus of 10 million Chinese coins may be a drop in the ocean, but for the ordinary research team, it is definitely a great bonus.

And there's a prize set up by Chen Mo, the God of science.

"With courage."

"Chen Mo is very kind."

"I am unique, which is the highest pursuit of the scientific research team. With this pursuit, science will continue to advance. "

"Although the significance and authority of the Nobel Prize are still praised by ordinary people, in the academic circle, in addition to the physics prize and the medicine prize, other awards have already lost their authority and are just like chicken ribs. And without the computer prize, the mathematics prize, the biology prize and so on, we can't keep up with the times. "After Chen Mo confirmed the establishment of the "matchless Award", people watching the live broadcast were very excited.

This is an epoch-making forum, they seem to witness a legendary award, rising from here.

"Why does Dad use my name?" Peerless in the audience murmured to Xiaoyu.

"Because Dad loves you very much, and the name has a special meaning." Said Xiaoyu softly.

"Why don't you use dad's name? It's called Chen Mo prize. " Peerless thought to say: "anyway, it was founded by Dad, no one else would object, and dad is so powerful."

"Your father's achievements don't need an award to pass on his name." Zhao Min said with a smile.

"Then I don't have to."

Peerless look at the father on the stage.

"I know you don't have to. Your father's name for this award is to hope that the winners and the team are as unique as your name." Xiaoyu explained.

"I don't want to be unique. I want my mother to have some brothers and sisters to play for me."


The painting style changes a little fast. Zhao Min beside her is amused. Xiaoyu is funny and helpless. She taps her head twice.

On the stage, Chen Mo has explained the establishment of the awards.

This matchless forum has attracted the attention of the global academic community. Chen Mo made a speech at the opening of the matchless forum and proposed the establishment of a top prize to make the atmosphere of the matchless forum more intense and energetic.

At the end of the opening speech, following the agenda of the forum, is Chen Mo's lecture on the theory of superluminal communication, which is the highlight of the forum.